/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "formattexteditor.h" #include "textdocument.h" #include "textdocumentlayout.h" #include "texteditor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace TextEditor { void formatCurrentFile(const Command &command, int startPos, int endPos) { if (TextEditorWidget *editor = TextEditorWidget::currentTextEditorWidget()) formatEditorAsync(editor, command, startPos, endPos); } static QString sourceData(TextEditorWidget *editor, int startPos, int endPos) { return (startPos < 0) ? editor->toPlainText() : Utils::Text::textAt(editor->textCursor(), startPos, (endPos - startPos)); } static FormatTask format(FormatTask task) { task.error.clear(); task.formattedData.clear(); const QString executable = task.command.executable(); if (executable.isEmpty()) return task; switch (task.command.processing()) { case Command::FileProcessing: { // Save text to temporary file const QFileInfo fi(task.filePath); Utils::TempFileSaver sourceFile(Utils::TemporaryDirectory::masterDirectoryPath() + "/qtc_beautifier_XXXXXXXX." + fi.suffix()); sourceFile.setAutoRemove(true); sourceFile.write(task.sourceData.toUtf8()); if (!sourceFile.finalize()) { task.error = QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "Cannot create temporary file \"%1\": %2.")) .arg(sourceFile.filePath().toUserOutput(), sourceFile.errorString()); return task; } // Format temporary file QStringList options = task.command.options(); options.replaceInStrings(QLatin1String("%file"), sourceFile.filePath().toString()); QtcProcess process; process.setTimeoutS(5); process.setCommand({FilePath::fromString(executable), options}); process.runBlocking(); if (process.result() != QtcProcess::FinishedWithSuccess) { task.error = QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "Failed to format: %1.")) .arg(process.exitMessage()); return task; } const QString output = process.stdErr(); if (!output.isEmpty()) task.error = executable + QLatin1String(": ") + output; // Read text back Utils::FileReader reader; if (!reader.fetch(sourceFile.filePath(), QIODevice::Text)) { task.error = QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "Cannot read file \"%1\": %2.")) .arg(sourceFile.filePath().toUserOutput(), reader.errorString()); return task; } task.formattedData = QString::fromUtf8(reader.data()); } return task; case Command::PipeProcessing: { QProcess process; QStringList options = task.command.options(); options.replaceInStrings("%filename", QFileInfo(task.filePath).fileName()); options.replaceInStrings("%file", task.filePath); process.start(executable, options); if (!process.waitForStarted(3000)) { task.error = QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "Cannot call %1 or some other error occurred.")) .arg(executable); return task; } process.write(task.sourceData.toUtf8()); process.closeWriteChannel(); if (!process.waitForFinished(5000)) { process.kill(); task.error = QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "Cannot call %1 or some other error occurred. Timeout " "reached while formatting file %2.")) .arg(executable, task.filePath); return task; } const QByteArray errorText = process.readAllStandardError(); if (!errorText.isEmpty()) { task.error = QString::fromLatin1("%1: %2").arg(executable, QString::fromUtf8(errorText)); return task; } task.formattedData = QString::fromUtf8(process.readAllStandardOutput()); if (task.command.pipeAddsNewline() && task.formattedData.endsWith('\n')) { task.formattedData.chop(1); if (task.formattedData.endsWith('\r')) task.formattedData.chop(1); } if (task.command.returnsCRLF()) task.formattedData.replace("\r\n", "\n"); return task; } } return task; } /** * Sets the text of @a editor to @a text. Instead of replacing the entire text, however, only the * actually changed parts are updated while preserving the cursor position, the folded * blocks, and the scroll bar position. */ static void updateEditorText(QPlainTextEdit *editor, const QString &text) { const QString editorText = editor->toPlainText(); if (editorText == text) return; // Calculate diff Differ differ; const QList diff = differ.diff(editorText, text); // Since QTextCursor does not work properly with folded blocks, all blocks must be unfolded. // To restore the current state at the end, keep track of which block is folded. QList foldedBlocks; QTextBlock block = editor->document()->firstBlock(); while (block.isValid()) { if (const TextBlockUserData *userdata = static_cast(block.userData())) { if (userdata->folded()) { foldedBlocks << block.blockNumber(); TextDocumentLayout::doFoldOrUnfold(block, true); } } block = block.next(); } editor->update(); // Save the current viewport position of the cursor to ensure the same vertical position after // the formatted text has set to the editor. int absoluteVerticalCursorOffset = editor->cursorRect().y(); // Update changed lines and keep track of the cursor position QTextCursor cursor = editor->textCursor(); int charactersInfrontOfCursor = cursor.position(); int newCursorPos = charactersInfrontOfCursor; cursor.beginEditBlock(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); for (const Diff &d : diff) { switch (d.command) { case Diff::Insert: { // Adjust cursor position if we do work in front of the cursor. if (charactersInfrontOfCursor > 0) { const int size = d.text.size(); charactersInfrontOfCursor += size; newCursorPos += size; } // Adjust folded blocks, if a new block is added. if (d.text.contains('\n')) { const int newLineCount = d.text.count('\n'); const int number = cursor.blockNumber(); const int total = foldedBlocks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < total; ++i) { if (foldedBlocks.at(i) > number) foldedBlocks[i] += newLineCount; } } cursor.insertText(d.text); break; } case Diff::Delete: { // Adjust cursor position if we do work in front of the cursor. if (charactersInfrontOfCursor > 0) { const int size = d.text.size(); charactersInfrontOfCursor -= size; newCursorPos -= size; // Cursor was inside the deleted text, so adjust the new cursor position if (charactersInfrontOfCursor < 0) newCursorPos -= charactersInfrontOfCursor; } // Adjust folded blocks, if at least one block is being deleted. if (d.text.contains('\n')) { const int newLineCount = d.text.count('\n'); const int number = cursor.blockNumber(); for (int i = 0, total = foldedBlocks.size(); i < total; ++i) { if (foldedBlocks.at(i) > number) { foldedBlocks[i] -= newLineCount; if (foldedBlocks[i] < number) { foldedBlocks.removeAt(i); --i; --total; } } } } cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, d.text.size()); cursor.removeSelectedText(); break; } case Diff::Equal: // Adjust cursor position charactersInfrontOfCursor -= d.text.size(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, d.text.size()); break; } } cursor.endEditBlock(); cursor.setPosition(newCursorPos); editor->setTextCursor(cursor); // Adjust vertical scrollbar absoluteVerticalCursorOffset = editor->cursorRect().y() - absoluteVerticalCursorOffset; const double fontHeight = QFontMetrics(editor->document()->defaultFont()).height(); editor->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(editor->verticalScrollBar()->value() + absoluteVerticalCursorOffset / fontHeight); // Restore folded blocks const QTextDocument *doc = editor->document(); for (int blockId : qAsConst(foldedBlocks)) { const QTextBlock block = doc->findBlockByNumber(qMax(0, blockId)); if (block.isValid()) TextDocumentLayout::doFoldOrUnfold(block, false); } editor->document()->setModified(true); } static void showError(const QString &error) { Core::MessageManager::writeFlashing( QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "Error in text formatting: %1")) .arg(error.trimmed())); } /** * Checks the state of @a task and if the formatting was successful calls updateEditorText() with * the respective members of @a task. */ static void checkAndApplyTask(const FormatTask &task) { if (!task.error.isEmpty()) { showError(task.error); return; } if (task.formattedData.isEmpty()) { showError(QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "Could not format file %1.")).arg( task.filePath)); return; } QPlainTextEdit *textEditor = task.editor; if (!textEditor) { showError(QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "File %1 was closed.")).arg( task.filePath)); return; } const QString formattedData = (task.startPos < 0) ? task.formattedData : QString(textEditor->toPlainText()).replace( task.startPos, (task.endPos - task.startPos), task.formattedData); updateEditorText(textEditor, formattedData); } /** * Formats the text of @a editor using @a command. @a startPos and @a endPos specifies the range of * the editor's text that will be formatted. If @a startPos is negative the editor's entire text is * formatted. * * @pre @a endPos must be greater than or equal to @a startPos */ void formatEditor(TextEditorWidget *editor, const Command &command, int startPos, int endPos) { QTC_ASSERT(startPos <= endPos, return); const QString sd = sourceData(editor, startPos, endPos); if (sd.isEmpty()) return; checkAndApplyTask(format(FormatTask(editor, editor->textDocument()->filePath().toString(), sd, command, startPos, endPos))); } /** * Behaves like formatEditor except that the formatting is done asynchronously. */ void formatEditorAsync(TextEditorWidget *editor, const Command &command, int startPos, int endPos) { QTC_ASSERT(startPos <= endPos, return); const QString sd = sourceData(editor, startPos, endPos); if (sd.isEmpty()) return; auto watcher = new QFutureWatcher; const TextDocument *doc = editor->textDocument(); QObject::connect(doc, &TextDocument::contentsChanged, watcher, &QFutureWatcher::cancel); QObject::connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcherBase::finished, [watcher] { if (watcher->isCanceled()) showError(QString(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("TextEditor", "File was modified."))); else checkAndApplyTask(watcher->result()); watcher->deleteLater(); }); watcher->setFuture(Utils::runAsync(&format, FormatTask(editor, doc->filePath().toString(), sd, command, startPos, endPos))); } } // namespace TextEditor