VcsBase::Internal::CommonSettingsPage 0 0 350 212 QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Wrap submit message at: false characters 40 200 72 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 An executable which is called with the submit message in a temporary file as first argument. It should return with an exit != 0 and a message on standard error to indicate failure. Submit message &check script: submitMessageCheckScriptChooser A file listing nicknames in a 4-column mailmap format: 'name <email> alias <email>'. User/&alias configuration file: nickNameMailMapChooser A simple file containing lines with field names like "Reviewed-By:" which will be added below the submit editor. User &fields configuration file: nickNameFieldsFileChooser Specifies a command that is executed to graphically prompt for a password, should a repository require SSH-authentication (see documentation on SSH and the environment variable SSH_ASKPASS). &SSH prompt command: sshPromptChooser Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 20 Reset information about which version control system handles which directory. Reset VCS Cache Utils::PathChooser QWidget
1 editingFinished() browsingFinished()
lineWrapCheckBox toggled(bool) lineWrapSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 175 21 216 21