include(../qtcreator.pri) # use gui precompiled header for plugins by default isEmpty(PRECOMPILED_HEADER):PRECOMPILED_HEADER = $$PWD/shared/qtcreator_gui_pch.h isEmpty(PROVIDER) { PROVIDER = QtProject } else { LIBS += -L$$IDE_PLUGIN_PATH/QtProject } isEmpty(USE_USER_DESTDIR) { DESTDIR = $$IDE_PLUGIN_PATH/$$PROVIDER } else { win32 { DESTDIRAPPNAME = "qtcreator" DESTDIRBASE = "$$(LOCALAPPDATA)" isEmpty(DESTDIRBASE):DESTDIRBASE="$$(USERPROFILE)\Local Settings\Application Data" } else:macx { DESTDIRAPPNAME = "Qt Creator" DESTDIRBASE = "$$(HOME)/Library/Application Support" } else:unix { DESTDIRAPPNAME = "qtcreator" DESTDIRBASE = "$$(XDG_DATA_HOME)" isEmpty(DESTDIRBASE):DESTDIRBASE = "$$(HOME)/.local/share/data" else:DESTDIRBASE = "$$DESTDIRBASE/data" } DESTDIR = "$$DESTDIRBASE/QtProject/$$DESTDIRAPPNAME/plugins/$$QTCREATOR_VERSION/$$PROVIDER" } LIBS += -L$$DESTDIR # copy the plugin spec isEmpty(TARGET) { error("qtcreatorplugin.pri: You must provide a TARGET") } isEqual(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) { defineReplace(stripOutDir) { return($$relative_path($$1, $$OUT_PWD)) } } else { # qt5 defineReplace(stripOutDir) { 1 ~= s|^$$re_escape($$OUT_PWD/)||$$i_flag return($$1) } } # qt5 PLUGINSPEC = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/$${TARGET}.pluginspec PLUGINSPEC_IN = $${PLUGINSPEC}.in exists($$PLUGINSPEC_IN) { OTHER_FILES += $$PLUGINSPEC_IN QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += $$PLUGINSPEC_IN PLUGINSPEC = $$OUT_PWD/$${TARGET}.pluginspec copy2build.output = $$DESTDIR/${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_IN_stripOutDir} } else { # need to support that for external plugins OTHER_FILES += $$PLUGINSPEC copy2build.output = $$DESTDIR/${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_IN_stripSrcDir} } copy2build.input = PLUGINSPEC isEmpty(vcproj):copy2build.variable_out = PRE_TARGETDEPS copy2build.commands = $$QMAKE_COPY ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} = COPY ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} copy2build.CONFIG += no_link QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += copy2build greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { # Create a Json file containing the plugin information required by # Qt 5's plugin system by running a XSLT sheet on the # pluginspec file before moc runs. XMLPATTERNS = $$targetPath($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/xmlpatterns) = Create Qt 5 plugin json file pluginspec2json.input = PLUGINSPEC pluginspec2json.variable_out = GENERATED_FILES pluginspec2json.output = $${TARGET}.json pluginspec2json.commands = $$XMLPATTERNS -no-format -output $$pluginspec2json.output $$PWD/pluginjsonmetadata.xsl $$PLUGINSPEC pluginspec2json.CONFIG += no_link moc_header.depends += $$pluginspec2json.output QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += pluginspec2json } macx { !isEmpty(TIGER_COMPAT_MODE) { QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME = -Wl,-install_name,@executable_path/../PlugIns/$${PROVIDER}/ } else { QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME = -Wl,-install_name,@rpath/PlugIns/$${PROVIDER}/ QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../../,-rpath,@executable_path/../ } } else:linux-* { #do the rpath by hand since it's not possible to use ORIGIN in QMAKE_RPATHDIR QMAKE_RPATHDIR += \$\$ORIGIN QMAKE_RPATHDIR += \$\$ORIGIN/.. QMAKE_RPATHDIR += \$\$ORIGIN/../.. IDE_PLUGIN_RPATH = $$join(QMAKE_RPATHDIR, ":") QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-z,origin \'-Wl,-rpath,$${IDE_PLUGIN_RPATH}\' QMAKE_RPATHDIR = } # put .pro file directory in INCLUDEPATH CONFIG += include_source_dir contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG += hide_symbols CONFIG += plugin plugin_with_soname linux*:QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$QMAKE_LFLAGS_NOUNDEF !macx { target.path = $$QTC_PREFIX/$$IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME/qtcreator/plugins/$$PROVIDER pluginspec.files += $${TARGET}.pluginspec pluginspec.path = $$QTC_PREFIX/$$IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME/qtcreator/plugins/$$PROVIDER INSTALLS += target pluginspec } TARGET = $$qtLibraryName($$TARGET)