TARGET = iostool QT += core QT += gui xml network CONFIG += console # Prevent from popping up in the dock when launched. # We embed the Info.plist file, so the application doesn't need to # be a bundle. QMAKE_LFLAGS += -sectcreate __TEXT __info_plist \"$$PWD/Info.plist\" CONFIG -= app_bundle LIBS += -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreServices -framework IOKit -lssl -lbz2 -framework Security -framework SystemConfiguration TEMPLATE = app include(../../../qtcreator.pri) # put into a subdir, so we can deploy a separate qt.conf for it DESTDIR = $$IDE_LIBEXEC_PATH/ios include(../../rpath.pri) SOURCES += main.cpp \ iosdevicemanager.cpp HEADERS += \ iosdevicemanager.h DISTFILES += Info.plist