// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick 2.0 Item { id: rootItem property variant source property real deviation: (radius + 1) / 3.3333 property real radius: 0.0 property int maximumRadius: 0 property real horizontalStep: 0.0 property real verticalStep: 0.0 property bool transparentBorder: false property bool cached: false property bool enableColor: false property color color: "white" property real spread: 0.0 property bool enableMask: false property variant maskSource SourceProxy { id: sourceProxy input: rootItem.source } SourceProxy { id: maskSourceProxy input: rootItem.maskSource } ShaderEffectSource { id: cacheItem anchors.fill: rootItem visible: rootItem.cached smooth: true sourceItem: shaderItem live: true hideSource: visible } ShaderEffect { id: shaderItem property variant source: sourceProxy.output property real deviation: Math.max(0.1, rootItem.deviation) property real radius: rootItem.radius property int maxRadius: rootItem.maximumRadius property bool transparentBorder: rootItem.transparentBorder property real gaussianSum: 0.0 property real startIndex: 0.0 property real deltaFactor: (2 * radius - 1) / (maxRadius * 2 - 1) property real expandX: transparentBorder && rootItem.horizontalStep > 0 ? maxRadius / width : 0.0 property real expandY: transparentBorder && rootItem.verticalStep > 0 ? maxRadius / height : 0.0 property variant gwts: [] property variant delta: Qt.vector3d(rootItem.horizontalStep * deltaFactor, rootItem.verticalStep * deltaFactor, startIndex); property variant factor_0_2: Qt.vector3d(gwts[0], gwts[1], gwts[2]); property variant factor_3_5: Qt.vector3d(gwts[3], gwts[4], gwts[5]); property variant factor_6_8: Qt.vector3d(gwts[6], gwts[7], gwts[8]); property variant factor_9_11: Qt.vector3d(gwts[9], gwts[10], gwts[11]); property variant factor_12_14: Qt.vector3d(gwts[12], gwts[13], gwts[14]); property variant factor_15_17: Qt.vector3d(gwts[15], gwts[16], gwts[17]); property variant factor_18_20: Qt.vector3d(gwts[18], gwts[19], gwts[20]); property variant factor_21_23: Qt.vector3d(gwts[21], gwts[22], gwts[23]); property variant factor_24_26: Qt.vector3d(gwts[24], gwts[25], gwts[26]); property variant factor_27_29: Qt.vector3d(gwts[27], gwts[28], gwts[29]); property variant factor_30_32: Qt.vector3d(gwts[30], gwts[31], gwts[32]); property color color: rootItem.color property real spread: 1.0 - (rootItem.spread * 0.98) property variant maskSource: maskSourceProxy.output anchors.fill: rootItem function gausFunc(x){ //Gaussian function = h(x):=(1/sqrt(2*3.14159*(D^2))) * %e^(-(x^2)/(2*(D^2))); return (1.0 / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI * (Math.pow(shaderItem.deviation, 2)))) * Math.pow(Math.E, -((Math.pow(x, 2)) / (2 * (Math.pow(shaderItem.deviation, 2))))); } function updateGaussianWeights() { gaussianSum = 0.0; startIndex = -maxRadius + 0.5 var n = new Array(32); for (var j = 0; j < 32; j++) n[j] = 0; var max = maxRadius * 2 var delta = (2 * radius - 1) / (max - 1); for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { n[i] = gausFunc(-radius + 0.5 + i * delta); gaussianSum += n[i]; } gwts = n; } function buildFragmentShader() { var shaderSteps = [ "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_0_2.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_0_2.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_0_2.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_3_5.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_3_5.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_3_5.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_6_8.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_6_8.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_6_8.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_9_11.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_9_11.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_9_11.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_12_14.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_12_14.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_12_14.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_15_17.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_15_17.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_15_17.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_18_20.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_18_20.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_18_20.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_21_23.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_21_23.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_21_23.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_24_26.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_24_26.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_24_26.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_27_29.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_27_29.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_27_29.z; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_30_32.x; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_30_32.y; texCoord += shift;", "gl_FragColor += texture2D(source, texCoord) * factor_30_32.z; texCoord += shift;" ] var shader = fragmentShaderBegin var samples = maxRadius * 2 if (samples > 32) { console.log("DirectionalGaussianBlur.qml WARNING: Maximum of blur radius (16) exceeded!") samples = 32 } for (var i = 0; i < samples; i++) { shader += shaderSteps[i] } shader += fragmentShaderEnd var colorizeSteps = "" var colorizeUniforms = "" var maskSteps = "" var maskUniforms = "" if (enableColor) { colorizeSteps += "gl_FragColor = mix(vec4(0), color, clamp((gl_FragColor.a - 0.0) / (spread - 0.0), 0.0, 1.0));\n" colorizeUniforms += "uniform highp vec4 color;\n" colorizeUniforms += "uniform highp float spread;\n" } if (enableMask) { maskSteps += "shift *= texture2D(maskSource, qt_TexCoord0).a;\n" maskUniforms += "uniform sampler2D maskSource;\n" } shader = shader.replace("PLACEHOLDER_COLORIZE_STEPS", colorizeSteps) shader = shader.replace("PLACEHOLDER_COLORIZE_UNIFORMS", colorizeUniforms) shader = shader.replace("PLACEHOLDER_MASK_STEPS", maskSteps) shader = shader.replace("PLACEHOLDER_MASK_UNIFORMS", maskUniforms) fragmentShader = shader } onDeviationChanged: updateGaussianWeights() onRadiusChanged: updateGaussianWeights() onTransparentBorderChanged: { buildFragmentShader() updateGaussianWeights() } onMaxRadiusChanged: { buildFragmentShader() updateGaussianWeights() } Component.onCompleted: { buildFragmentShader() updateGaussianWeights() } property string fragmentShaderBegin: " varying mediump vec2 qt_TexCoord0; uniform highp float qt_Opacity; uniform lowp sampler2D source; uniform highp vec3 delta; uniform highp vec3 factor_0_2; uniform highp vec3 factor_3_5; uniform highp vec3 factor_6_8; uniform highp vec3 factor_9_11; uniform highp vec3 factor_12_14; uniform highp vec3 factor_15_17; uniform highp vec3 factor_18_20; uniform highp vec3 factor_21_23; uniform highp vec3 factor_24_26; uniform highp vec3 factor_27_29; uniform highp vec3 factor_30_32; uniform highp float gaussianSum; uniform highp float expandX; uniform highp float expandY; PLACEHOLDER_MASK_UNIFORMS PLACEHOLDER_COLORIZE_UNIFORMS void main() { highp vec2 shift = vec2(delta.x, delta.y); PLACEHOLDER_MASK_STEPS highp float index = delta.z; mediump vec2 texCoord = qt_TexCoord0; texCoord.s = (texCoord.s - expandX) / (1.0 - 2.0 * expandX); texCoord.t = (texCoord.t - expandY) / (1.0 - 2.0 * expandY); texCoord += (shift * index); gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); " property string fragmentShaderEnd: " gl_FragColor /= gaussianSum; PLACEHOLDER_COLORIZE_STEPS gl_FragColor *= qt_Opacity; } " } }