// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include //TESTED_COMPONENT=src/libs/utils class TestMacroExpander : public Utils::AbstractMacroExpander { public: virtual bool resolveMacro(const QString &name, QString *ret, QSet &seen) { // loop prevention const int count = seen.count(); seen.insert(this); if (seen.count() == count) return false; if (name == QLatin1String("foo")) { *ret = QLatin1String("a"); return true; } if (name == QLatin1String("a")) { *ret = QLatin1String("hi"); return true; } if (name == QLatin1String("hi")) { *ret = QLatin1String("ho"); return true; } if (name == QLatin1String("hihi")) { *ret = QLatin1String("bar"); return true; } if (name == "slash") { *ret = "foo/bar"; return true; } if (name == "sl/sh") { *ret = "slash"; return true; } if (name == "JS:foo") { *ret = "bar"; return true; } if (name == "JS:with } inside") { *ret = "yay"; return true; } if (name == "JS:literal%{") { *ret = "hurray"; return true; } return false; } }; class tst_StringUtils : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void testWithTildeHomePath(); void testMacroExpander_data(); void testMacroExpander(); void testStripAccelerator(); void testStripAccelerator_data(); void testParseUsedPortFromNetstatOutput(); void testParseUsedPortFromNetstatOutput_data(); private: TestMacroExpander mx; }; void tst_StringUtils::testWithTildeHomePath() { #ifndef Q_OS_WIN // home path itself QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath()), QString::fromLatin1("~")); QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QLatin1Char('/')), QString::fromLatin1("~")); QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QString::fromLatin1("/unclean/..") + QDir::homePath()), QString::fromLatin1("~")); // sub of home path QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/foo")), QString::fromLatin1("~/foo")); QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/foo/")), QString::fromLatin1("~/foo")); QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/some/path/file.txt")), QString::fromLatin1("~/some/path/file.txt")); QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/some/unclean/../path/file.txt")), QString::fromLatin1("~/some/path/file.txt")); // not sub of home path QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/../foo")), QString(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/../foo"))); #else // windows: should return same as input QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath()), QDir::homePath()); QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/foo")), QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/foo")); QCOMPARE(Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/../foo")), Utils::withTildeHomePath(QDir::homePath() + QString::fromLatin1("/../foo"))); #endif } void tst_StringUtils::testMacroExpander_data() { QTest::addColumn("in"); QTest::addColumn("out"); static const struct { const char * const in; const char * const out; } vals[] = { {"text", "text"}, {"%{a}", "hi"}, {"%%{a}", "%hi"}, {"%%%{a}", "%%hi"}, {"%{b}", "%{b}"}, {"pre%{a}", "prehi"}, {"%{a}post", "hipost"}, {"pre%{a}post", "prehipost"}, {"%{a}%{a}", "hihi"}, {"%{a}text%{a}", "hitexthi"}, {"%{foo}%{a}text%{a}", "ahitexthi"}, {"%{}{a}", "%{a}"}, {"%{}", "%"}, {"test%{}", "test%"}, {"%{}test", "%test"}, {"%{abc", "%{abc"}, {"%{%{a}", "%{hi"}, {"%{%{a}}", "ho"}, {"%{%{a}}}post", "ho}post"}, {"%{hi%{a}}", "bar"}, {"%{hi%{%{foo}}}", "bar"}, {"%{hihi/b/c}", "car"}, {"%{hihi/a/}", "br"}, // empty replacement {"%{hihi/b}", "bar"}, // incomplete substitution {"%{hihi/./c}", "car"}, {"%{hihi//./c}", "ccc"}, {"%{hihi/(.)(.)r/\\2\\1c}", "abc"}, // no escape for capture groups {"%{hihi/b/c/d}", "c/dar"}, {"%{hihi/a/e{\\}e}", "be{}er"}, // escape closing brace {"%{JS:with \\} inside}", "yay"}, // escape closing brace also in JS: {"%{JS:literal%\\{}", "hurray"}, {"%{slash/o\\/b/ol's c}", "fool's car"}, {"%{sl\\/sh/(.)(a)(.)/\\2\\1\\3as}", "salsash"}, // escape in variable name {"%{JS:foo/b/c}", "%{JS:foo/b/c}"}, // No replacement for JS (all considered varName) {"%{%{a}%{a}/b/c}", "car"}, {"%{nonsense:-sense}", "sense"}, }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(vals)/sizeof(vals[0]); i++) QTest::newRow(vals[i].in) << QString::fromLatin1(vals[i].in) << QString::fromLatin1(vals[i].out); } void tst_StringUtils::testMacroExpander() { QFETCH(QString, in); QFETCH(QString, out); Utils::expandMacros(&in, &mx); QCOMPARE(in, out); } void tst_StringUtils::testStripAccelerator() { QFETCH(QString, expected); QCOMPARE(Utils::stripAccelerator(QString::fromUtf8(QTest::currentDataTag())), expected); } void tst_StringUtils::testStripAccelerator_data() { QTest::addColumn("expected"); QTest::newRow("Test") << "Test"; QTest::newRow("&Test") << "Test"; QTest::newRow("&&Test") << "&Test"; QTest::newRow("T&est") << "Test"; QTest::newRow("&Te&&st") << "Te&st"; QTest::newRow("T&e&st") << "Test"; QTest::newRow("T&&est") << "T&est"; QTest::newRow("T&&e&st") << "T&est"; QTest::newRow("T&&&est") << "T&est"; QTest::newRow("Tes&t") << "Test"; QTest::newRow("Test&") << "Test"; } void tst_StringUtils::testParseUsedPortFromNetstatOutput() { QFETCH(QString, line); QFETCH(int, port); QCOMPARE(Utils::parseUsedPortFromNetstatOutput(line.toUtf8()), port); } void tst_StringUtils::testParseUsedPortFromNetstatOutput_data() { QTest::addColumn("line"); QTest::addColumn("port"); QTest::newRow("Empty") << "" << -1; // Windows netstat. QTest::newRow("Win1") << "Active Connection" << -1; QTest::newRow("Win2") << " Proto Local Address Foreign Address State" << -1; QTest::newRow("Win3") << " TCP LISTENING" << 80; QTest::newRow("Win4") << " TCP LISTENING" << 113; QTest::newRow("Win5") << " TCP LISTENING" << 14714; QTest::newRow("Win6") << " TCP ESTABLISHED" << 50233; QTest::newRow("Win7") << " TCP [::]:445 [::]:0 LISTENING" << 445; QTest::newRow("Win8") << " TCP ESTABLISHED" << 51905; QTest::newRow("Win9") << " UDP [fe80::840a:2942:8def:abcd%6]:1900 *:* " << 1900; // Linux QTest::newRow("Linux1") << "sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt ..." << -1; QTest::newRow("Linux2") << "0: 00000000:2805 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 ..." << 10245; // Mac QTest::newRow("Mac1") << "Active Internet connections (including servers)" << -1; QTest::newRow("Mac2") << "Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)" << -1; QTest::newRow("Mac3") << "tcp4 0 0 ESTABLISHED" << 55687; QTest::newRow("Mac4") << "tcp6 0 0 2a01:e34:ee42:d0.55684 2a02:26f0:ff::5c.443 ESTABLISHED" << 55684; QTest::newRow("Mac5") << "tcp4 0 0 *.631 *.* LISTEN" << 631; QTest::newRow("Mac6") << "tcp6 0 0 *.631 *.* LISTEN" << 631; QTest::newRow("Mac7") << "udp4 0 0 *.*" << 123; QTest::newRow("Mac9") << "udp4 0 0 *.*" << 123; // QNX QTest::newRow("Qnx1") << "Active Internet connections (including servers)" << -1; QTest::newRow("Qnx2") << "Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State " << -1; QTest::newRow("Qnx3") << "tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED" << 22; QTest::newRow("Qnx4") << "tcp 0 0 *.8000 *.* LISTEN " << 8000; QTest::newRow("Qnx5") << "tcp 0 0 *.22 *.* LISTEN " << 22; QTest::newRow("Qnx6") << "udp 0 0 *.* *.* " << -1; QTest::newRow("Qnx7") << "udp 0 0 *.* *.* " << -1; QTest::newRow("Qnx8") << "Active Internet6 connections (including servers)" << -1; QTest::newRow("Qnx9") << "Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) " << -1; QTest::newRow("QnxA") << "tcp6 0 0 *.22 *.* LISTEN " << 22; } QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(tst_StringUtils) #include "tst_stringutils.moc"