############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ## Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ## ## This file is part of Qt Creator. ## ## Commercial License Usage ## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ## a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ## conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ## use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ## ## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ## General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ## ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ## will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ## ## In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ## rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ## ############################################################################# import re def handleDebuggerWarnings(config, isMsvcBuild=False): if isMsvcBuild: try: popup = waitForObject("{name='msgLabel' text?='*' type='QLabel' visible='1' window=':Dialog_Debugger::Internal::SymbolPathsDialog'}", 10000) symServerNotConfiged = ("

The debugger is not configured to use the public " "Microsoft Symbol Server.
" "This is recommended for retrieval of the symbols of the operating system libraries.

" "

Note: It is recommended, that if you use the Microsoft Symbol Server, " "to also use a local symbol cache.
" "A fast internet connection is required for this to work smoothly,
" "and a delay might occur when connecting for the first time and caching the symbols.

" "

What would you like to set up?

") if popup.text == symServerNotConfiged: test.log("Creator warned about the debugger not being configured to use the public Microsoft Symbol Server.") else: test.warning("Creator showed an unexpected warning: " + str(popup.text)) clickButton(waitForObject("{text='Cancel' type='QPushButton' unnamed='1' visible='1' window=':Dialog_Debugger::Internal::SymbolPathsDialog'}", 10000)) except LookupError: pass # No warning. Fine. if "Release" in config and (isMsvcBuild or platform.system() == "Linux"): msgBox = "{type='QMessageBox' unnamed='1' visible='1' windowTitle='Warning'}" message = waitForObject("{name='qt_msgbox_label' type='QLabel' visible='1' window=%s}" % msgBox) messageText = str(message.text) test.verify(messageText.startswith('This does not seem to be a "Debug" build.\nSetting breakpoints by file name and line number may fail.'), "Got warning: %s" % messageText) clickButton("{text='OK' type='QPushButton' unnamed='1' visible='1' window=%s}" % msgBox) def takeDebuggerLog(): invokeMenuItem("Window", "Views", "Debugger Log") debuggerLogWindow = waitForObject("{container=':DebugModeWidget.Debugger Log_QDockWidget' type='Debugger::Internal::CombinedPane' unnamed='1' visible='1'}") debuggerLog = str(debuggerLogWindow.plainText) mouseClick(debuggerLogWindow, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) invokeContextMenuItem(debuggerLogWindow, "Clear Contents") waitFor("str(debuggerLogWindow.plainText)==''", 5000) invokeMenuItem("Window", "Views", "Debugger Log") return debuggerLog # function to set breakpoints for the current project # on the given file,line pairs inside the given list of dicts # the lines are treated as regular expression def setBreakpointsForCurrentProject(filesAndLines): switchViewTo(ViewConstants.DEBUG) removeOldBreakpoints() if not filesAndLines or not isinstance(filesAndLines, (list,tuple)): test.fatal("This function only takes a non-empty list/tuple holding dicts.") return False navTree = waitForObject("{type='Utils::NavigationTreeView' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}") for current in filesAndLines: for curFile,curLine in current.iteritems(): if not openDocument(curFile): return False editor = getEditorForFileSuffix(curFile) if not placeCursorToLine(editor, curLine, True): return False invokeMenuItem("Debug", "Toggle Breakpoint") test.log('Set breakpoint in %s' % curFile, curLine) try: breakPointTreeView = waitForObject(":Breakpoints_Debugger::Internal::BreakTreeView") waitFor("breakPointTreeView.model().rowCount() == len(filesAndLines)", 2000) except: test.fatal("UI seems to have changed - check manually and fix this script.") return False test.compare(breakPointTreeView.model().rowCount(), len(filesAndLines), 'Expected %d set break points, found %d listed' % (len(filesAndLines), breakPointTreeView.model().rowCount())) return True # helper that removes all breakpoints - assumes that it's getting called # being already on Debug view and Breakpoints widget is not disabled def removeOldBreakpoints(): test.log("Removing old breakpoints if there are any") try: breakPointTreeView = waitForObject(":Breakpoints_Debugger::Internal::BreakTreeView") model = breakPointTreeView.model() if model.rowCount()==0: test.log("No breakpoints found...") else: test.log("Found %d breakpoints - removing them" % model.rowCount()) for currentIndex in dumpIndices(model): rect = breakPointTreeView.visualRect(currentIndex) mouseClick(breakPointTreeView, rect.x+5, rect.y+5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) type(breakPointTreeView, "") except: test.fatal("UI seems to have changed - check manually and fix this script.") return False return test.compare(model.rowCount(), 0, "Check if all breakpoints have been removed.") # function to do simple debugging of the current (configured) project # param kitCount specifies the number of kits currently defined (must be correct!) # param currentKit specifies the target to use (zero based index) # param currentConfigName is the name of the configuration that should be used # param pressContinueCount defines how often it is expected to press # the 'Continue' button while debugging # param expectedBPOrder holds a list of dicts where the dicts contain always # only 1 key:value pair - the key is the name of the file, the value is # line number where the debugger should stop def doSimpleDebugging(kitCount, currentKit, currentConfigName, pressContinueCount=1, expectedBPOrder=[]): expectedLabelTexts = ['Stopped\.', 'Stopped at breakpoint \d+ \(\d+\) in thread \d+\.'] if len(expectedBPOrder) == 0: expectedLabelTexts.append("Running\.") if not __startDebugger__(kitCount, currentKit, currentConfigName): return False statusLabel = findObject(":Debugger Toolbar.StatusText_Utils::StatusLabel") test.log("Continuing debugging %d times..." % pressContinueCount) for i in range(pressContinueCount): if waitFor("regexVerify(str(statusLabel.text), expectedLabelTexts)", 20000): verifyBreakPoint(expectedBPOrder[i]) else: test.fail('%s' % str(statusLabel.text)) contDbg = waitForObject(":*Qt Creator.Continue_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton", 3000) test.log("Continuing...") clickButton(contDbg) waitFor("str(statusLabel.text) == 'Running.'", 5000) timedOut = not waitFor("str(statusLabel.text) in ['Running.', 'Debugger finished.']", 30000) if timedOut: test.log("Waiting for 'Running.' / 'Debugger finished.' timed out.", "Debugger is in state: '%s'..." % statusLabel.text) if str(statusLabel.text) == 'Running.': test.log("Debugger is still running... Will be stopped.") return __stopDebugger__() elif str(statusLabel.text) == 'Debugger finished.': test.log("Debugger has finished.") return __logDebugResult__() else: test.log("Trying to stop debugger...") try: return __stopDebugger__() except: # if stopping failed - debugger had already stopped return True # param kitCount specifies the number of kits currently defined (must be correct!) # param currentKit specifies the target to use (zero based index) def isMsvcConfig(kitCount, currentKit): switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(kitCount, currentKit, ProjectSettings.BUILD) isMsvc = " -spec win32-msvc" in str(waitForObject(":qmakeCallEdit").text) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) return isMsvc # param kitCount specifies the number of kits currently defined (must be correct!) # param currentKit specifies the target to use (zero based index) # param config is the name of the configuration that should be used def __startDebugger__(kitCount, currentKit, config): isMsvcBuild = isMsvcConfig(kitCount, currentKit) clickButton(waitForObject(":*Qt Creator.Start Debugging_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton")) handleDebuggerWarnings(config, isMsvcBuild) try: mBox = waitForObject(":Failed to start application_QMessageBox", 5000) mBoxText = mBox.text mBoxIText = mBox.informativeText clickButton(":DebugModeWidget.OK_QPushButton") test.fail("Debugger hasn't started... QMessageBox appeared!") test.log("QMessageBox content: '%s'" % mBoxText, "'%s'" % mBoxIText) return False except: pass if not test.verify(waitFor("object.exists(':Debugger Toolbar.Continue_QToolButton')", 60000), "Verify start of debugger"): if "MSVC" in config: debuggerLog = takeDebuggerLog() if "lib\qtcreatorcdbext64\qtcreatorcdbext.dll cannot be found." in debuggerLog: test.fatal("qtcreatorcdbext.dll is missing in lib\qtcreatorcdbext64") else: test.fatal("Debugger log did not behave as expected. Please check manually.") logApplicationOutput() return False try: waitForObject(":*Qt Creator.Interrupt_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton", 3000) test.passes("'Interrupt' (debugger) button visible.") except: try: waitForObject(":*Qt Creator.Continue_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton", 3000) test.passes("'Continue' (debugger) button visible.") except: test.fatal("Neither 'Interrupt' nor 'Continue' button visible (Debugger).") return True def __stopDebugger__(): clickButton(waitForObject(":Debugger Toolbar.Exit Debugger_QToolButton")) ensureChecked(":Qt Creator_AppOutput_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton") output = waitForObject("{type='Core::OutputWindow' visible='1' windowTitle='Application Output Window'}") waitFor("'Debugging has finished' in str(output.plainText)", 20000) return __logDebugResult__() def __logDebugResult__(): try: result = waitForObject(":*Qt Creator.Start Debugging_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton") test.passes("'Start Debugging' button visible.") except: test.fail("'Start Debugging' button is not visible.") result = None if result: test.passes("Debugger stopped.. Qt Creator is back at normal state.") else: test.fail("Debugger seems to have not stopped...") logApplicationOutput() return result def verifyBreakPoint(bpToVerify): if isinstance(bpToVerify, dict): fileName = bpToVerify.keys()[0] editor = getEditorForFileSuffix(fileName) if editor: test.compare(waitForObject(":DebugModeWidget_QComboBox").toolTip, fileName, "Verify that the right file is opened") textPos = editor.textCursor().position() line = str(editor.plainText)[:textPos].count("\n") + 1 windowTitle = str(waitForObject(":Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow").windowTitle) test.verify(os.path.basename(fileName) in windowTitle, "Verify that Creator's window title changed according to current file") return test.compare(line, bpToVerify.values()[0], "Compare hit breakpoint to expected line number in %s" % fileName) else: test.fatal("Expected a dict for bpToVerify - got '%s'" % className(bpToVerify)) return False # this function removes the compiled qml-debug library from QtSDK (only necessary for Qt < 4.8) def removeQmlDebugFolderIfExists(): paths = [os.path.join(sdkPath, "Desktop", "Qt", "474", "gcc", "qtc-qmldbg"), os.path.join(sdkPath, "Desktop", "Qt", "4.7.4", "mingw", "qtc-qmldbg"), os.path.join(sdkPath, "Desktop", "Qt", "4.7.4", "msvc2008", "qtc-qmldbg") ] for path in paths: if os.path.exists(path): try: shutil.rmtree(path) except: test.warning("Error while removing '%s'" % path)