############################################################################ # # Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. # Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ # # This file is part of Qt Creator. # # Commercial License Usage # Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in # accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the # Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in # a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms # and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further # information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. # # GNU General Public License Usage # Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU # General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software # Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT # included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following # information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will # be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. # ############################################################################ import re; # this function switches the MainWindow of creator to the specified view def switchViewTo(view): # make sure that no tooltip is shown, so move the mouse away and wait until all disappear mouseMove(waitForObject(':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'), -20, -20) waitFor("not QToolTip.isVisible()", 15000) if view < ViewConstants.FIRST_AVAILABLE or view > ViewConstants.LAST_AVAILABLE: return tabBar = waitForObject("{type='Core::Internal::FancyTabBar' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}") mouseMove(tabBar, 20, 20 + 52 * view) if waitFor("QToolTip.isVisible()", 10000): text = str(QToolTip.text()) else: test.warning("Waiting for ToolTip timed out.") text = "" pattern = ViewConstants.getToolTipForViewTab(view) if re.match(pattern, unicode(text), re.UNICODE): test.passes("ToolTip verified") else: test.warning("ToolTip does not match", "Expected pattern: %s\nGot: %s" % (pattern, text)) mouseClick(waitForObject("{type='Core::Internal::FancyTabBar' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}"), 20, 20 + 52 * view, 0, Qt.LeftButton) # this function is used to make sure that simple building prerequisites are met # param targetCount specifies how many build targets had been selected (it's important that this one is correct) # param currentTarget specifies which target should be selected for the next build (zero based index) # param setReleaseBuild defines whether the current target(s) will be set to a Release or a Debug build # param disableShadowBuild defines whether to disable shadow build or leave it unchanged (no matter what is defined) # param setForAll defines whether to set Release or Debug and ShadowBuild option for all targets or only for the currentTarget def prepareBuildSettings(targetCount, currentTarget, setReleaseBuild=True, disableShadowBuild=True, setForAll=True): switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) success = True for current in range(targetCount): if setForAll or current == currentTarget: switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(targetCount, current, ProjectSettings.BUILD) # TODO: Improve selection of Release/Debug version if setReleaseBuild: chooseThis = "Release" else: chooseThis = "Debug" editBuildCfg = waitForObject("{leftWidget={text='Edit build configuration:' type='QLabel' " "unnamed='1' visible='1'} unnamed='1' type='QComboBox' visible='1'}") selectFromCombo(editBuildCfg, chooseThis) ensureChecked("{name='shadowBuildCheckBox' type='QCheckBox' visible='1'}", not disableShadowBuild) # get back to the current target if currentTarget < 0 or currentTarget >= targetCount: test.warning("Parameter currentTarget is out of range - will be ignored this time!") else: switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(targetCount, currentTarget, ProjectSettings.BUILD) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) return success # this function switches to the build or the run settings (inside the Projects view) # if you haven't already switched to the Projects view this will fail and return False # param currentTarget specifies the target for which to switch into the specified settings (zero based index) # param targetCount specifies the number of targets currently defined (must be correct!) # param projectSettings specifies where to switch to (must be one of ProjectSettings.BUILD or ProjectSettings.RUN) def switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(targetCount, currentTarget, projectSettings): clickToActivate = "

Click to activate:

" try: treeView = waitForObject(":Projects.ProjectNavigationTreeView") except LookupError: return False bAndRIndex = getQModelIndexStr("text='Build & Run'", ":Projects.ProjectNavigationTreeView") targetIndices = dumpIndices(treeView.model(), waitForObject(bAndRIndex)) targets = map(lambda t: str(t.data(0)), filter(lambda x: not str(x.toolTip).startswith(clickToActivate), targetIndices)) if not test.compare(targetCount, len(targets), "Check whether all chosen targets are listed."): return False # we assume the targets are still ordered the same way currentTargetIndex = getQModelIndexStr("text='%s'" % targets[currentTarget], bAndRIndex) if not test.verify(not str(findObject(currentTargetIndex).toolTip).startswith(clickToActivate), "Verifying target '%s' is enabled." % targets[currentTarget]): return False index = waitForObject(currentTargetIndex) treeView.scrollTo(index) mouseClick(index) if projectSettings == ProjectSettings.BUILD: settingsIndex = getQModelIndexStr("text='Build'", currentTargetIndex) elif projectSettings == ProjectSettings.RUN: settingsIndex = getQModelIndexStr("text='Run'", currentTargetIndex) else: test.fatal("Don't know what you're trying to switch to") return False mouseClick(waitForObject(settingsIndex)) return True # this function switches "Run in terminal" on or off in a project's run settings # param targetCount specifies the number of targets currently defined (must be correct!) # param currentTarget specifies the target for which to switch into the specified settings (zero based index) # param runInTerminal specifies if "Run in terminal should be turned on (True) or off (False) def setRunInTerminal(targetCount, currentTarget, runInTerminal=True): switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(targetCount, currentTarget, ProjectSettings.RUN) ensureChecked("{window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow' text='Run in terminal'\ type='QCheckBox' unnamed='1' visible='1'}", runInTerminal) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) # helper function to get some Qt information for the current (already configured) project # param kitCount is the number of kits cofigured for the current project # param alreadyOnProjectsBuildSettings if set to True you have to make sure that you're # on the Projects view on the Build settings page (otherwise this function will end # up in a ScriptError) # param afterSwitchTo if you want to leave the Projects view/Build settings when returning # from this function you can set this parameter to one of the ViewConstants # this function returns an array of 4 elements (all could be None): # * the first element holds the Qt version # * the second element holds the mkspec # * the third element holds the Qt bin path # * the fourth element holds the Qt lib path # of the current active project def getQtInformationForBuildSettings(kitCount, alreadyOnProjectsBuildSettings=False, afterSwitchTo=None): if not alreadyOnProjectsBuildSettings: switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) switchToBuildOrRunSettingsFor(kitCount, 0, ProjectSettings.BUILD) clickButton(waitForObject(":Qt Creator_SystemSettings.Details_Utils::DetailsButton")) model = waitForObject(":scrollArea.environment_QTreeView").model() qtDir = None for row in range(model.rowCount()): index = model.index(row, 0) text = str(model.data(index).toString()) if text == "QTDIR": qtDir = str(model.data(model.index(row, 1)).toString()) break if qtDir == None: test.fatal("UI seems to have changed - couldn't get QTDIR for this configuration.") return None, None, None, None qmakeCallLabel = waitForObject("{text?='qmake: qmake*' type='QLabel' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}") mkspec = __getMkspecFromQMakeCall__(str(qmakeCallLabel.text)) qtVersion = getQtInformationByQMakeCall(qtDir, QtInformation.QT_VERSION) qtLibPath = getQtInformationByQMakeCall(qtDir, QtInformation.QT_LIBPATH) qtBinPath = getQtInformationByQMakeCall(qtDir, QtInformation.QT_BINPATH) if afterSwitchTo: if ViewConstants.FIRST_AVAILABLE <= afterSwitchTo <= ViewConstants.LAST_AVAILABLE: switchViewTo(afterSwitchTo) else: test.warning("Don't know where you trying to switch to (%s)" % afterSwitchTo) return qtVersion, mkspec, qtBinPath, qtLibPath def getQtInformationForQmlProject(): fancyToolButton = waitForObject(":*Qt Creator_Core::Internal::FancyToolButton") kit = __getTargetFromToolTip__(str(fancyToolButton.toolTip)) if not kit: test.fatal("Could not figure out which kit you're using...") return None test.log("Searching for Qt information for kit '%s'" % kit) invokeMenuItem("Tools", "Options...") waitForObjectItem(":Options_QListView", "Build & Run") clickItem(":Options_QListView", "Build & Run", 14, 15, 0, Qt.LeftButton) clickOnTab(":Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar", "Kits") targetsTreeView = waitForObject(":BuildAndRun_QTreeView") if not __selectTreeItemOnBuildAndRun__(targetsTreeView, "%s(\s\(default\))?" % kit, True): test.fatal("Found no matching kit - this shouldn't happen.") clickButton(waitForObject(":Options.Cancel_QPushButton")) return None qtVersionStr = str(waitForObject(":Kits_QtVersion_QComboBox").currentText) test.log("Kit '%s' uses Qt Version '%s'" % (kit, qtVersionStr)) clickOnTab(":Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar", "Qt Versions") treeView = waitForObject(":qtdirList_QTreeView") if not __selectTreeItemOnBuildAndRun__(treeView, qtVersionStr): test.fatal("Found no matching Qt Version for kit - this shouldn't happen.") clickButton(waitForObject(":Options.Cancel_QPushButton")) return None qmake = str(waitForObject(":QtSupport__Internal__QtVersionManager.qmake_QLabel").text) test.log("Qt Version '%s' uses qmake at '%s'" % (qtVersionStr, qmake)) clickButton(waitForObject(":Options.Cancel_QPushButton")) return qmake def __selectTreeItemOnBuildAndRun__(treeViewOrWidget, itemText, isRegex=False): model = treeViewOrWidget.model() test.compare(model.rowCount(), 2, "Verifying expected section count") autoDetected = model.index(0, 0) test.compare(autoDetected.data().toString(), "Auto-detected", "Verifying label for section") manual = model.index(1, 0) test.compare(manual.data().toString(), "Manual", "Verifying label for section") if isRegex: pattern = re.compile(itemText) for section in [autoDetected, manual]: for dumpedItem in dumpItems(model, section): if (isRegex and pattern.match(dumpedItem) or itemText == dumpedItem): item = ".".join([str(section.data().toString()), dumpedItem.replace(".", "\\.").replace("_", "\\_")]) clickItem(treeViewOrWidget, item, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) return True return False def __getTargetFromToolTip__(toolTip): if toolTip == None or not isinstance(toolTip, (str, unicode)): test.warning("Parameter toolTip must be of type str or unicode and can't be None!") return None pattern = re.compile(".*Kit:(.*)Deploy.*") target = pattern.match(toolTip) if target == None: test.fatal("UI seems to have changed - expected ToolTip does not match.", "ToolTip: '%s'" % toolTip) return None return target.group(1).split("
")[0].strip() def getExecutableAndTargetFromToolTip(toolTip): target = __getTargetFromToolTip__(toolTip) if toolTip == None or not isinstance(toolTip, (str, unicode)): return None, target pattern = re.compile('.*Run:(.*)")[1].strip() tmp = qCall.split() for i in range(len(tmp)): if tmp[i] == '-spec' and i + 1 < len(tmp): return tmp[i + 1] test.fatal("Couldn't get mkspec from qmake call '%s'" % qmakeCall) return None # this function queries information from qmake # param qtDir set this to a path that holds a valid Qt # param which set this to one of the QtInformation "constants" # the function will return the wanted information or None if something went wrong def getQtInformationByQMakeCall(qtDir, which): qmake = os.path.join(qtDir, "bin", "qmake") if platform.system() in ('Microsoft', 'Windows'): qmake += ".exe" if not os.path.exists(qmake): test.fatal("Given Qt directory does not exist or does not contain bin/qmake.", "Constructed path: '%s'" % qmake) return None query = "" if which == QtInformation.QT_VERSION: query = "QT_VERSION" elif which == QtInformation.QT_BINPATH: query = "QT_INSTALL_BINS" elif which == QtInformation.QT_LIBPATH: query = "QT_INSTALL_LIBS" else: test.fatal("You're trying to fetch an unknown information (%s)" % which) return None return getOutputFromCmdline([qmake, "-query", query]).strip() def invokeContextMenuOnProject(projectName, menuItem): try: projItem = waitForObjectItem(":Qt Creator_Utils::NavigationTreeView", projectName, 3000) except: try: projItem = waitForObjectItem(":Qt Creator_Utils::NavigationTreeView", addBranchWildcardToRoot(projectName), 1000) except: test.fatal("Failed to find root node of the project '%s'." % projectName) return openItemContextMenu(waitForObject(":Qt Creator_Utils::NavigationTreeView"), str(projItem.text).replace("_", "\\_").replace(".", "\\."), 5, 5, 0) # Hack for Squish 5.0.1 handling menus of Qt5.2 on Mac (avoids crash) - remove asap if platform.system() == 'Darwin': waitFor("macHackActivateContextMenuItem(menuItem)", 6000) else: activateItem(waitForObjectItem("{name='Project.Menu.Project' type='QMenu' visible='1'}", menuItem)) return projItem def addAndActivateKit(kit): clickToActivate = "

Click to activate:

" bAndRIndex = getQModelIndexStr("text='Build & Run'", ":Projects.ProjectNavigationTreeView") kitString = Targets.getStringForTarget(kit) switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) try: treeView = waitForObject(":Projects.ProjectNavigationTreeView") wanted = getQModelIndexStr("text='%s'" % kitString, bAndRIndex) index = findObject(wanted) if str(index.toolTip).startswith(clickToActivate): mouseClick(index) test.verify(waitFor("not str(index.toolTip).startswith(clickToActivate)", 1500), "Kit added for this project") try: findObject(":Projects.ProjectNavigationTreeView") except: test.warning("Squish issue - QC switches automatically to Edit view after enabling " "a new kit when running tst_opencreator_qbs - works as expected when " "running without Squish") switchViewTo(ViewConstants.PROJECTS) else: test.warning("Kit is already added for this project.") mouseClick(index) test.verify(waitFor("index.font.bold == True", 1500), "Verifying whether kit is current active") except: return False finally: switchViewTo(ViewConstants.EDIT) return True