# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 import tempfile def neededFilePresent(path): found = os.path.exists(path) if os.getenv("SYSTEST_DEBUG") == "1": checkAccess(path) elif not found: test.fatal("Missing file or directory: " + path) return found def tempDir(): Result = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()+"/../../testing") if not os.path.exists(Result): os.mkdir(Result) return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="qtcreator_", dir=Result) def deleteDirIfExists(path): shutil.rmtree(path, True) def verifyChecked(objectName, checked=True): object = waitForObject(objectName) test.compare(object.checked, checked) return object def ensureChecked(objectName, shouldBeChecked=True, timeout=20000, silent=False): if shouldBeChecked: targetState = Qt.Checked state = "checked" else: targetState = Qt.Unchecked state = "unchecked" widget = waitForObject(objectName, timeout) try: # needed for transition Qt::PartiallyChecked -> Qt::Checked -> Qt::Unchecked clicked = 0 while not waitFor('widget.checkState() == targetState', 1500) and clicked < 2: clickButton(widget) clicked += 1 silent or test.verify(waitFor("widget.checkState() == targetState", 1000)) except: # widgets not derived from QCheckbox don't have checkState() if not waitFor('widget.checked == shouldBeChecked', 1500): mouseClick(widget) silent or test.verify(waitFor("widget.checked == shouldBeChecked", 1000)) silent or test.log("New state for QCheckBox: %s" % state, str(objectName)) return widget # verify that an object is in an expected enable state. Returns the object. # param objectSpec specifies the object to check. It can either be a string determining an object # or the object itself. If it is an object, it must exist already. # param expectedState is the expected enable state of the object def verifyEnabled(objectSpec, expectedState = True): if isString(objectSpec): waitFor("object.exists('" + str(objectSpec).replace("'", "\\'") + "')", 20000) foundObject = findObject(objectSpec) else: foundObject = objectSpec if objectSpec == None: test.warning("No valid object in function verifyEnabled.") else: test.compare(foundObject.enabled, expectedState) return foundObject # select an item from a combo box # param objectSpec specifies the combo box. It can either be a string determining an object # or the object itself. If it is an object, it must exist already. # param itemName is the item to be selected in the combo box # returns True if selection was changed or False if the wanted value was already selected def selectFromCombo(objectSpec, itemName): object = verifyEnabled(objectSpec) if itemName == str(object.currentText): return False else: mouseClick(object) snooze(1) # params required here mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(object, itemName.replace(".", "\\.")), 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) test.verify(waitFor("str(object.currentText)==itemName", 5000), "Switched combo item to '%s'" % itemName) return True def selectFromLocator(filter, itemName = None): if itemName == None: itemName = filter itemName = itemName.replace(".", "\\.").replace("_", "\\_") locator = waitForObject(":*Qt Creator_Utils::FilterLineEdit") mouseClick(locator) replaceEditorContent(locator, filter) # clicking the wanted item # if you replace this by pressing ENTER, be sure that something is selected # otherwise you will run into unwanted behavior snooze(1) wantedItem = waitForObjectItem("{type='QTreeView' unnamed='1' visible='1'}", itemName) doubleClick(wantedItem, 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton) def wordUnderCursor(window): return textUnderCursor(window, QTextCursor.StartOfWord, QTextCursor.EndOfWord) def lineUnderCursor(window): return textUnderCursor(window, QTextCursor.StartOfLine, QTextCursor.EndOfLine) def textUnderCursor(window, fromPos, toPos): cursor = window.textCursor() oldposition = cursor.position() cursor.movePosition(fromPos) cursor.movePosition(toPos, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) returnValue = cursor.selectedText() cursor.setPosition(oldposition) return returnValue def which(program): # Don't use spawn.find_executable because it can't find .bat or # .cmd files and doesn't check whether a file is executable (!) if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'): command = "where" else: command = "which" foundPath = getOutputFromCmdline([command, program], acceptedError=1) if foundPath: return foundPath.splitlines()[0] else: return None # this function removes the user files of given pro file(s) # can be called with a single string object or a list of strings holding path(s) to # the pro file(s) returns False if it could not remove all user files or has been # called with an unsupported object def cleanUpUserFiles(pathsToProFiles=None): if pathsToProFiles==None: return False if isString(pathsToProFiles): filelist = glob.glob(pathsToProFiles+".user*") elif isinstance(pathsToProFiles, (list, tuple)): filelist = [] for p in pathsToProFiles: filelist.extend(glob.glob(p+".user*")) else: test.fatal("Got an unsupported object.") return False doneWithoutErrors = True for file in filelist: try: file = os.path.abspath(file) os.remove(file) except: doneWithoutErrors = False return doneWithoutErrors def invokeMenuItem(menu, item, *subItems): if platform.system() == "Darwin": try: waitForObject(":Qt Creator.QtCreator.MenuBar_QMenuBar", 2000) except: nativeMouseClick(waitForObject(":Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow", 1000), 20, 20, 0, Qt.LeftButton) # Use Locator for menu items which wouldn't work on macOS if menu == "Edit" and item == "Preferences..." or menu == "File" and item == "Exit": selectFromLocator("t %s" % item, item) return menuObject = waitForObjectItem(":Qt Creator.QtCreator.MenuBar_QMenuBar", menu) snooze(1) waitFor("menuObject.visible", 1000) activateItem(menuObject) itemObject = waitForObjectItem(objectMap.realName(menuObject), item) waitFor("itemObject.enabled", 2000) activateItem(itemObject) numberedPrefix = "%d | " for subItem in subItems: # we might have numbered sub items (e.g. "Recent Files") - these have this special prefix hasNumPrefix = subItem.startswith(numberedPrefix) if hasNumPrefix and platform.system() == 'Darwin': # on macOS we don't add these prefixes subItem = subItem[len(numberedPrefix):] hasNumPrefix = False if hasNumPrefix: triggered = False for i in range(1, 10): try: itemObject = waitForObjectItem(itemObject, subItem % i, 1000) activateItem(itemObject) triggered = True break except: continue if not triggered: test.fail("Could not trigger '%s' - item missing or code wrong?" % subItem, "Function arguments: '%s', '%s', %s" % (menu, item, str(subItems))) break # we failed to trigger - no need to process subItems further else: waitForObject("{type='QMenu' title='%s'}" % str(itemObject.text), 2000) itemObject = waitForObjectItem(itemObject, subItem) waitFor("itemObject.enabled", 2000) activateItem(itemObject) def logApplicationOutput(): # make sure application output is shown ensureChecked(":Qt Creator_AppOutput_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton") try: output = waitForObject("{type='Core::OutputWindow' visible='1' windowTitle='Application Output Window'}") test.log("Application Output:\n%s" % output.plainText) return str(output.plainText) except: test.fail("Could not find any Application Output - did the project run?") return None # get the output from a given cmdline call def getOutputFromCmdline(cmdline, environment=None, acceptedError=0): try: return stringify(subprocess.check_output(cmdline, env=environment)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode != acceptedError: test.warning("Command '%s' returned %d" % (e.cmd, e.returncode)) return stringify(e.output) def selectFromFileDialog(fileName, waitForFile=False, ignoreFinalSnooze=False): def __closePopupIfNecessary__(): if not isNull(QApplication.activePopupWidget()): test.log("Closing active popup widget") QApplication.activePopupWidget().close() fName = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(fileName)) pName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fileName)) + os.sep try: waitForObject("{name='QFileDialog' type='QFileDialog' visible='1'}", 5000) pathLine = waitForObject("{name='fileNameEdit' type='QLineEdit' visible='1'}") replaceEditorContent(pathLine, pName) snooze(1) clickButton(waitForObject("{text='Open' type='QPushButton'}")) waitFor("str(pathLine.text)==''") replaceEditorContent(pathLine, fName) snooze(1) __closePopupIfNecessary__() clickButton(waitForObject("{text='Open' type='QPushButton'}")) except: nativeType("") nativeType("") nativeType(pName + fName) seconds = len(pName + fName) / 20 test.log("Using snooze(%d) [problems with event processing of nativeType()]" % seconds) snooze(seconds) nativeType("") if not ignoreFinalSnooze: snooze(3) if waitForFile: fileCombo = waitForObject(":Qt Creator_FilenameQComboBox") if not waitFor("str(fileCombo.currentText) in fileName", 5000): test.fail("%s could not be opened in time." % fileName) # add Qt documentations from given paths # param which a list/tuple of the paths to the qch files to be added def addHelpDocumentation(which): invokeMenuItem("Edit", "Preferences...") mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(":Options_QListView", "Help")) waitForObject("{container=':Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar' type='TabItem' text='Documentation'}") clickOnTab(":Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar", "Documentation") # get rid of all docs already registered listWidget = waitForObject("{type='QListView' name='docsListView' visible='1'}") if listWidget.model().rowCount() > 0: mouseClick(listWidget) type(listWidget, "") clickButton(waitForObject("{type='QPushButton' name='removeButton' visible='1'}")) for qch in which: clickButton(waitForObject("{type='QPushButton' name='addButton' visible='1' text='Add...'}")) selectFromFileDialog(qch) clickButton(waitForObject(":Options.OK_QPushButton")) progressBarWait(10000) # Wait for "Update Documentation" def addCurrentCreatorDocumentation(): currentCreatorPath = currentApplicationContext().cwd if platform.system() == "Darwin": docPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(currentCreatorPath, "Qt Creator.app", "Contents", "Resources", "doc", "qtcreator.qch")) else: docPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(currentCreatorPath, "..", "share", "doc", "qtcreator", "qtcreator.qch")) if not os.path.exists(docPath): test.fatal("Missing current Qt Creator documentation (expected in %s)" % docPath) return invokeMenuItem("Edit", "Preferences...") mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(":Options_QListView", "Help")) waitForObject("{container=':Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar' type='TabItem' text='Documentation'}") clickOnTab(":Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar", "Documentation") clickButton(waitForObject("{type='QPushButton' name='addButton' visible='1' text='Add...'}")) selectFromFileDialog(docPath) try: windowStr = ("{type='QMessageBox' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "text~='Unable to register documentation.*'}") waitForObject(windowStr, 3000) test.passes("Qt Creator's documentation found already registered.") clickButton(waitForObject("{type='QPushButton' text='OK' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=%s}" % windowStr)) except: test.fail("Added Qt Creator's documentation explicitly.") clickButton(waitForObject(":Options.OK_QPushButton")) progressBarWait(10000) # Wait for "Update Documentation" def verifyOutput(string, substring, outputFrom, outputIn): index = string.find(substring) if (index == -1): test.fail("Output from " + outputFrom + " could not be found in " + outputIn) else: test.passes("Output from " + outputFrom + " found at position " + str(index) + " of " + outputIn) # function that verifies the existence and the read permissions # of the given file path # if the executing user hasn't the read permission it checks # the parent folders for their execute permission def checkAccess(pathToFile): if os.path.exists(pathToFile): test.log("Path '%s' exists" % pathToFile) if os.access(pathToFile, os.R_OK): test.log("Got read access on '%s'" % pathToFile) else: test.fail("No read permission on '%s'" % pathToFile) else: test.fatal("Path '%s' does not exist or cannot be accessed" % pathToFile) __checkParentAccess__(pathToFile) # helper function for checking the execute rights of all # parents of filePath def __checkParentAccess__(filePath): for i in range(1, filePath.count(os.sep)): tmp = filePath.rsplit(os.sep, i)[0] if os.access(tmp, os.X_OK): test.log("Got execute permission on '%s'" % tmp) else: test.fail("No execute permission on '%s'" % tmp) # this function checks for all configured Qt versions inside # options dialog and returns a dict holding the kits as keys # and a list of information of its configured Qt def getConfiguredKits(): def __setQtVersionForKit__(kit, kitName, kitsQtVersionName): mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(":BuildAndRun_QTreeView", kit)) if "Python" in kitName: qtVersionStr = __PYKIT__ else: qtVersionStr = str(waitForObjectExists(":Kits_QtVersion_QComboBox").currentText) invalid = qtVersionStr.endswith(" (invalid)") if invalid: qtVersionStr = qtVersionStr[:-10] kitsQtVersionName[kitName] = qtVersionStr # end of internal function for iterate kits kitsWithQtVersionName = {} result = [] # collect kits and their Qt versions qtVersionNames = iterateQtVersions() # update collected Qt versions with their configured device and version iterateKits(False, True, __setQtVersionForKit__, kitsWithQtVersionName) # merge defined target names with their configured Qt versions and devices for kit, qtVersion in kitsWithQtVersionName.items(): if qtVersion in qtVersionNames: result.append(kit) elif qtVersion != __PYKIT__: # ignore e.g. Python kits test.fail("Qt version '%s' for kit '%s' can't be found in qtVersionNames." % (qtVersion, kit)) clickButton(waitForObject(":Options.Cancel_QPushButton")) test.log("Configured kits: %s" % str(result)) return result def enabledCheckBoxExists(text): try: waitForObject("{type='QCheckBox' text='%s'}" % text, 100) return True except: return False # function that opens Options Dialog and parses the configured Qt versions # the function returns a list of the found Qt versions def iterateQtVersions(): qtVersionNames = [] invokeMenuItem("Edit", "Preferences...") mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(":Options_QListView", "Kits")) clickOnTab(":Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar", "Qt Versions") treeView = waitForObject(":qtdirList_QTreeView") model = treeView.model() for rootIndex in dumpIndices(model): rootChildText = str(rootIndex.data()).replace(".", "\\.").replace("_", "\\_") for subIndex in dumpIndices(model, rootIndex): subChildText = str(subIndex.data()).replace(".", "\\.").replace("_", "\\_") treeView.scrollTo(subIndex) mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(treeView, ".".join([rootChildText, subChildText]))) qtVersionNames.append(str(treeView.currentIndex().data().toString())) return qtVersionNames # function that opens Options Dialog (if necessary) and parses the configured Kits # param clickOkWhenDone set to True if the Options dialog should be closed by clicking the # "OK" button. If False, the dialog will stay open # param alreadyOnOptionsDialog set to True if you already have opened the Options Dialog # (if False this function will open it via the MenuBar -> Edit -> Preferences...) # param additionalFunction pass a function or name of a defined function to execute # for each configured item on the list of Kits # this function must take at least 2 parameters - the first is the full string # of the kit which can be used in waitForObjectItem(), the second the Kit name itself # param argsForAdditionalFunc you can specify as many parameters as you want to pass # to additionalFunction from the outside # this function will return a list of Kit names as well as the returned value(s) from # additionalFunction. You MUST call this function like # result, additionalResult = iterateKits(...) # where additionalResult is the result of all executions of additionalFunction which # means it is a list of results. def iterateKits(clickOkWhenDone, alreadyOnOptionsDialog, additionalFunction, *argsForAdditionalFunc): result = [] additionalResult = [] if not alreadyOnOptionsDialog: invokeMenuItem("Edit", "Preferences...") mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(":Options_QListView", "Kits")) clickOnTab(":Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar", "Kits") treeView = waitForObject(":BuildAndRun_QTreeView") model = treeView.model() test.compare(model.rowCount(), 2, "Verifying expected target section count") autoDetected = model.index(0, 0) test.compare(autoDetected.data().toString(), "Auto-detected", "Verifying label for target section") manual = model.index(1, 0) test.compare(manual.data().toString(), "Manual", "Verifying label for target section") for section in [autoDetected, manual]: for currentItem in dumpItems(model, section): kitName = currentItem.rsplit(" (default)", 1)[0] result.append(kitName) try: item = ".".join([str(section.data().toString()), currentItem.replace(".", "\\.")]) currResult = additionalFunction(item, kitName, *argsForAdditionalFunc) except: t, v, _ = sys.exc_info() currResult = None test.fatal("Function to additionally execute on Options Dialog could not be " "found or an exception occurred while executing it.", "%s: %s" % (t.__name__, str(v))) additionalResult.append(currResult) if clickOkWhenDone: clickButton(waitForObject(":Options.OK_QPushButton")) return result, additionalResult # set a help viewer that will always be used, regardless of Creator's width class HelpViewer: HELPMODE, SIDEBYSIDE, EXTERNALWINDOW = range(3) def setFixedHelpViewer(helpViewer): invokeMenuItem("Edit", "Preferences...") mouseClick(waitForObjectItem(":Options_QListView", "Help")) clickOnTab(":Options.qt_tabwidget_tabbar_QTabBar", "General") mode = "Always Show " if helpViewer == HelpViewer.HELPMODE: mode += "in Help Mode" elif helpViewer == HelpViewer.SIDEBYSIDE: mode += "Side-by-Side" elif helpViewer == HelpViewer.EXTERNALWINDOW: mode += "in External Window" selectFromCombo(":Startup.contextHelpComboBox_QComboBox", mode) clickButton(waitForObject(":Options.OK_QPushButton")) def removePackagingDirectory(projectPath): qtcPackaging = os.path.join(projectPath, "qtc_packaging") if os.path.exists(qtcPackaging): test.log("Removing old packaging directory '%s'" % qtcPackaging) deleteDirIfExists(qtcPackaging) else: test.log("Couldn't remove packaging directory '%s' - did not exist." % qtcPackaging) # returns the indices from a QAbstractItemModel def dumpIndices(model, parent=None, column=0): if parent: return [model.index(row, column, parent) for row in range(model.rowCount(parent))] else: return [model.index(row, column) for row in range(model.rowCount())] DisplayRole = 0 # returns the data from a QAbstractItemModel as strings def dumpItems(model, parent=None, role=DisplayRole, column=0): return [str(index.data(role)) for index in dumpIndices(model, parent, column)] # returns the children of a QTreeWidgetItem def dumpChildren(item): return [item.child(index) for index in range(item.childCount())] def writeTestResults(folder): if not os.path.exists(folder): print("Skipping writing test results (folder '%s' does not exist)." % folder) return resultFile = open("%s.srf" % os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(squishinfo.testCase)), "w") resultFile.write("suite:%s\n" % os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(squishinfo.testCase))) categories = ["passes", "fails", "fatals", "errors", "tests", "warnings", "xfails", "xpasses"] for cat in categories: resultFile.write("%s:%d\n" % (cat, test.resultCount(cat))) resultFile.close() # wait and verify if object exists/not exists def checkIfObjectExists(name, shouldExist = True, timeout = 3000, verboseOnFail = False): result = waitFor("object.exists(name) == shouldExist", timeout) if verboseOnFail and not result: test.log("checkIfObjectExists() failed for '%s'" % name) return result # wait for progress bar(s) to appear and disappear def progressBarWait(timeout=60000, warn=True): if not checkIfObjectExists(":Qt Creator_Core::Internal::ProgressBar", True, 6000): if warn: test.warning("progressBarWait() timed out when waiting for ProgressBar.", "This may lead to unforeseen behavior. Consider increasing the timeout.") checkIfObjectExists(":Qt Creator_Core::Internal::ProgressBar", False, timeout) def readFile(filename): try: with open(filename, "r") as f: return f.read() except: # Read file as binary with open(filename, "rb") as f: return f.read() def simpleFileName(navigatorFileName): # try to find the last part of the given name, assume it's inside a (folder) structure search = re.search(".*[^\\\\]\.(.*)$", navigatorFileName) if search: return search.group(1).replace("\\", "") # it's just the filename return navigatorFileName.replace("\\", "") def clickOnTab(tabBarStr, tabText, timeout=5000): if not waitFor("object.exists(tabBarStr)", timeout): raise LookupError("Could not find QTabBar: %s" % objectMap.realName(tabBarStr)) tabBar = findObject(tabBarStr) if not (platform.system() == 'Linux' or tabBar.visible): test.log("Using workaround for Mac and Windows.") setWindowState(tabBar, WindowState.Normal) tabBar = waitForObject(tabBarStr, 2000) clickTab(tabBar, tabText) waitFor("str(tabBar.tabText(tabBar.currentIndex)) == '%s'" % tabText, timeout) # constructs a string holding the properties for a QModelIndex # param property a string holding additional properties including their values # ATTENTION! use single quotes for values (e.g. "text='Text'", "text='Text' occurrence='2'") # param container the container (str) to be used for this QModelIndex def getQModelIndexStr(property, container): if (container.startswith(":")): container = "'%s'" % container return ("{column='0' container=%s %s type='QModelIndex'}" % (container, property)) def verifyItemOrder(items, text): text = str(text) lastIndex = 0 for item in items: index = text.find(item) test.verify(index > lastIndex, "'" + item + "' found at index " + str(index)) lastIndex = index def openVcsLog(): try: foundObj = waitForObject("{type='Core::OutputWindow' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}", 2000) if className(foundObj) != 'Core::OutputWindow': raise Exception("Found derived class, but not a pure QPlainTextEdit.") waitForObject("{text='Version Control' type='QLabel' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}", 2000) except: invokeMenuItem("View", "Output", "Version Control") def openGeneralMessages(): if not object.exists(":Qt Creator_Core::OutputWindow"): invokeMenuItem("View", "Output", "General Messages") # function that retrieves a specific child object by its class # this is sometimes the best way to avoid using waitForObject() on objects that # occur more than once - but could easily be found by using a compound object # (e.g. search for Utils::PathChooser instead of Utils::FancyLineEdit and get the child) def getChildByClass(parent, classToSearchFor, occurrence=1): children = [child for child in object.children(parent) if className(child) == classToSearchFor] if len(children) < occurrence: return None else: return children[occurrence - 1] def getHelpViewer(): return waitForObject("{type='QLiteHtmlWidget' unnamed='1' visible='1' " "window=':Qt Creator_Core::Internal::MainWindow'}", 1000) def getHelpTitle(): return str(getHelpViewer().title()) def isString(sth): if sys.version_info.major > 2: return isinstance(sth, str) else: return isinstance(sth, (str, unicode)) # helper function to ensure we get str, converts bytes if necessary def stringify(obj): stringTypes = (str, unicode) if sys.version_info.major == 2 else (str) if isinstance(obj, stringTypes): return obj if isinstance(obj, bytes): if not platform.system() in ('Microsoft', 'Windows'): return obj.decode() try: return obj.decode('cp1252') except UnicodeDecodeError: return obj.decode('utf-8') class GitClone: def __init__(self, url, revision): self.localPath = os.path.join(tempDir(), url.rsplit('/', 1)[1].rsplit('.')[0]) self.url = url self.revision = revision def __enter__(self): try: subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", "-b", self.revision, "--depth", "1", self.url, self.localPath]) return self.localPath except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: test.warning("Could not clone git repository %s" % self.url, str(e)) return None def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): deleteDirIfExists(self.localPath)