# Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 source("../../shared/qtcreator.py") # entry of test def main(): # prepare example project sourceExample = os.path.join(QtPath.examplesPath(Targets.DESKTOP_5_14_1_DEFAULT), "gui", "openglwindow") proFile = "openglwindow.pro" if not neededFilePresent(os.path.join(sourceExample, proFile)): return # copy example project to temp directory templateDir = prepareTemplate(sourceExample) examplePath = os.path.join(templateDir, proFile) for useClang in [False, True]: with TestSection(getCodeModelString(useClang)): if not startCreatorVerifyingClang(useClang): continue # open example project openQmakeProject(examplePath) # wait for parsing to complete waitForProjectParsing() checkCodeModelSettings(useClang) # open .cpp file in editor if not openDocument("openglwindow.Sources.main\\.cpp"): test.fatal("Could not open main.cpp") invokeMenuItem("File", "Exit") return test.verify(checkIfObjectExists(":Qt Creator_CppEditor::Internal::CPPEditorWidget"), "Verifying if: .cpp file is opened in Edit mode.") editorWidget = findObject(":Qt Creator_CppEditor::Internal::CPPEditorWidget") # place cursor on line "class TriangleWindow : public OpenGLWindow" # invoke find usages from context menu on word "OpenGLWindow" if not invokeFindUsage(editorWidget, "class TriangleWindow : public OpenGLWindow", ""): invokeMenuItem("File", "Exit") return # wait until search finished and verify search results waitForSearchResults() validateSearchResult(16) result = re.search("OpenGLWindow", str(editorWidget.plainText)) test.verify(result, "Verifying if: The list of all usages of the selected text is displayed in Search Results. " "File with used text is opened.") # move cursor to the other word and test Find Usages function by pressing Ctrl+Shift+U. openDocument("openglwindow.Sources.main\\.cpp") if not placeCursorToLine(editorWidget, 'm_posAttr = m_program->attributeLocation("posAttr");'): return for _ in range(13): type(editorWidget, "") type(editorWidget, "") # wait until search finished and verify search results waitForSearchResults() validateSearchResult(3 if useClang else 5) invokeMenuItem("File", "Exit") waitForCleanShutdown()