# Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 source("../../shared/qtcreator.py") source("../../shared/suites_qtta.py") # entry of test def main(): startQC() if not startedWithoutPluginError(): return # create qt quick application createNewQtQuickApplication(tempDir(), "SampleApp") # create syntax error in qml file openDocument("SampleApp.Resources.qml\.qrc./.main\\.qml") if not appendToLine(waitForObject(":Qt Creator_QmlJSEditor::QmlJSTextEditorWidget"), "Window {", "SyntaxError"): invokeMenuItem("File", "Exit") return # save all to invoke qml parsing invokeMenuItem("File", "Save All") # open issues list view ensureChecked(waitForObject(":Qt Creator_Issues_Core::Internal::OutputPaneToggleButton")) issuesView = waitForObject(":Qt Creator.Issues_QListView") # verify that error is properly reported test.verify(checkSyntaxError(issuesView, ["Unexpected token"], True), "Verifying QML syntax error while parsing simple qt quick application.") # exit qt creator invokeMenuItem("File", "Exit")