#!/usr/bin/env perl ############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ## Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/ ## ## Script for generating a Graphviz (.gv) file from Jira bugreports. ## Might not work for any other Jira DB than the Qt Project bugreports DB. ## ## $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ## This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ## License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ## appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this ## file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser ## General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ## ## In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ## rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ## ## GNU General Public License Usage ## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ## Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation ## and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this ## file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General ## Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: ## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ## ## Other Usage ## Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ## conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## $QT_END_LICENSE$ ## ############################################################################# use strict; use warnings; package Qt::Jira2Gv; =head1 NAME jira2gv - generates a Graphviz (.gv) file from a Jira issue =head1 SYNOPSIS jira2gv <--server URL> <--issue JiraIssue> [--verbose] [--cache] [--edgeExtra JiraIssue=] [--issueStop JiraIssue] This script fetches hierarchical Jira items and generates a Graphviz graph. It will only display outward dependencies (so sub-tasks and "depends on" links) on a task. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item --verbose, -v Be verbose. Will print a statement for each issue fetched from Jira. =item --cache, -c Read or create cached items. This will make the script store each Jira item fetched, and use it the next time around you run the script. Very useful for debugging, but don't use it on production system, as you'll never get updated issues. =item --server HTTP address of the server to fetch Jira issues from. =item --issue Jira issue identifier of the issue to start the graph from. =item --edgeExtra ='['']' Adds edge extra data to any edge going to the prefixed Jira issue. Be sure to include the []. Example: --edgeExtra JIRA-1234=[minlen=2] =item --issueStop Don't generate sub-graph passed this Jira issue. =back B =over Generate a graph from the Qt Project's bug-tracker, showing tasks left for the Qt 5 release: jira2gv --server https://bugreports.qt-project.org --issue QTBUG-20885 --edgeExtra QTBUG-24203=[minlen=2] --edgeExtra QTBUG-24131=[minlen=3] =back =cut use XML::Simple; use LWP::Simple; use HTML::Entities; use Data::Dumper; use Switch; use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns fill); use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray ); use POSIX qw(strftime); sub parse_arguments { my ($self, @args) = @_; %{$self} = (%{$self}, 'verbose' => 0, 'doCaching' => 0, 'jiraServer' => "" , 'jiraIssue' => "" , 'jiraStopIssues' => {}, 'gvEdgeExtra' => {}, 'allOpenIssues' => {}, 'totalItems' => 0, 'remainingIssues' => [], ); GetOptionsFromArray(\@args, 'verbose|v' => \$self->{qw{ verbose }}, 'cache|c' => \$self->{qw{ doCaching }}, 'server=s' => \$self->{qw{ jiraServer }}, 'issue=s' => \$self->{qw{ jiraIssue }}, 'edgeExtra=s%' => \$self->{qw{ gvEdgeExtra }}, 'issueStop=s' => sub { my ($opt, $val) = @_; $self->{'jiraStopIssues'}{$val} = 1; }, 'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(1); }, ) || pod2usage(2); die "Need to specify a server!" if (!$self->{jiraServer}); die "Need to specify an issue!" if (!$self->{jiraIssue}); return; } sub createGvItem { my ($self, $item_ref) = @_; my $result = ""; my $id = $item_ref->{'key'}->{'content'}; my $description = $item_ref->{'summary'}; $description = wrap("", "", "$description"); encode_entities($description); $description =~ s/\n/
/g; my $assignee = $item_ref->{'assignee'}->{'content'}; encode_entities($assignee); my $priority = $item_ref->{'priority'}->{'content'}; my $color; switch ($priority) { case /^P0/ { $color = "red" } case /^P1/ { $color = "firebrick" } case /^P2/ { $color = "gold" } case /^P3/ { $color = "forestgreen" } case /^Not/ { $color = "lightgrey" } else { $color = "steelblue" } } $result .= "\"$id\" [shape=none,margin=0,color=$color," . "label=<" . ""; $result .= "
$id" . $priority . "" . $assignee . "
" . $description . "
>]\n"; $result .= "\"$id\" [tooltip=\"$id ($priority for $assignee)\", URL=\"" . $item_ref->{'link'} . "\"]\n"; return $result; } sub fetchIssue { my ($self, $issue) = @_; my $gvContent = ""; print "fetching $issue..." if ($self->{verbose}); my $content; if ($self->{doCaching} && -e "$issue.xml") { open FILE, "<$issue.xml"; $content = do { local $/; }; close FILE; } else { my $url = $self->{jiraServer} . '/si/jira.issueviews:issue-xml/' . $issue . '/' . $issue . '.xml'; $content = get($url) || die "Couldn't download $issue from $self->{jiraServer}! (using $url)"; open FILE, ">$issue.xml"; print FILE $content; close FILE; } my $ref = XMLin($content); # if ($issue eq "QTBUG-24203" || $issue eq "QTBUG-20885") { # open FILE, ">$issue.pl"; # print FILE Dumper($ref); # close FILE; # } my $taskStatus = $ref->{'channel'}->{'item'}->{'status'}->{'content'}; # Ignore tasks which are already closed or resolved if ($taskStatus eq "Closed" || $taskStatus eq "Resolved" ) { print "[- $taskStatus -]\n" if ($self->{verbose}); return ""; } $gvContent .= $self->createGvItem($ref->{'channel'}->{'item'}); print "[done!]\n" if ($self->{verbose}); # Check if this is a task we stop at, then don't dive into sub-tasks here my $stopIssue = $self->{'jiraStopIssues'}->{$issue}; if (!$stopIssue) { # Push each sub-task of this task to the issueLinks hash my $sref = $ref->{'channel'}->{'item'}->{'subtasks'}->{'subtask'}; if ($sref->{'content'}) { push(@{$self->{'issueLinks'}{$issue}}, $sref->{'content'}); $gvContent .= $self->fetchIssue($sref->{'content'}); } else { foreach my $item (keys %{$sref}) { my $subissue = $sref->{$item}->{'content'}; push(@{$self->{'issueLinks'}{$issue}}, $subissue); $gvContent .= $self->fetchIssue($subissue); } } # Push each outward linke of this task to the issueLinks hash if (exists $ref->{'channel'}->{'item'}->{'issuelinks'}->{'issuelinktype'}->{'outwardlinks'}) { my $iref = $ref->{'channel'}->{'item'}->{'issuelinks'}->{'issuelinktype'}->{'outwardlinks'}->{'issuelink'}; if (ref($iref) eq "ARRAY") { foreach my $item_ref (@{$ref->{'channel'}->{'item'}->{'issuelinks'}->{'issuelinktype'}->{'outwardlinks'}->{'issuelink'}}) { my $subissue = $item_ref->{'issuekey'}->{'content'}; push(@{$self->{'issueLinks'}{$issue}}, $subissue); $gvContent .= $self->fetchIssue($subissue); } } elsif (ref($iref) eq "HASH") { my $subissue = $iref->{'issuekey'}->{'content'}; push(@{$self->{'issueLinks'}{$issue}}, $subissue); $gvContent .= $self->fetchIssue($subissue); } } } ++$self->{'totalItems'}; $self->{'allOpenIssues'}{$issue} = 1; return $gvContent; } sub fetchAllRelatedIssues { my ($self, $issue) = @_; push (@{$self->{'remainingIssues'}}, $issue); my $gvContent = ""; while(@{$self->{'remainingIssues'}}) { $gvContent .= $self->fetchIssue(shift(@{$self->{'remainingIssues'}})); } return $gvContent; } sub calculateDependencies() { my ($self) = @_; my $gvContent = ""; #print Dumper(\$self->{'issueLinks'}); my $ref = $self->{'gvEdgeExtra'}; foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'issueLinks'}}) { if ($self->{'allOpenIssues'}{$key}) { foreach my $subissue (@{$self->{'issueLinks'}{$key}}) { my $special = $ref->{$subissue}; $special = "" if (!$special); $gvContent .= "\"$key\"->\"$subissue\" $special\n" if ($self->{'allOpenIssues'}{$subissue}); } } } return $gvContent; } sub new { my ($class, @arguments) = @_; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $self->parse_arguments(@arguments); return $self; } sub run { my ($self) = @_; $columns = 50; # set wrap column for Text::Wrap my $jiraIssue = $self->{jiraIssue}; my $gvContent = << 'EOM'; digraph "Jira issue graph" { rankdir=LR ranksep=.50 nodesep=.10 node [style=filled, fonttype=Helvetica, fontsize=8] EOM my $currentDate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", localtime); $gvContent .= $self->fetchAllRelatedIssues($jiraIssue) . $self->calculateDependencies() . "\nlabel=\"Jira issue graph for " . "$jiraIssue @ $currentDate\"\ntooltip=\" \"\n}\n"; print "Found $self->{'totalItems'} related items\n" if ($self->{verbose}); #print $result; #print Dumper(\%issueLinks); open FILE, ">$jiraIssue.gv"; print FILE $gvContent; close FILE; } #============================================================================== Qt::Jira2Gv->new(@ARGV)->run if (!caller); 1;