import Prezo 1.0 import QtQuick 2.0 Presentation { width: 800 height: 600 Slide { centeredText: "Use [space] or [keypad] to see intro" } Slide { title: "Presentation {} Element" content: [ "Toplevel element", "Defines background", "Foreground color", ] CodeSection { text: " import Prezo 1.0 Presentation { width: 640 height: 360 // Define a background... // Default is white.. Rectangle { id: backgroundColor anchors.fill: parent color: \"blue\" } // Set text color property color textColor: \"white\" // Then define slide elements Slide { ... } Slide { ... } Slide { ... } ... } " } } Slide { title: "Slide {} Element" content: [ "Bullet points", "Should be short", "And to the point", " Sub point", " Sub Sub point", " Sub point" ] CodeSection { text: "Slide {\n" + " id: areaSlide\n" + " title: \"Slide {} Element\"\n" + " content: [\n" + " \"Bullet points\",\n" + " \"Should be short\",\n" + " \"And to the point\",\n" + " \" Sub point\",\n" + " \" Sub Sub point\",\n" + " \" Sub point\"\n" + " ]\n" + "}\n" } } Slide { title: "Slide {}, continued" Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "lightgray" Text { text: "Slide fills this area..." anchors.centerIn: parent } } } Slide { title: "Slide {}, continued" centeredText: "Use the predefined centeredText property to put a single block of text at the center of the Slide{}" } Slide { title: "Slide {}, continued" centeredText: 'Use rich text, if you like...' } Slide { title: "Font size relative to screen size" content: [ "Which means you don't need to worry about it", "Bullet points wraps around on the edges, regardless of how long they are, like this. Even if you should choose to use a very long bullet point (which would distract your audience) it would still look ok'ish", "If you run out of height, you're out of luck though..." ] } Slide { id: interactiveSlide title: "Embed Interactive Content" Rectangle { id: box width: parent.fontSize * 10 height: width color: mouse.pressed ? "lightsteelblue" : "steelblue" NumberAnimation on rotation { from: 0; to: 360; duration: 10000; loops: Animation.Infinite; running: visible } Text { text: "Click Me!" anchors.centerIn: parent } MouseArea { id: mouse anchors.fill: parent box } } } Slide { title: "Features" centeredText: 'Hit [esc] to fade out the current page if there are questions from the audience' } Slide { title: "Features" centeredText: 'Navigate back and forth using [left] and [right]\n[space] or [click] takes you to the next slide.' } Slide { centeredText: "Now go make our own presentations\n\nEnjoy!" } }