The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.3.2 contains several bug fixes. Changes ------- - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-601: Pressing Alt-F1 crashes VS or fails to find selected documentation - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-608: Error in QRC compilation when paths contain spaces - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-609: C++ compiler output directories are not created - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-610: QML debug blocked when path to executable contains spaces - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-611: Build errors when combining RelativeDir with absolute paths in Qt tools - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-613: Project dependencies ignored - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-615: Unable to set breakpoints in .js files - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-618: Error when building with FIPS group policy enabled - Will now display the version of the Qt Visual Studio Tools in the main menu (QTVSADDINBUG-607). The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.3.1 adds support for Visual Studio 2019. This version also includes fixes to bugs reported in the previous version. Changes ------- - Added support for Visual Studio 2019 - Extension initialization will now run in the background - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-583: Incorrect conversion of custom build to Qt/MSBuild - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-592: Custom build steps running after Qt tools and C++ compilation - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-593: .natvis files not installed if visualizers directory does not yet exist - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-594: Failed to build project with QRC files and precompiled headers - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-599: Debug session frozen if QML debugging is enabled - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-601: Pressing Alt+F1 for help on a Qt class member crashes Visual Studio - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-604: Conversion to Qt/MSBuild seems to freeze when errors occur The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.3.0 introduces QML debugging in Visual Studio, as well as the ahead-of-time compilation of QML files using the Qt Quick Compiler. This release also includes a number of bug fixes. Changes ------- - Debug QML programs in the Visual Studio IDE - Ahead-of-time compilation of QML files using the Qt Quick Compiler - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-120: Output directories (MOC_DIR, UI_DIR, RCC_DIR) in imported .pro ignored - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-378: Debug data visualization not working with Qt built with namespace - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-526: QRC not rebuilt if resources are updated - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-550: Standard Visual Studio macros not allowed in rcc and uic path setting - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-584: Compilation of selected files (i.e. 'right-click' > 'Compile') not working The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.2.2 contains several bug fixes. Changes ------- - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-544: Build is never up-to-date, even if no files have been changed. - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-551: Qt VS Tools adds a delay to Visual Studio startup. - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-558: Missing Qt module: Data Visualization - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-559: Missing Qt module: Charts - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-563: Error "same key already added" when converting project to Qt/MSBuild - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-566: Error converting to Qt/MSBuild if custom build command has a newline - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-569: %QTMSBUILD% environment variable always overwritten at start-up The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.2.1 contains several bug fixes. Changes ------- - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-509: Noticeable delays when saving any .cpp file in larger projects created with previous versions of the Qt VS Tools - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-510: Errors converting .pro files with long INCLUDEPATH definitions - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-511: Incorrect usage of $(IntDir) in the definition of QtWorkFilePath - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-512: PrecompiledHeaders.h include missing in moc after adding new class - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-514: Quotes removed from preprocessor definition - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-515: Visual Studio unresponsive while Converting custom build to Qt/MSBuild - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-520: Delay when starting build in solutions with many projects/configurations - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-521: Unable to use Qt version if it was built with -qtlibinfix - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-522: Duplicating defines and include paths from moc in the C++ dynamic source - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-523: Qt VS Tools stopped working with static builds - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-530: When a file includes the generated moc output for a header file as well as its own generated moc output then it will fail to build - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-531: Project not being built when a .uic or .qrc file is changed - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-532: Delay when continuing execution after hitting breakpoint - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-533: Errors in conversion to Qt/MSBuild when using MOC_DIR or the '@' option - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-534: Problems with inheritance of properties defined in property sheets. - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-535: Problems with incremental build - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-537: Delay after changing C++ properties in large project - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-538: Incorrect escaping of paths in command line strings The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.2.0 is the first official release of the Visual Studio add-in for Visual Studio 2017, 2015 and 2013. Changes ------- - New approach to moc, rcc and uic integration using MSBuild rules and targets - No longer adds generated files to projects - Creates Universal Windows projects when using a WinRT version of Qt - Allows import of .pro files using a WinRT version of Qt - Optimized the performance of adding header files (QTVSADDINBUG-64) - Optimized the performance of the .pro import procedure (QTVSADDINBUG-442) - Parallel execution of moc, rcc and uic processes (QTVSADDINBUG-124) - Uses multi-processor compilation of C++ by default (QTVSADDINBUG-443) - Updated list of Qt modules (QTVSADDINBUG-411) - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-105: moced source files are output to the same directory, prone to filename clashes - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-140: VS2012 Doesn't start-up anymore correctly after VSAddin usage. - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-363: When the QTDIR variable is set after the LocalDebuggerEnvironment variable in the users file for a project then it will not find the debugger - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-439: Visual Studio Addin creates bad project file if "flat" flag is removed from config before converting to Visual Studio project - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-479: Error building Qt projects in VS 2017: SDK not found - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-485: Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props absent - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-489: When a qrc file is added to the project it is defaulting to being processed with -no-compress which is not the default on the command line - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-491: lupdate no longer works via Visual Studio Add-in - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-493: The application exited with an error (ExitCode 1) - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-504: Changing the project's Qt from Desktop to UWP causes linker errors - Fixed QTVSADDINBUG-505: Opening a .pro file that does not contain Qt3D causes "3D module" to be checked in project's Qt settings The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.1.2 contains support for VS 2017 and several bug fixes. QTVSADDINBUG-459: Fix reported issues against the VS2017 beta release QTVSADDINBUG-396: Fix new item with VS not generating the moc QTVSADDINBUG-472: Fix opening pro file with Qt 5.9 QTVSADDINBUG-460: Fix package containing corrupted data The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.1.1 contains a bug fix for QTVSADDINBUG-453 The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.1.0 contains improvements for QML syntax highlighting and several bug fixes. - Some speed improvements while importing large qmake based projects - Better handling of $(QTDIR) environment and possible related errors - Use TextMate language files for QML and qmake syntax highlighting (VS 2015) - QTVSADDINBUG-445: Fix wrong usage of QT_STATIC and QT_DLL - QTVSADDINBUG-407: Fix Environment variables are not saved/restored after VS restart The Qt Visual Studio Tools version 2.0.0 is an update of the existing Add-In implementation to the newer Visual Studio Package (VSIX extension) system. Changes ------- - Rewrite the Add-In as VSIX extension - Known issues: Missing QML, help and localization support The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.2.5 contains an update of the Qt documentation and some bug fixes. Changes ------- - Qt 5.6 help documents included. - Fixed wrong VCProjectEngine dependency for 2012 installer, which prevented the Add-In from being loaded (QTVSADDINBUG-392) - Use correct solution platform when creating projects using x64 Qt build (QTVSADDINBUG-377) - Fixed several issues with projects' Qt modules settings (QTVSADDINBUG-344, QTVSADDINBUG-359, QTVSADDINBUG-388, QTVSADDINBUG-390) - Do not overwrite debugging environment on project loading (QTVSADDINBUG-375) - Fixed issues that prevented Qt 5.6 version from being registered to the Add-In (QTVSADDINBUG-418) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.2.4 contains updated help documents and a bug fixes. Changes ------- - Qt 5.4 help documents included. - Fixed crash when creating new Qt5 app in VS2008 (QTVSADDINBUG-385) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.2.3 contains support for VS2013, updated help documents and some bug fixes. Changes ------- - Visual Studio 2013 support. - Qt 5.3 help documents included. - Handle wchar_t as builtin type, fixed. (QTVSADDINBUG-171) - Fix for detecting wince build. (QTVSADDINBUG-176) - Release project with debug info enabled links wrong qt dll's, fixed.(QTVSADDINBUG-350) - Generated pri/pro files have mixed line endings (LF/CRLF), fixed.(QTVSADDINBUG-351) - Intermediate Directory needs a trailing slash, fixed.(QTVSADDINBUG-356) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.2.2 contains updated help documents and two bug fixes. Changes ------- - Qt 5.1 help documents included. - Incorrect overwriting of the environment setting value on every build/run removed. (QTVSADDINBUG-159) - Links in Qt help not working, fixed. (QTVSADDINBUG-160) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.2.1 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Qt 5.0.1 help documents included - Qmake wrapper COM component removed and replaced with command line tool qmakefilereader to avoid need to load Qt5 library binaries to Visual Studio process. And to get installation of add-in easier, especially with VS2008. - Qt4 add-in is not allowed to run same time, if found it will be closed. Also if Qt4 add-in is present in system, default editor values for .ts, .ui and .qrc file types are not permanently overwritten by Qt5 add-in. Values are written when Qt5 add-in loads and Qt4 values are set when Qt5 add-in unloads. This should make it possible to install and use both Qt4 and Qt5 versions of add-in. Not to use same time but in turns. Though user must be careful what he does. - Recognizing Qt5 CE build. (QTVSADDINBUG-153) - Incorrect additional directories paths set when Qt modules added/removed from Qt Project Settings page. (QTVSADDINBUG-151) - Include directories search path for some Qt modules fixed (QTVSADDINBUG-150) - Invalid Qt module names fixed (QTVSADDINBUG-142) - Crash when importing .pri file fixed (QTVSADDINBUG-139) - Qt default settings saving problem fixed (QTVSADDINBUG-137) - Naming of precompiled header fixed (QTVSADDINBUG-132) - Support for debugger visualizers in VS2012 (QTVSADDINBUG-129) - Setting Qt libraries path for debugging session fixed (QTVSADDINBUG-125) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.2.0 supports Qt 5.0. Changes ------- - Parameter passing to lupdate fixed (QTVSADDINBUG-131) - Project creation wizards updated to follow Qt5 module structure - Project settings form updated to follow Qt5 module structure - Help documents updated to Qt5 - No more Qt4 project creation wizards and project settings - Support for Visual Studio 2012 - All project files (*.sln, *.csproj etc) are renamed to Qt5 The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.11 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Documentation updated - Documentation support for Visual Studio 2010. (QTVSADDINBUG-15) - Fixed always moc'ing problem. (QTVSADDINBUG-92) - Fixed .pro file opening having include to "." path. (QTVSADDINBUG-117) - Removed extra back slashes from qmake arg paths. - Fixed some additional include dir handling causing same path to be added multiple times to custom build step. The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.10 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Be aware of comments when parsing qmake.conf. (QTVSADDINBUG-76) - Fixed exception when using using unsupported lupdate parameters. (QTVSADDINGBUG-70) - Detecting the MSVC version from qmake.conf was fixed. - Added QtScriptTools and QtUiTools to project settings. (QTVSADDINBUG-71) - Removed the MSVC version check when adding Qt versions. As this "feature" seems to cause more trouble than it solves, we decided to remove it. Checking for the makefile generator should at least prevent people from trying to add MinGW builds. - Fixed creation of addin projects from 64 bit Qt qmake projects. - Do not add the include path "$QTDIR/include/qtmain". This path is a relict and confuses IntelliSense. (QTVSADDINBUG-81) - Be aware of strings when looking for Q_OBJECT macros. (QTVSADDINBUG-75) - Fix problems with the debugging environment. (QTVSADDINBUG-93) - Pass correct QtDesigner4.lib library name to linker. (QTVSADDINBUG-85) - Fix cleaning of autoexp.dat on uninstallation for VS 2005. (QTVSADDINBUG-67) - Use slashes as path separators in includes in moc files. (QTVSADDINBUG-84) - Choose a valid Qt version if the default Qt version becomes invalid. (QTVSADDINBUG-60) - Prevent infinite loop if QtAppWrapper cannot connect. (QTVSADDINBUG-73) - Add and remove the correct OpenGL libraries when changing project's Qt version. (QTVSADDINBUG-80) - Use project macro for filenames in moc step. (QTVSADDINBUG-30) - Fixed batch builds of Qt projects for multiple platforms. (QTVSADDINBUG-51) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.9 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Fix a regression when importing .pro files that was introduced in 1.1.8. - Make the add-in work with Intel VTune projects. (QTVSADDINBUG-65) - Check for compatibility with VS version when adding new Qt version. This will hopefully stop people from trying to use a MinGW Qt build with Visual Studio. (QTVSADDINBUG-58) - Added possiblity to specifiy lupdate/lrelease options. (QTVSADDINBUG-48) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.8 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Do not save the QTDIR in a property sheet for VS 2010. (QTVSADDINBUG-12) - QtDeclarative module added to the modules page and wizards. (QTVSADDINBUG-44) - Fix import of .pri files. (QTVSADDINBUG-38) - Save the modified generated .vc(x)proj after .pro file import. (QTVSADDINBUG-40) - Proper handling of moc file exclusion when saving cpp files. (QTVSADDINBUG-33) - Remove user macro from property sheed when $(QTDIR) is used in VS2010. (QTVSADDINBUG-12) - Documented possibility to add $(QTDIR) version. (QTVSADDINGBUG-19) - Fix broken include paths in moc calls for VS 2010. (QTVSADDINBUG-34) - Fix import of previously unloaded projects. (QTVSADDINBUG-31) - Preserve line breaks in custom build steps after import. (QTVSADDINBUG-32) - Fix exception that could be raised when changing the Qt version of solutions that contained non-C++ projects. (QTVSADDINBUG-50) - Fix moc command line creation for include paths that contain whitespace characters. (QTVSADDINBUG-53) - Fixed the Windows CE wizards that stopped working under certain circumstances. (QTVSADDINBUG-42) - Several fixes for Windows CE project generation. - Qt 4.7.2 documentation included. The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.7 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Fix import of .pro files with "CONFIG -= flat". (QTVSADDINBUG-10) - Fix naming of classes in generated .ui files. (QTVSADDINBUG-9) - Visualizers for QPolygon and QPolygonF fixed. (QTVSADDINBUG-8) - Fix expanding filters on build. - Fix Qt 4.7 qmake warning wrt backslash escaping on import. - VS2010: fix AddMocStep for new header files. (QTVSADDINBUG-2) - GUI class wizard: fix .ui file overwriting check. (QTVSADDINBUG-3) - When adding moc step, do not assume that cpp file is present. (QTVSADDINBUG-1) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.6 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Fixed collapse of Generated files after import/build on Visual Studio 2005. (QTBUG-4750) - Support for Visual Studio 2010. (QTBUG-5374) - Added check for invalid variables in Rcc/Uic directories in Qt (project) settings. (QTBUG-6818) - Updated documentation for changing the target platform. (QTBUG-7262) - Translate filter names on .pro file import or when switching from a qmake generated (qmake -tp vc) project to an Add-in project. (QTBUG-11325) - Fixed regression in custom build step generation. (QTBUG-11527) - Fixed "Change Solution's Qt version" for solutions that contain Intel Fortran projects. (QTBUG-11567) - Fix output paths for custom build steps in release configuration. (QTBUG-12145) - Fix import if CONFIG contains "silent". (QTBUG-12344) - Phonon is added automatically if WebKit is selected. (QTBUG-10154) - Fixed display of uninitialized QSet and QHash object. (QTBUG-12890) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.5 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Fixed setting of preprocessor definitions when changing to a Windows CE Qt version. (QTBUG-10564) - Added contribution for QMap visualization. (QTBUG-3970) - Recursively look for includes/defines in PropertySheets. (QTBUG-10406) - Fixed bugs affecting Q_OBJECTs in .cpp files. - On import, the content of .qrc files is added to the Resources filter of the Visual Studio project. (QTBUG-10113) - QRC Editor: The add-in will synchronize the list of resources in a .qrc file with the files in the Resources filter of the project. (QTBUG-6103) - QRC Editor: show full resource URL. (QTBUG-3801) - Refresh moc steps when PCH options are changed. (QTBUG-7700) - You don't have to be admin anymore to set Windows CE Qt versions. (QTBUG-9550) - QtAppWrapper: Do not stop listening to new connections if error occurs. (QTBUG-8508) - Handle C++ comments correctly. (QTBUG-7641) - Support $(PlatformName) for moc, uic and rcc directories. (QTBUG-5814) - Fixed exception when exporting non-C++ projects. (QTBUG-9234) - Fixed module handling for static libraries. (QTBUG-8670) - Resolve %BASECLASS% in Qt4Class template again, to keep old custom class wizard additions working. (QTBUG-8615) - Fixed wrong DLL names in Windows CE deployment of Qt modules. (QTBUG-8622) - Fixed import of .pro files with library dependency paths that contain whitespace characters. (QTBUG-8493) - Added possibility to use mocDir without $(ConfigurationName). (QTBUG-7288) - Fixed import for projects with relative moc dir settings. (QTBUG-8372) - Fixed import for project without resources. - Don't depend on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. (QTBUG-8415) - Fix moc steps for file names, that are contain substrings of variables, like "Config.h" (QTBUG-8218) - Detection of invalid class names in projects wizards. (QTBUG-8154) - Fixed creation of translation files when custom cultures are present. (QTBUG-11124) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.4 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Several bugs when opening .ui and .ts files have been fixed. The qtappwrapper has been overhauled. (QTBUG-6857, QTBUG-7491) - Importing .pro files with source files in subdirectories does not longer cause creation of invalid moc steps. (QTBUG-7603) - The Qt Multimedia module is now available in all project wizards and the Qt modules dialog. (QTBUG-7487) - The "Generated Files" filter is collapsed after .pro file import. (QTBUG-7687) - Automatically checkout .ui, .qrc and .ts files if they are under source control. (QTBUG-7680) - Remove .res files from the "Generated Files" filter after .pro file import as they are not needed. (QTBUG-7494) - Class wizards: Take care of forbidden characters when building include guards for header files. (QTBUG-7811) - Fix exception when accessing the Qt project settings for projects, that do not have a compiler tool. (QTBUG-7930) - Fix bug in moc step update, which occured when there was more than one file in the "Outputs" property of the custom build step. (QTBUG-7937) - Added an option to turn off the automatic moc steps update. (QTBUG-7938) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.3 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Added checks to avoid unneeded access to .vcproj file when saving files with Q_OBJECT. (QTBUG-5813) - When using Visual Studio 2005 the project tree is no longer expanded after each build. (QTBUG-6482) - Switching between qmake and AddIn projects more robust. (QTBUG-6434) - Set target machine explicitly when changing Qt version. (QTBUG-5206) - Work around Visual Studio bug to support the simplified Chinese version of Visual Studio. (QTBUG-6318) - Fixed bug for Windows CE static builds. (QTBUG-3493) - Create signature step for Windows CE projects. (QTBUG-3493) - Fixed visualizers for QList and QMap. (very simple version for QMap as an appropiate visualization seems impossible in autoexp.dat) (QTBUG-660 and QTBUG-3970) - Fixed visualizers for QVector. (QTBUG-7121) - Support empty base classes in Qt4Class wizard. (QTBUG-6797) - Support namespaces when creating Qt classes. (QTBUG-5227) The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.2 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Fixed various problems concerning precompiled headers (stdafx as default (QTBUG-5226), change of settings when building...) - Increased support for solution folders (QTBUG-4914) - Detection of solution .pro files fixed (be aware of possible newline after \) - Fixed bug, which could appear when moc steps had to be updated. The update caused an invalid moc commandline which made the build fail. - Added support for Q_Gadget macro(QTBUG-5291) - Project tree is not expanded on every build when using VS2005 (QTBUG-5291) - Fixed conversion from AddIn project to Qmake project and vice versa (QTBUG5380) - Repair moc path when importing .pro file (QTBUG-4221) - Support of commandline builds (QTBUG-5321) (In VS2005 there are some issues when trying to load AddIns from the commandline. See The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.1 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - Fixed startup of Qt Designer and Qt Linguist when the application was not build for the current project's Qt Version. The Add-In tries to find the needed tool inside the directory of the other registered Qt Versions. - "Generate basic pro file" gets disabled in project's context menu and Qt menu if the current project is a qmake generated project. - When importing a solution file while a solution is opened, the user gets the possibility to automatically close the current solution. - Avoid infinite recursion in inclusion which happened when moccing .cpp files, which used precompiled headers. - Translation files are added when exporting project to a .pri file. - Project is cleaned, when its Qt version is changed. - As there is no way to avoid the expansion of generated files filter when the project is built the first time, the generated files are collapsed after the build has finished (QTBUG-4750). - Changing the project's Qt Version after importing a .pro file does not longer make the build fail (QTBUG-4756) - Exclusion of .cpp and .h files cause the mocced files to be excluded from build too (QTBUG-3404) - Adding a Qt class no longer implies that precompiled headers are used. - Fixed processing of lupdate in projects with a big amount of files (QTBUG-4783). The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.1.0 contains multiple bugfixes and improvements. Changes ------- - The custom build step generation has been changed to use a subfolder for every configuration. This solves the problem of heavy changes in the vcproj file whenever the user switches to another build configuration. (Task 251918) - Qt Designer, Qt Linguist and the QRC Editor are started via a properly registered editor wrapper. Now its possible to open ui files in other editors, like the built-in XML editor. (Task 250601) - Projects can be converted from Qt Add-in projects to qmake generated projects and back. (Task 153484) - Fixing the behaviour of adding a file to a filter. (Task 254968) - Opening a vcproj file that has a non-defined Qt version works now like in the old Qt VS integration. (Task 258704) - The detection of Windows CE Qt builds has been fixed. - OpenGL Desktop Windows libraries aren't added to linker options in Windows CE projects. (Task 260550) - If there's no Generated Files folder, then we don't try to delete its content. (Task 260723) - Fix bug for solutions that contain disabled (unloaded) projects. (Task 259807) - Switching between static and dynamic Qt builds has been fixed. - Add-in's documentation has been updated. The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.0.2 contains multiple bugfixes. Changes ------- - Platform was not set correctly when solution contains several projects. - Repair broken QTDIR Variable when project is added to solution. - Fix problem with dots in pro file names. - Qt module Phonon added to wizards and dialogs. - Don't mess around with whitespaces in every source file we add. (Task 251987) - Prevent duplicates in additional dependencies, includes etc. - Fix rare exception when importing solution pro file. - Fix switching between static and dynamic Qt build. - Enable the user to add a "$(QTDIR)" Qt version even if QTDIR is not set. The Qt Visual Studio Add-In version 1.0.1 contains multiple bugfixes. Changes ------- - Qt .pro file import fixed for projects containing SUBDIRS. - Fixed moc file build exclusion when saving a .cpp file. - Keep user defined debugging environment when adding the Qt environment. - Fix the display of full file paths in custom build tool descriptions. - Documentation updated.