cache() TEMPLATE = app QT += qml quick gui network xmlpatterns TARGET = QuickForecast include(src/src.pri) APP_FILES = \ $$PWD/qml/main.qml \ $$PWD/qml/pages/BasicPage.qml \ $$PWD/qml/pages/CitiesPage.qml \ $$PWD/qml/pages/OneDayPage.qml \ $$PWD/qml/pages/LongTermPage.qml \ $$PWD/qml/pages/LongTermDayItem.qml \ $$PWD/qml/pages/OneDayZoomItem.qml \ $$PWD/qml/pages/OneDaySliderItem.qml \ $$PWD/qml/pages/Separator.qml \ $$PWD/qml/models/WeatherModel.qml \ $$PWD/qml/js/utils.js # Touch Styled Controls APP_FILES += \ $$PWD/qml/touch/TouchLabel.qml \ $$PWD/qml/touch/TouchScrollView.qml \ $$PWD/qml/touch/TouchSlider.qml \ $$PWD/qml/touch/TouchTextField.qml \ $$PWD/qml/touch/ListViewDelegate.qml \ $$PWD/qml/touch/images/BackArrow.png \ $$PWD/qml/touch/images/Pointer.png \ $$PWD/qml/touch/images/Pointer_pressed.png \ $$PWD/qml/touch/images/Circle.png \ $$PWD/qml/touch/images/darkclose.png \ $$PWD/qml/touch/images/magnifier.png \ $$PWD/qml/touch/images/Clear.png # Fonts APP_FILES += \ $$PWD/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf \ $$PWD/fonts/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf \ $$PWD/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf OTHER_FILES += $$APP_FILES $$PWD/translations/README # var, prepend, append defineReplace(prependAll) { for(a,$$1):result += $$2$${a}$$3 return($$result) } # Supported languages LANGUAGES = bn da de es fi fr hi hu it nb nl pl ro ru zh # Available translations TRANSLATIONS = $$prependAll(LANGUAGES, $$PWD/translations/QuickForecast_, .ts) # Used to embed the qm files in resources TRANSLATIONS_FILES = # run LRELEASE to generate the qm files qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease) for(tsfile, TRANSLATIONS) { qmfile = $$shadowed($$tsfile) qmfile ~= s,\\.ts$,.qm, qmdir = $$dirname(qmfile) !exists($$qmdir) { mkpath($$qmdir)|error("Aborting.") } command = $$LRELEASE -removeidentical $$tsfile -qm $$qmfile system($$command)|error("Failed to run: $$command") TRANSLATIONS_FILES += $$qmfile } # Create the resource file GENERATED_RESOURCE_FILE = $$OUT_PWD/weatherapp.qrc RESOURCE_CONTENT = \ "" \ "" for(resourcefile, APP_FILES) { resourcefileabsolutepath = $$absolute_path($$resourcefile) relativepath_in = $$relative_path($$resourcefileabsolutepath, $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_) relativepath_out = $$relative_path($$resourcefileabsolutepath, $$OUT_PWD) RESOURCE_CONTENT += "$$relativepath_out" } for(translationfile, TRANSLATIONS_FILES) { relativepath_out = $$relative_path($$translationfile, $$OUT_PWD) RESOURCE_CONTENT += "$$relativepath_out" } RESOURCE_CONTENT += \ "" \ "" write_file($$GENERATED_RESOURCE_FILE, RESOURCE_CONTENT)|error("Aborting.") RESOURCES += $$GENERATED_RESOURCE_FILE ios { FONTS.files = $$PWD/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf $$PWD/fonts/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf $$PWD/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf FONTS.path = fonts QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += FONTS QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ios/iosInfo.plist } android: ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR = $$PWD/android # TRANSLATIONS - Create extra targets for convenience wd = $$replace(PWD, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP) # LUPDATE - Make new targets for each and all languages qtPrepareTool(LUPDATE, lupdate) LUPDATE += -locations relative -no-ui-lines TSFILES = $$files($$PWD/translations/QuickForecast_*.ts) $$PWD/translations/QuickForecast_untranslated.ts for(file, TSFILES) { lang = $$replace(file, .*_([^/]*)\\.ts, \\1) v = ts-$${lang}.commands $$v = cd $$wd && $$LUPDATE $$SOURCES $$APP_FILES -ts $$file QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += ts-$$lang } ts-all.commands = cd $$PWD && $$LUPDATE $$SOURCES $$APP_FILES -ts $$TSFILES QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += ts-all # COMMIT - Make a new target for lconvert and committing the ts files # lconvert is used to remove the strings location in the ts files # and thus save space. qtPrepareTool(LCONVERT, lconvert) LCONVERT += -locations none isEqual(QMAKE_DIR_SEP, /) { commit-ts.commands = \ cd $$wd; \ git add -N translations/*_??.ts && \ for f in `git diff-files --name-only translations/*_??.ts`; do \ $$LCONVERT -i \$\$f -o \$\$f; \ done; \ git add translations/*_??.ts && git commit } else { commit-ts.commands = \ cd $$wd && \ git add -N translations/*_??.ts && \ for /f usebackq %%f in (`git diff-files --name-only -- translations/*_??.ts`) do \ $$LCONVERT -i %%f -o %%f $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \ cd $$wd && git add translations/*_??.ts && git commit } QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += commit-ts