###################################################################### # # Mobility API project - common QMake settings # ###################################################################### CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { WAS_IN_DEBUG=debug } else { WAS_IN_DEBUG=release } include(staticconfig.pri) symbian:contains(symbian_symbols_unfrozen,1) { #see configure.bat for details MMP_RULES+="EXPORTUNFROZEN" } mac { contains(QT_CONFIG, qt_framework):contains(TEMPLATE, lib) { #MacOSX always builds debug and release libs when using mac framework CONFIG+=$$WAS_IN_DEBUG CONFIG += debug_and_release build_all } else { !contains(QT_CONFIG,debug)|!contains(QT_CONFIG,release) { CONFIG -= debug_and_release debug release contains(QT_CONFIG,debug): CONFIG+=debug contains(QT_CONFIG,release): CONFIG+=release } } } #In Windows we want to build libraries in debug and release mode if the user #didn't select a version - if Qt is build in debug_and_release #this avoids problems for third party as qmake build debug by default #If mobility selected debug_and_release but Qt only supports #one version but not the other we silently disable the impossible combination win32:contains(CONFIG_WIN32,build_all) { contains(QT_CONFIG,debug):contains(QT_CONFIG,release) { contains(TEMPLATE,.*lib) { CONFIG += $$WAS_IN_DEBUG CONFIG += debug_and_release build_all } } else { CONFIG -= debug_and_release debug release contains(QT_CONFIG,debug): CONFIG+=debug contains(QT_CONFIG,release): CONFIG+=release } } # Helper function. This should move to a .prf file defineReplace(mobilityDeployFilename) { unset(MOBILITY_DEPLOY_NAME) MOBILITY_DEPLOY_NAME = $$1 CONFIG(debug, debug|release): { mac:RET = $$member(MOBILITY_DEPLOY_NAME, 0)_debug else:win32:RET = $$member(MOBILITY_DEPLOY_NAME, 0)d } isEmpty(RET):RET = $$MOBILITY_DEPLOY_NAME return($$RET) } # Make sure this goes everywhere we need it symbian: load(data_caging_paths) # Figure out the root of where stuff should go (this could be done via configure) OUTPUT_DIR = $$QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE SOURCE_DIR = $$PWD CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { SUBDIRPART=Debug } else { SUBDIRPART=Release } contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG+=hide_symbols #export more symbols if we build the unit tests contains(build_unit_tests, yes) { DEFINES+=QTM_BUILD_UNITTESTS } else { contains(build_public_unit_tests,yes):DEFINES+=QTM_BUILD_PUBLIC_UNITTESTS } #test whether we have a unit test !testcase:!testhelper { OBJECTS_DIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/$$SUBDIRPART/$$TARGET !plugin { contains(TEMPLATE,.*lib) { DESTDIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib symbian:defFilePath=../s60installs symbian:DEF_FILE=../s60installs VERSION = 1.2.0 } else { DESTDIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/bin } } else { testplugin { DESTDIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/tests/bin/plugins/$$PLUGIN_TYPE } else { #check that plugin_type is set or warn otherwise isEmpty(PLUGIN_TYPE) { message(PLUGIN_TYPE not specified - install rule may not work) } else { target.path=$${QT_MOBILITY_PLUGINS}/$${PLUGIN_TYPE} INSTALLS += target } } } MOC_DIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/$$SUBDIRPART/$$TARGET/moc RCC_DIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/$$SUBDIRPART/$$TARGET/rcc UI_DIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/$$SUBDIRPART/$$TARGET/ui QMAKE_RPATHDIR += $$QT_MOBILITY_LIB } else { # Unit test code (no plugins! test plugins are just normal plugins installed elsewhere) testcase:QT *= testlib CONFIG += console CONFIG -= app_bundle OBJECTS_DIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/tests/$$SUBDIRPART/$$TARGET DESTDIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/tests/bin MOC_DIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/tests/$$SUBDIRPART/$$TARGET/moc RCC_DIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/tests/$$SUBDIRPART/$$TARGET/rcc UI_DIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/build/tests/$$SUBDIRPART/$$TARGET/ui QMAKE_RPATHDIR += $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib } contains(TEMPLATE,.*lib):DEFINES += QT_SHARED maemo6|meego { maemo6:DEFINES+= Q_WS_MAEMO_6 meego:DEFINES+= Q_WS_MEEGO contains(TEMPLATE,.*app.*): QMAKE_LIB_FLAGS+= -Wl,-rpath-link $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] QMAKE_LIB_FLAGS+= -Wl,-rpath-link $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] QMAKE_RPATHDIR += $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] } maemo5 { DEFINES+= Q_WS_MAEMO_5 } meego { DEFINES+= Q_WS_MEEGO } wince* { ### Bearer Management BEARERLIB.sources = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib/$$mobilityDeployFilename(QtBearer).dll BEARERLIB.path = . DEPLOYMENT += BEARERLIB ### Contacts # Main library CONTACTS_DEPLOYMENT.sources = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib/$$mobilityDeployFilename(QtContacts).dll CONTACTS_DEPLOYMENT.path = /Windows # Plugins CONTACTS_PLUGINS_DEPLOYMENT.sources = $$OUTPUT_DIR/plugins/contacts/*.dll CONTACTS_PLUGINS_DEPLOYMENT.path = plugins/contacts DEPLOYMENT += CONTACTS_DEPLOYMENT CONTACTS_PLUGINS_DEPLOYMENT ### Service Framework SFW_DEPLOYMENT.sources = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib/$$mobilityDeployFilename(QtServiceFramework).dll SFW_DEPLOYMENT.path = . DEPLOYMENT += SFW_DEPLOYMENT ### Location LOCATION.sources = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib/$$mobilityDeployFilename(QtLocation).dll LOCATION.path = . DEPLOYMENT += LOCATION ### Landmarks LANDMARKS.sources = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib/$$mobilityDeployFilename(QtLandmarks).dll LANDMARKS.path = . DEPLOYMENT += LANDMARKS } symbian { #For some reason the default include path doesn't include MOC_DIR on symbian INCLUDEPATH += $$MOC_DIR #This is supposed to be defined in symbian_os.hrh #DEFINES += SYMBIAN_EMULATOR_SUPPORTS_PERPROCESS_WSD } # Add the output dirs to the front of the link path. # They must be at the front in case some previous Mobility version is already # installed on the system. # Note that we must use QMAKE_LIBDIR/QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH for this, and not # LIBS, because Qt will prepend the Qt library path to LIBS elsewhere. mac:contains(QT_CONFIG,qt_framework) { #add framework option QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib } QMAKE_LIBDIR += $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib linux*-g++*:QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$QMAKE_LFLAGS_NOUNDEF DEPENDPATH += . $$SOURCE_DIR INCLUDEPATH += $$SOURCE_DIR/src/global !symbian:!wince*:DEFINES += QTM_PLUGIN_PATH=\\\"$$replace(QT_MOBILITY_PLUGINS, \\\\, /)\\\"