Qt Mobility 1.0.2 is a patch release. It contains a number of improvements and bug fixes since the Qt Mobility 1.0.1 release. For more details, please refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://qt.nokia.com/doc/qtmobility-1.0 Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker or the Merge Request queue of the public source repository. Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com Merge Request: http://qt.gitorious.org **************************************************************************** * General * **************************************************************************** New features ------ - Other changes/optimizations ------ - **************************************************************************** * Important Behavior Changes * **************************************************************************** - **************************************************************************** * Library * **************************************************************************** QtBearer ------ - QtContacts ------ - Compiles against Qt/4.7 - Updated various areas of the Contacts API documentation [QTMOBILITY-361, QTMOBILITY-155] - maemo5: fixed bug in thumbnail handling code where the image was cropped and returned with swapped RGB values [QTMOBILITY-307] - maemo5: fixed bug in saving code where some details were duplicated on contact save [QTMOBILITY-310] - maemo5: fixed bug in saving code where some details were updated incorrectly on contact save [QTMOBILITY-310] - maemo5: fixed bug in loading code where certain contact addresses could cause a memory corruption leading to crash [QTMOBILITY-380] - maemo5: fixed bug in schema reporting code; now report and enforce uniqueness constraints correctly [QTMOBILITY-325] - maemo5: fixed bug in QContactOnlineAccount handling, where clients could not set the accountUri of an online account [QTMOBILITY-315] - maemo5: added support for the QContactPresence detail [QTMOBILITY-315] - maemo5: added support for QContactOnlineAccount capability reporting [QTMOBILITY-328] QtLocation ------ - Various documentation fixes - Packaging issue fixed for Symbian devices [QTMOBILITY-360] - maemo5: fixed inaccurate reporting of horizontal accuracy [QTMOBILITY-313] - maemo5: network based position sources now work [QTMOBILITY-311], although the preferred positioning methods are not working yet [QTMOBILITY-382] - maemo6: requestUpdate is now working for both position and satellite sources [QTMOBILITY-366, QTMOBILITY-367, QTMOBILITY-368, QTMOBILITY-369] QtMessaging ------ - Ensure id of sent message is available after QMessageService::send() [MOBILITY-1152] - Document windows build process [MOBILITY-536] - symbian: filter out unwanted indicator cleared messages [MOBILITY-1125] QtMedia/QtMultimediaKit ------ - QtPublishSubscribe ------ - QtSensors ------ - Don't change the output range when addOutputRange is called [QTMOBILITY-326] - Stop trying to write to files in /sys on the N900 [QTMOBILITY-326] - Don't crash when outputRange is -1 on Symbian [MOBILITY-1188] QtServiceFramework ------ - QtSystemInfo ------ - Qt Mobility Plugins ------ **************************************************************************** * Platform Specific Changes * **************************************************************************** Qt Mobility for Embedded Linux ------ - Qt Mobility for Unix (X11 and Mac OS X) ------ - Qt Mobility for Linux/X11 ------ - Qt Mobility for Windows ------ - Qt Mobility for Mac OS X ------ - Qt Mobility for Windows CE ------ - Qt Mobility for Symbian ------ **************************************************************************** * Tools * **************************************************************************** - tool