Qt Solutions Component: QtScript Classic This component provides the original (pre-Qt 4.6) implementation of the QtScript module. Notes: QtScriptClassic is always built as a shared/dynamic library. The library file is named QtScriptClassic, so as to differentiate it from the QtScript module's, which is called QtScript. To use QtScriptClassic in your project, include the src/qtscriptclassic.pri file in your qmake project file, or make the corresponding changes to your build setup. The project file must not contain 'Qt += script', since that may cause the wrong header files to be used and linking symbol clashes with the QtScript module. As per Qt 4.6, the API of QtScriptClassic is for most practical purposes fully source compatible with the QtScript module. Qt can be built without the QtScript module by giving the -no-script option to configure. Version history: 1.0: - Initial version, corresponding to Qt 4.6.0