/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of the Qt Solutions component. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Digia Plc and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor the names ** of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ** from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qscriptcontextinfo.h" #include "qscriptcontextinfo_p.h" #include "qscriptengine_p.h" #include "qscriptcontext_p.h" #include "qscriptvalueimpl_p.h" #include "qscriptmember_p.h" #include "qscriptobject_p.h" #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \since 4.4 \class QScriptContextInfo \brief The QScriptContextInfo class provides additional information about a QScriptContext. \ingroup script \mainclass QScriptContextInfo is typically used for debugging purposes. It can provide information about the code being executed, such as the type of the called function, and the original source code location of the current statement. If the called function is executing Qt Script code, you can obtain the script location with the functions fileName(), lineNumber() and columnNumber(). You can obtain the starting line number and ending line number of a Qt Script function definition with functionStartLineNumber() and functionEndLineNumber(), respectively. For Qt Script functions and Qt methods (e.g. slots), you can call functionParameterNames() to get the names of the formal parameters of the function. For Qt methods and Qt property accessors, you can obtain the index of the underlying QMetaMethod or QMetaProperty by calling functionMetaIndex(). \sa QScriptContext, QScriptEngineAgent */ /*! \enum QScriptContextInfo::FunctionType This enum specifies the type of function being called. \value ScriptFunction The function is a Qt Script function, i.e. it was defined through a call to QScriptEngine::evaluate(). \value QtFunction The function is a Qt function (a signal, slot or method). \value QtPropertyFunction The function is a Qt property getter or setter. \value NativeFunction The function is a built-in Qt Script function, or it was defined through a call to QScriptEngine::newFunction(). */ /*! \internal */ QScriptContextInfoPrivate::QScriptContextInfoPrivate() : q_ptr(0) { ref = 0; functionType = QScriptContextInfo::NativeFunction; functionMetaIndex = -1; functionStartLineNumber = -1; functionEndLineNumber = -1; scriptId = -1; lineNumber = -1; columnNumber = -1; } /*! \internal */ QScriptContextInfoPrivate::QScriptContextInfoPrivate(const QScriptContext *context) : q_ptr(0) { Q_ASSERT(context); ref = 0; functionType = QScriptContextInfo::NativeFunction; functionMetaIndex = -1; functionStartLineNumber = -1; functionEndLineNumber = -1; const QScriptContextPrivate *ctx_p = QScriptContextPrivate::get(context); #ifndef Q_SCRIPT_NO_EVENT_NOTIFY scriptId = ctx_p->scriptId(); #endif fileName = ctx_p->fileName(); lineNumber = ctx_p->currentLine; columnNumber = ctx_p->currentColumn; QScriptValueImpl callee = ctx_p->engine()->toImpl(context->callee()); QScriptFunction *fun = callee.toFunction(); if (fun) { functionName = fun->functionName(); functionStartLineNumber = fun->startLineNumber(); functionEndLineNumber = fun->endLineNumber(); switch (fun->type()) { case QScriptFunction::Unknown: functionType = QScriptContextInfo::NativeFunction; break; case QScriptFunction::Script: functionType = QScriptContextInfo::ScriptFunction; for (int i = 0; i < fun->formals.count(); ++i) parameterNames.append(fun->formals.at(i)->s); break; case QScriptFunction::C: functionType = QScriptContextInfo::NativeFunction; break; case QScriptFunction::C2: functionType = QScriptContextInfo::NativeFunction; break; case QScriptFunction::C3: functionType = QScriptContextInfo::NativeFunction; break; case QScriptFunction::Qt: { functionType = QScriptContextInfo::QtFunction; functionMetaIndex = ctx_p->calleeMetaIndex; #ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT const QMetaObject *meta; meta = static_cast(fun)->metaObject(); if (meta) { QMetaMethod method = meta->method(functionMetaIndex); QList formals = method.parameterNames(); for (int i = 0; i < formals.count(); ++i) parameterNames.append(QLatin1String(formals.at(i))); } #endif } break; case QScriptFunction::QtProperty: functionType = QScriptContextInfo::QtPropertyFunction; functionMetaIndex = ctx_p->calleeMetaIndex; break; } } } /*! \internal */ QScriptContextInfoPrivate::~QScriptContextInfoPrivate() { } /*! Constructs a new QScriptContextInfo from the given \a context. The relevant information is extracted from the \a context at construction time; i.e. if you continue script execution in the \a context, the new state of the context will not be reflected in a previously created QScriptContextInfo. */ QScriptContextInfo::QScriptContextInfo(const QScriptContext *context) { if (context) { d_ptr = new QScriptContextInfoPrivate(context); d_ptr->q_ptr = this; d_ptr->ref.ref(); } else { d_ptr = 0; } } /*! Constructs a new QScriptContextInfo from the \a other info. */ QScriptContextInfo::QScriptContextInfo(const QScriptContextInfo &other) : d_ptr(other.d_ptr) { if (d_ptr) d_ptr->ref.ref(); } /*! Constructs a null QScriptContextInfo. \sa isNull() */ QScriptContextInfo::QScriptContextInfo() : d_ptr(0) { } /*! Destroys the QScriptContextInfo. */ QScriptContextInfo::~QScriptContextInfo() { if (d_ptr && !d_ptr->ref.deref()) { delete d_ptr; d_ptr = 0; } } /*! Assigns the \a other info to this QScriptContextInfo, and returns a reference to this QScriptContextInfo. */ QScriptContextInfo &QScriptContextInfo::operator=(const QScriptContextInfo &other) { if (d_ptr == other.d_ptr) return *this; if (d_ptr && !d_ptr->ref.deref()) { delete d_ptr; d_ptr = 0; } d_ptr = other.d_ptr; if (d_ptr) d_ptr->ref.ref(); return *this; } /*! Returns the ID of the script where the code being executed was defined, or -1 if the ID is not available (i.e. a native function is being executed). \sa QScriptEngineAgent::scriptLoad() */ qint64 QScriptContextInfo::scriptId() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return -1; return d->scriptId; } /*! Returns the name of the file where the code being executed was defined, if available; otherwise returns an empty string. For Qt Script code, this function returns the fileName argument that was passed to QScriptEngine::evaluate(). \sa lineNumber(), functionName() */ QString QScriptContextInfo::fileName() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return QString(); return d->fileName; } /*! Returns the line number corresponding to the statement being executed, or -1 if the line number is not available. The line number is only available if Qt Script code is being executed. \sa columnNumber(), fileName() */ int QScriptContextInfo::lineNumber() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return -1; return d->lineNumber; } /*! Returns the column number corresponding to the statement being executed, or -1 if the column number is not available. The column number is only available if Qt Script code is being executed. \sa lineNumber(), fileName() */ int QScriptContextInfo::columnNumber() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return -1; return d->columnNumber; } /*! Returns the name of the called function, or an empty string if the name is not available. For script functions of type QtPropertyFunction, this function always returns the name of the property; you can use QScriptContext::argumentCount() to differentiate between reads and writes. \sa fileName(), functionType() */ QString QScriptContextInfo::functionName() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return QString(); return d->functionName; } /*! Returns the type of the called function. \sa functionName(), QScriptContext::callee() */ QScriptContextInfo::FunctionType QScriptContextInfo::functionType() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return NativeFunction; return d->functionType; } /*! Returns the line number where the definition of the called function starts, or -1 if the line number is not available. The starting line number is only available if the functionType() is ScriptFunction. \sa functionEndLineNumber(), fileName() */ int QScriptContextInfo::functionStartLineNumber() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return -1; return d->functionStartLineNumber; } /*! Returns the line number where the definition of the called function ends, or -1 if the line number is not available. The ending line number is only available if the functionType() is ScriptFunction. \sa functionStartLineNumber() */ int QScriptContextInfo::functionEndLineNumber() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return -1; return d->functionEndLineNumber; } /*! Returns the names of the formal parameters of the called function, or an empty QStringList if the parameter names are not available. \sa QScriptContext::argument() */ QStringList QScriptContextInfo::functionParameterNames() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return QStringList(); return d->parameterNames; } /*! Returns the meta index of the called function, or -1 if the meta index is not available. The meta index is only available if the functionType() is QtFunction or QtPropertyFunction. For QtFunction, the meta index can be passed to QMetaObject::method() to obtain the corresponding method definition; for QtPropertyFunction, the meta index can be passed to QMetaObject::property() to obtain the corresponding property definition. \sa QScriptContext::thisObject() */ int QScriptContextInfo::functionMetaIndex() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); if (!d) return -1; return d->functionMetaIndex; } /*! Returns true if this QScriptContextInfo is null, i.e. does not contain any information. */ bool QScriptContextInfo::isNull() const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); return (d == 0); } /*! Returns true if this QScriptContextInfo is equal to the \a other info, otherwise returns false. */ bool QScriptContextInfo::operator==(const QScriptContextInfo &other) const { Q_D(const QScriptContextInfo); const QScriptContextInfoPrivate *od = other.d_func(); if (d == od) return true; if (!d || !od) return false; return ((d->scriptId == od->scriptId) && (d->lineNumber == od->lineNumber) && (d->columnNumber == od->columnNumber) && (d->fileName == od->fileName) && (d->functionName == od->functionName) && (d->functionType == od->functionType) && (d->functionStartLineNumber == od->functionStartLineNumber) && (d->functionEndLineNumber == od->functionEndLineNumber) && (d->functionMetaIndex == od->functionMetaIndex) && (d->parameterNames == od->parameterNames)); } /*! Returns true if this QScriptContextInfo is not equal to the \a other info, otherwise returns false. */ bool QScriptContextInfo::operator!=(const QScriptContextInfo &other) const { return !(*this == other); } #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM /*! \fn QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QScriptContextInfo &info) \since 4.4 \relates QScriptContextInfo Writes the given \a info to the specified \a stream. */ QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QScriptContextInfo &info) { out << info.scriptId(); out << (qint32)info.lineNumber(); out << (qint32)info.columnNumber(); out << (quint32)info.functionType(); out << (qint32)info.functionStartLineNumber(); out << (qint32)info.functionEndLineNumber(); out << (qint32)info.functionMetaIndex(); out << info.fileName(); out << info.functionName(); out << info.functionParameterNames(); return out; } /*! \fn QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QScriptContextInfo &info) \since 4.4 \relates QScriptContextInfo Reads a QScriptContextInfo from the specified \a stream into the given \a info. */ Q_SCRIPT_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, QScriptContextInfo &info) { if (!info.d_ptr) { info.d_ptr = new QScriptContextInfoPrivate(); info.d_ptr->ref.ref(); } in >> info.d_ptr->scriptId; qint32 line; in >> line; info.d_ptr->lineNumber = line; qint32 column; in >> column; info.d_ptr->columnNumber = column; quint32 ftype; in >> ftype; info.d_ptr->functionType = QScriptContextInfo::FunctionType(ftype); qint32 startLine; in >> startLine; info.d_ptr->functionStartLineNumber = startLine; qint32 endLine; in >> endLine; info.d_ptr->functionEndLineNumber = endLine; qint32 metaIndex; in >> metaIndex; info.d_ptr->functionMetaIndex = metaIndex; in >> info.d_ptr->fileName; in >> info.d_ptr->functionName; in >> info.d_ptr->parameterNames; return in; } #endif QT_END_NAMESPACE