// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // Qt Licenser daemon for Linux - Tested in Ubuntu 16.04, Mint 20.3, Macbook Pro M1 (Mac from console only, not as a daemon) - This README does not include Windows version, because it's not supported yet Prerequisites: cmake, libcurl-openssl-dev, build-essential: In ubuntu, install them with command: > sudo apt install cmake libcurl4-openssl-dev build-essential RHEL and other rpm-based system are different, but equivalent packages are available. To build, run the build script: (from project root) ./build.sh ---------- Install it as a service: ---------- cd to deploy/ directory (created by build.sh): cd deploy At this point, you might want to edit the qtlicd.ini file, where most important is the License Server address to be able to connect to it. If you do this later, you need to edit /opt/qtlicd.ini as root. See qtlicd.ini in deploy directory. Run installation script as root: sudo ./installer.sh (will now start automatically after reboot, too) To get MOC wrapper working, too, please note: Installation script does not know your Qt installation location (Something like /home/user/Qt/6.3.1/gcc_64/libexec/). That's why you need to set MOC wrapper working by doing: 1. cd [your Qt framework install dir] 2. mv moc orig_moc <--- Note: has to be exactly 'orig_moc' 3. ln -s /opt/qtlicd/mocwrapper moc 4. Try it by building any Qt-enabled app wit any IDE or from command line In case youre using Qt5, you need to enable legacy support for its qmake licensing system by replacing licheck binary with the provided one: (Still in the Qt installation location): 1. cp licheck licheck.bak <--- This is just to back up the original, you can name it freely 2. ln -s /opt/qtlicd/licheck licheck Check if the service running: sudo systemctl status qtlicd To stop it: sudo systemctl stop qtlicd to disable it: sudo systemctl disable qtlicd To view logs: journalctl -u qtlicd -n 100 (Displays last 100 lines. If -n is not given, it will show all the logs) To completely uninstall, run 'uninstaller.sh' from deploy directory (as root, of course) In addition, you need to remove symlinks from Qt installation dir and restore original binaries there: - cd - mv orig_moc moc - mv licheck.bak licheck <-- or whatever you named your backup