path: root/examples/declarative/particles/SpaceExplorer/SpaceExplorer.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/declarative/particles/SpaceExplorer/SpaceExplorer.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 374 deletions
diff --git a/examples/declarative/particles/SpaceExplorer/SpaceExplorer.qml b/examples/declarative/particles/SpaceExplorer/SpaceExplorer.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e213c730..0000000000
--- a/examples/declarative/particles/SpaceExplorer/SpaceExplorer.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import Qt.labs.particles 2.0
-import "content/helpers.js" as Helpers
- id: root
- width: 360
- height: 540
- color: "black"
- Image{
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- source: "../Asteroid/finalfrontier.png"
- }
- property bool spacePressed: false
- property int holeSize: 4
- focus: true
- Keys.onPressed: {
- if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
- spacePressed = true;
- event.accepted = true;
- }
- }
- Keys.onReleased: {
- if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
- spacePressed = false;
- event.accepted = true;
- }
- }
- function fakeMove(){
- fakeMoving = rocket.x < 80 || rocket.x+rocket.width-root.width > -80 || rocket.y < 80 || rocket.y+rocket.height-root.height > -80;
- if(fakeMoving)
- fakeMovementDir = Helpers.direction(root.width/2, root.height/2, rocket.x, rocket.y) + 180;
- }
- property bool fakeMoving: false
- property real fakeMovementDir: 0
- TrailEmitter{
- particle: "stars2"
- system: background
- particlesPerSecond: 60
- particleDuration: 4000
- emitting: true
- particleSize: 30
- particleSizeVariation: 10
- emitterX: root.width/2
- emitterY: root.height/2
- emitterXVariation: root.width/2
- emitterYVariation: root.height/2
- }
- ParticleSystem{ id: background }
- ColoredParticle{
- particles: ["stars2"]
- system: background
- anchors.fill: parent
- image: "content/star.png"
- color: "white"
- colorVariation: 0.1
- additive: 1
- }
- Gravity{
- system: background
- anchors.fill: parent
- acceleration: fakeMoving?10:0
- angle: fakeMovementDir
- }
- Text{
- color: "white"
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- anchors.right: parent.right
- text:"Drag the ship, but don't hit a black hole!"
- font.pixelSize: 10
- }
- Text{
- color: "white"
- font.pixelSize: 36
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- text: "GAME OVER"
- opacity: gameOver ? 1 : 0
- Behavior on opacity{NumberAnimation{}}
- }
- Text{
- color: "white"
- font.pixelSize: 18
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- anchors.margins: 8
- text: "Score: " + score
- }
- Image{
- source: "content/orangeStar.png"
- width: 40
- height: 40
- anchors.right: parent.right
- MouseArea{
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: -20
- onClicked: shoot = !shoot
- }
- }
- property int score: 0
- property bool gameOver: false
- property bool shoot: true
- property int maxLives: 3
- property int lives: maxLives
- property bool alive: !Helpers.intersects(rocket, gs1.x, gs1.y, holeSize) && !Helpers.intersects(rocket, gs2.x, gs2.y, holeSize) && !Helpers.intersects(rocket, gs3.x, gs3.y, holeSize) && !Helpers.intersects(rocket, gs4.x, gs4.y, holeSize);
- onAliveChanged: if(!alive){
- lives -= 1;
- if(lives == -1){
- console.log("game over");
- gameOver = true;
- }
- }
- Row{
- Repeater{
- model: maxLives
- delegate: Image{
- opacity: index < lives ? 1 : 0
- Behavior on opacity{NumberAnimation{}}
- source: "content/rocket.png"
- }
- }
- }
- property real courseDur: 10000
- property real vorteX: width/4
- property real vorteY: height/4
- Behavior on vorteX{NumberAnimation{duration: courseDur}}
- Behavior on vorteY{NumberAnimation{duration: courseDur}}
- property real vorteX2: width/4
- property real vorteY2: 3*height/4
- Behavior on vorteX2{NumberAnimation{duration: courseDur}}
- Behavior on vorteY2{NumberAnimation{duration: courseDur}}
- property real vorteX3: 3*width/4
- property real vorteY3: height/4
- Behavior on vorteX3{NumberAnimation{duration: courseDur}}
- Behavior on vorteY3{NumberAnimation{duration: courseDur}}
- property real vorteX4: 3*width/4
- property real vorteY4: 3*height/4
- Behavior on vorteX4{NumberAnimation{duration: courseDur}}
- Behavior on vorteY4{NumberAnimation{duration: courseDur}}
- Timer{
- id: vorTimer
- interval: courseDur
- running: true
- repeat: true
- triggeredOnStart: true
- onTriggered: {
- vorteX = Math.random() * width * 2 - width * 0.5;
- vorteY = Math.random() * height * 2 - height * 0.5;
- vorteX2 = Math.random() * width * 2 - width * 0.5;
- vorteY2 = Math.random() * height * 2 - height * 0.5;
- vorteX3 = Math.random() * width * 2 - width * 0.5;
- vorteY3 = Math.random() * height * 2 - height * 0.5;
- vorteX4 = Math.random() * width * 2 - width * 0.5;
- vorteY4 = Math.random() * height * 2 - height * 0.5;
- }
- }
- ParticleSystem{ id: foreground }
- ColoredParticle{
- particles: ["stars"]
- anchors.fill: parent
- system: foreground
- image: "content/star.png"
- color: "white"
- colorVariation: 0.1
- additive: 1
- }
- ColoredParticle{
- particles: ["shot"]
- anchors.fill: parent
- system: foreground
- image: "content/star.png"
- color: "orange"
- colorVariation: 0.3
- }
- ColoredParticle{
- id: engine
- particles: ["engine"]
- anchors.fill: parent
- system: foreground
- image: "content/particle4.png"
- color: "orange"
- SequentialAnimation on color {
- loops: Animation.Infinite
- ColorAnimation {
- from: "red"
- to: "cyan"
- duration: 1000
- }
- ColorAnimation {
- from: "cyan"
- to: "red"
- duration: 1000
- }
- }
- colorVariation: 0.2
- additive: 1
- }
- SpriteParticle{
- particles: ["powerups"]
- anchors.fill: parent
- system: foreground
- Sprite{
- name: "norm"
- source: "content/powerupScore.png"
- frames: 35
- duration: 40
- to: {"norm":1, "got":0}
- }
- Sprite{
- name: "got"
- source: "content/powerupScore_got.png"
- frames: 22
- duration: 40
- to: {"null":1}
- }
- Sprite{
- name: "null"
- source: "content/powerupScore_gone.png"
- frames: 1
- duration: 1000
- }
- }
- SpriteGoal{
- x: rocket.x - 30
- y: rocket.y - 30
- width: 60
- height: 60
- goalState: "got"
- jump: true
- onAffected: if(!gameOver) score += 1000
- system: foreground
- }
- GravitationalSingularity{
- id: gs1; x: vorteX; y: vorteY; strength: 800000;
- system: foreground
- }
- Kill{
- x: gs1.x - holeSize;
- y: gs1.y - holeSize;
- width: holeSize * 2
- height: holeSize * 2
- system: foreground
- }
- GravitationalSingularity{
- id: gs2; x: vorteX2; y: vorteY2; strength: 800000;
- system: foreground
- }
- Kill{
- x: gs2.x - holeSize;
- y: gs2.y - holeSize;
- width: holeSize * 2
- height: holeSize * 2
- system: foreground
- }
- GravitationalSingularity{
- id: gs3; x: vorteX3; y: vorteY3; strength: 800000;
- system: foreground
- }
- Kill{
- x: gs3.x - holeSize;
- y: gs3.y - holeSize;
- width: holeSize * 2
- height: holeSize * 2
- system: foreground
- }
- GravitationalSingularity{
- id: gs4; x: vorteX4; y: vorteY4; strength: 800000;
- system: foreground
- }
- Kill{
- x: gs4.x - holeSize;
- y: gs4.y - holeSize;
- width: holeSize * 2
- height: holeSize * 2
- system: foreground
- }
- TrailEmitter{
- particle: "powerups"
- system: foreground
- particlesPerSecond: 1
- particleDuration: 6000
- emitting: !gameOver
- particleSize: 60
- particleSizeVariation: 10
- anchors.fill: parent
- }
- TrailEmitter{
- particle: "stars"
- system: foreground
- particlesPerSecond: 40
- particleDuration: 4000
- emitting: !gameOver
- particleSize: 30
- particleSizeVariation: 10
- anchors.fill: parent
- }
- SpriteImage{
- id: rocket
- //Sprites or children for default?
- Sprite{
- name: "normal"
- source: "content/rocket2.png"
- frames: 1
- duration: 1000
- to: {"normal": 0.9, "winking" : 0.1}
- }
- Sprite{
- name: "winking"
- source: "content/rocketEye.png"
- frames: 10
- duration: 40
- to: {"normal" : 1}
- }
- x: root.width/2
- y: root.height/2
- property int lx: 0
- property int ly: 0
- property int lastX: 0
- property int lastY: 0
- width: 45
- height: 22
- onXChanged:{ lastX = lx; lx = x; fakeMove()}
- onYChanged:{ lastY = ly; ly = y; fakeMove()}
- rotation: Helpers.direction(lastX, lastY, x, y)
- data:[
- MouseArea{
- id: ma
- anchors.fill: parent;
- drag.axis: Drag.XandYAxis
- rocket
- },
- TrailEmitter{
- system: foreground
- particle: "engine"
- particlesPerSecond: 100
- particleDuration: 1000
- emitting: !gameOver
- particleSize: 10
- particleEndSize: 4
- particleSizeVariation: 4
- xSpeed: -128 * Math.cos(rocket.rotation * (Math.PI / 180))
- ySpeed: -128 * Math.sin(rocket.rotation * (Math.PI / 180))
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- height: 4
- width: 4
- },
- TrailEmitter{
- system: foreground
- particle: "shot"
- particlesPerSecond: 16
- particleDuration: 1600
- emitting: !gameOver && shoot
- particleSize: 40
- xSpeed: 256 * Math.cos(rocket.rotation * (Math.PI / 180))
- ySpeed: 256 * Math.sin(rocket.rotation * (Math.PI / 180))
- x: parent.width - 4
- y: parent.height/2
- }
- ]
- }