##################################################################### # Main projectfile ##################################################################### CONFIG += ordered TEMPLATE = subdirs cross_compile: CONFIG += nostrip isEmpty(QT_BUILD_PARTS) { #defaults symbian { QT_BUILD_PARTS = libs tools examples demos } else { QT_BUILD_PARTS = libs tools examples demos docs translations } } else { #make sure the order makes sense contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, translations) { QT_BUILD_PARTS -= translations QT_BUILD_PARTS = translations $$QT_BUILD_PARTS } contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, tools) { QT_BUILD_PARTS -= tools QT_BUILD_PARTS = tools $$QT_BUILD_PARTS } contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, libs) { QT_BUILD_PARTS -= libs QT_BUILD_PARTS = libs $$QT_BUILD_PARTS } contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, qmake) { QT_BUILD_PARTS -= qmake QT_BUILD_PARTS = qmake $$QT_BUILD_PARTS } } #process the projects for(PROJECT, $$list($$lower($$unique(QT_BUILD_PARTS)))) { isEqual(PROJECT, tools) { SUBDIRS += tools } else:isEqual(PROJECT, examples) { SUBDIRS += examples } else:isEqual(PROJECT, demos) { SUBDIRS += demos } else:isEqual(PROJECT, libs) { include(src/src.pro) } else:isEqual(PROJECT, docs) { contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, tools):include(doc/doc.pri) } else:isEqual(PROJECT, translations) { contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, tools) { include(translations/translations.pri) # ts targets } else { !wince*:!symbian:SUBDIRS += tools/linguist/lrelease } SUBDIRS += translations # qm build step } else:isEqual(PROJECT, qmake) { # SUBDIRS += qmake } else { message(Unknown PROJECT: $$PROJECT) } } !symbian: confclean.depends += clean confclean.commands = unix:!symbian { confclean.commands += (cd config.tests/unix/stl && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/endian && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/ipv6 && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/largefile && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/ptrsize && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/notype && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/getaddrinfo && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/cups && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/psql && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/mysql && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/mysql_r && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/nis && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/nix && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/iodbc && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/odbc && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/oci && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/tds && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/db2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/ibase && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/ipv6ifname && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/zlib && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/libmng && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/sqlite2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/libjpeg && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/unix/libpng && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/xcursor && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/xrender && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/xrandr && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/xkb && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/xinput && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/fontconfig && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/xinerama && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/sm && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/xshape && $(MAKE) distclean); \ (cd config.tests/x11/opengl && $(MAKE) distclean); \ $(DEL_FILE) config.tests/.qmake.cache; \ $(DEL_FILE) src/core/global/qconfig.h; \ $(DEL_FILE) src/core/global/qconfig.cpp; \ $(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qconfig.pri; \ $(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache; \ (cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean); } win32 { confclean.commands += -$(DEL_FILE) src\core\global\qconfig.h $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) src\core\global\qconfig.cpp $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\qconfig.pri $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ (cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean) } symbian { confclean.depends += distclean contains(QMAKE_HOST.os, "Windows") { confclean.commands += \ (cd src\tools\moc && $(MAKE) distclean) $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ (cd src\tools\rcc && $(MAKE) distclean) $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ (cd src\tools\uic && $(MAKE) distclean) $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) src\corelib\global\qconfig.h $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) src\corelib\global\qconfig.cpp $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\qconfig.pri $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ (cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean) } else { confclean.commands += \ (cd src/tools/moc && $(MAKE) distclean) $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ (cd src/tools/rcc && $(MAKE) distclean) $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ (cd src/tools/uic && $(MAKE) distclean) $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) src/corelib/global/qconfig.h $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) src/corelib/global/qconfig.cpp $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qconfig.pri $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ -$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache $$escape_expand(\n\t) \ (cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean) } } QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += confclean qmakeclean.commands += (cd qmake && $(MAKE) clean) QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += qmakeclean CLEAN_DEPS += qmakeclean CONFIG -= qt ### installations #### #translations translations.path=$$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS] translations.files = $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/translations/*.qm INSTALLS += translations #qmake qmake.path=$$[QT_INSTALL_BINS] win32 { qmake.files=$$QT_BUILD_TREE/bin/qmake.exe } else { qmake.files=$$QT_BUILD_TREE/bin/qmake } INSTALLS += qmake #mkspecs mkspecs.path=$$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]/mkspecs mkspecs.files=$$QT_BUILD_TREE/mkspecs/qconfig.pri $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/mkspecs/* unix { DEFAULT_QMAKESPEC = $$QMAKESPEC DEFAULT_QMAKESPEC ~= s,^.*mkspecs/,,g mkspecs.commands += $(DEL_FILE) $(INSTALL_ROOT)$$mkspecs.path/default; $(SYMLINK) $$DEFAULT_QMAKESPEC $(INSTALL_ROOT)$$mkspecs.path/default } INSTALLS += mkspecs false:macx { #mac install location macdocs.files = $$htmldocs.files macdocs.path = /Developer/Documentation/Qt INSTALLS += macdocs }