bool g_mCosmeticPen; int4 g_mChannel; float2 g_mMaskOffset; int2 g_mMaskSize; float4x4 g_mMaskProjection; float4x4 g_mViewProjection; float4x4 g_mTransformation; texture g_mAAMask; texture g_mTexture; int g_mBrushMode; float g_mFocalDist; #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 sampler PixmapSampler = sampler_state { texture = ; MIPFILTER = NONE; MINFILTER = LINEAR; MAGFILTER = LINEAR; }; sampler TextSampler = sampler_state { texture = ; MIPFILTER = NONE; MINFILTER = POINT; MAGFILTER = POINT; }; sampler AAMaskSampler = sampler_state { texture = ; AddressU = WRAP; AddressV = WRAP; AddressW = WRAP; MIPFILTER = NONE; MINFILTER = POINT; MAGFILTER = POINT; }; struct VS_FULL { float4 Position : POSITION; float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; float4 TexCoords0 : TEXCOORD0; float4 TexCoords1 : TEXCOORD1; }; VS_FULL TrapezoidVS( float4 Position : POSITION, float4 Diffuse : COLOR0, float4 TexCoords0 : TEXCOORD0, float4 TexCoords1 : TEXCOORD1) { VS_FULL Output; float a = (TexCoords1.x * Position.x) + (TexCoords1.z * (1.0 - Position.x) ); // left or right a float b = (TexCoords1.y * Position.x) + (TexCoords1.w * (1.0 - Position.x) ); // left or right b float d = 1.0 - (Position.x * 2); Position.x = (a * Position.y + b) + ( sqrt( abs(a * a) ) * d ); //Position.x += step(abs(a), 0) * d; Position.x += (0.5 * d); Output.Position = mul(Position, g_mMaskProjection); Output.Diffuse = Diffuse; Output.TexCoords0 = TexCoords0; Output.TexCoords1 = TexCoords1; return Output; } struct PS_OUTPUT { float4 Color : COLOR0; }; PS_OUTPUT TrapezoidPS(VS_FULL In, float2 pixelPos : VPOS) { PS_OUTPUT Out; float top = max(pixelPos.y - 0.5, In.TexCoords0.x); float bottom = min(pixelPos.y + 0.5, In.TexCoords0.y); float area = bottom - top; float left = pixelPos.x - 0.5; float right = pixelPos.x + 0.5; // use line equations to compute intersections of left/right edges with top/bottom of truncated pixel // vecX: x = (left, top), y = (left, bottom), z = (right, top), w = (right, bottom) float4 vecX = In.TexCoords1.xxzz * float2(top, bottom).xyxy + In.TexCoords1.yyww; float2 invA =; // transform right line to left to be able to use same calculations for both = 2 * pixelPos.x -; float2 topX = float2(vecX.x, vecX.z); float2 bottomX = float2(vecX.y, vecX.w); // transform lines such that top intersection is to the right of bottom intersection float2 topXTemp = max(topX, bottomX); float2 bottomXTemp = min(topX, bottomX); // make sure line slope reflects mirrored lines invA = lerp(invA, -invA, step(topX, bottomX)); float2 vecLeftRight = float2(left, right); // compute the intersections of the lines with the left and right edges of the pixel // intersectY: x = (left_line, left), y = (left_line, right), z = (right_line, left), w = (right_line, right) float4 intersectY = top + (vecLeftRight.xyxy - topXTemp.xxyy) * invA.xxyy; float2 temp = lerp(area - 0.5 * (right - bottomXTemp) * (bottom - intersectY.yw), // left < bottom < right < top (0.5 * (topXTemp + bottomXTemp) - left) * area, // left < bottom < top < right step(topXTemp, right)); float2 excluded = 0.5 * (intersectY.xz - top) * (topXTemp - left); // bottom < left < top < right excluded = lerp(0.5 * (intersectY.yw + intersectY.xz) - top, // bottom < left < right < top excluded, step(topXTemp, right)); excluded = lerp(temp, // left < bottom < right (see calculation of temp) excluded, step(bottomXTemp, left)); excluded = lerp(float2(area, area), // right < bottom < top excluded, step(bottomXTemp, right)); excluded *= step(left, topXTemp); float result = (area - excluded.x - excluded.y) * step(top, bottom); Out.Color.r = result * g_mChannel[0]; Out.Color.g = result * g_mChannel[1]; Out.Color.b = result * g_mChannel[2]; Out.Color.a = result * g_mChannel[3]; return Out; } VS_FULL ViewProjectionVS( float4 Position : POSITION, float4 Diffuse : COLOR0, float4 TexCoords0 : TEXCOORD0, float4 TexCoords1 : TEXCOORD1) { VS_FULL Output; Output.Position = mul(Position, g_mTransformation); Output.Position = mul(Output.Position, g_mViewProjection); Output.Diffuse = Diffuse; Output.TexCoords0 = TexCoords0; Output.TexCoords1 = TexCoords1; return Output; } PS_OUTPUT DirectMaskPS(VS_FULL In, float2 pixelPos : VPOS) { PS_OUTPUT Out; Out.Color = In.Diffuse; float2 maskcoords = ( (pixelPos + g_mMaskOffset) - 0.5 ) / g_mMaskSize; float2 clipcoords = (pixelPos - 0.5) / g_mMaskSize; float4 c = tex2D(AAMaskSampler, maskcoords.xy) * Out.Color.a; Out.Color.a = c.r * g_mChannel[0]; Out.Color.a += c.g * g_mChannel[1]; Out.Color.a += c.b * g_mChannel[2]; Out.Color.a += c.a * g_mChannel[3]; return Out; } PS_OUTPUT MaskPS(VS_FULL In, float2 pixelPos : VPOS) { PS_OUTPUT Out; if (g_mBrushMode == 1) { float x = In.TexCoords0.x; float y = In.TexCoords0.y; x = x - int(x); y = y - int(y); Out.Color = tex2D(PixmapSampler, float2(x, y)); Out.Color.a = Out.Color.a * In.Diffuse.a; } else if (g_mBrushMode == 2) { Out.Color = tex1D(PixmapSampler, In.TexCoords0.x); } else if (g_mBrushMode == 3) { float t = atan2(In.TexCoords0.y, -In.TexCoords0.x) / (2 * M_PI); Out.Color = tex1D(PixmapSampler, t + 0.5); } else if (g_mBrushMode == 4) { float2 tc = float2(In.TexCoords0.x, abs(In.TexCoords0.y)); float a = (tc.x - g_mFocalDist) / tc.y; float b = g_mFocalDist; float A = 1 + (a * a); float B = 2.0 * a * b; float C = (b * b) - 1; float y = (-B + sqrt(B*B - 4.0*A*C)) / (2.0*A); Out.Color = tex1D(PixmapSampler, (tc.y / y) ); } else if (g_mBrushMode == 5) { Out.Color = tex2D(PixmapSampler, In.TexCoords0.xy); Out.Color = Out.Color * In.Diffuse; } else { Out.Color = In.Diffuse; } float2 maskcoords = ( (pixelPos + g_mMaskOffset) - 0.5 ) / g_mMaskSize; float4 c = tex2D(AAMaskSampler, maskcoords.xy) * Out.Color.a; Out.Color.a = c.r * g_mChannel[0]; Out.Color.a += c.g * g_mChannel[1]; Out.Color.a += c.b * g_mChannel[2]; Out.Color.a += c.a * g_mChannel[3]; return Out; } struct VS_NORMAL { float4 Position : POSITION; float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; float4 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0; }; VS_NORMAL MaskProjectionVS(VS_NORMAL In) { VS_NORMAL Output; Output.Position = mul(In.Position, g_mMaskProjection); Output.Diffuse = In.Diffuse; Output.TexCoords = In.TexCoords; return Output; } float4 DirectSimplePS(float4 Color : COLOR0) : COLOR0 { return Color; } float4 SimplePS(float4 Color : COLOR0, float4 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0 { if (g_mBrushMode == 1) { float opacity = Color.a; float x = TexCoords.x; float y = TexCoords.y; x = x - int(x); y = y - int(y); Color = tex2D(PixmapSampler, float2(x, y)); Color.a = Color.a * opacity; } else if (g_mBrushMode == 2) { Color = tex1D(PixmapSampler, TexCoords.x); } else if (g_mBrushMode == 3) { float t = atan2(TexCoords.y, -TexCoords.x) / (2 * M_PI); Color = tex1D(PixmapSampler, t + 0.5); } else if (g_mBrushMode == 4) { float2 tc = float2(TexCoords.x, abs(TexCoords.y)); float a = (tc.x - g_mFocalDist) / tc.y; float b = g_mFocalDist; float A = 1 + (a * a); float B = 2.0 * a * b; float C = (b * b) - 1; float y = (-B + sqrt(B*B - 4.0*A*C)) / (2.0*A); Color = tex1D(PixmapSampler, (tc.y / y) ); } else if (g_mBrushMode == 5) { Color = tex2D(PixmapSampler, TexCoords.xy) * Color; } return Color; } float4 TextPS(float4 Color : COLOR0, float4 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0 { Color.a *= tex2D(TextSampler, TexCoords.xy).a; return Color; } float4 ClearTypePS(float4 Color : COLOR0, float4 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0 { // if (g_mUsePixmap) { // float4 MaskColor = tex2D(PixmapSampler, TexCoords.xy); // Color = float4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Color.a = (1 - MaskColor.a) + MaskColor.a * Color.a; // Color.r = (1.0 - MaskColor.r) + (MaskColor.r * Color.r); // Color.g = (1.0 - MaskColor.g) + (MaskColor.g * Color.g); // Color.b = (1.0 - MaskColor.b) + (MaskColor.b * Color.b); // Color = MaskColor; return tex2D(PixmapSampler, TexCoords.xy); } VS_NORMAL NoTxAliasedVS(VS_NORMAL In) { VS_NORMAL Output; Output.Position = mul(In.Position, g_mViewProjection); Output.Diffuse = In.Diffuse; Output.TexCoords = In.TexCoords; return Output; } VS_NORMAL AliasedVS(VS_NORMAL In) { VS_NORMAL Output; Output.Position = mul(In.Position, g_mTransformation); Output.Position = mul(Output.Position, g_mViewProjection); Output.Diffuse = In.Diffuse; Output.TexCoords = In.TexCoords; return Output; } VS_NORMAL AliasedLinesVS(VS_NORMAL In) { VS_NORMAL Output; float4 start = float4(In.Position.x, In.Position.y, 0.5, In.Position.w); float4 end = float4(In.TexCoords.z, In.TexCoords.w, 0.5, In.Position.w); if (g_mCosmeticPen) { start = mul(start, g_mTransformation); end = mul(end, g_mTransformation); } float2 line_vec = end - start; float2 vec = normalize(line_vec); float2 norm = float2(-vec.y, vec.x); float pen_width = In.Position.z; norm = norm * pen_width * 0.5; vec = vec * pen_width * 0.5; Output.Position.w = In.Position.w; Output.Position.x = start.x + (vec.x * In.TexCoords.x); Output.Position.x = Output.Position.x + (norm.x * In.TexCoords.y); Output.Position.x = Output.Position.x + (line_vec.x * step(0, In.TexCoords.x)); Output.Position.y = start.y + (vec.y * In.TexCoords.x); Output.Position.y = Output.Position.y + (norm.y * In.TexCoords.y); Output.Position.y = Output.Position.y + (line_vec.y * step(0, In.TexCoords.x)); Output.Position.z = 0.5; if (!g_mCosmeticPen) { Output.Position = mul(Output.Position, g_mTransformation); } Output.Position = mul(Output.Position, g_mViewProjection); Output.Diffuse = In.Diffuse; Output.TexCoords = In.TexCoords; return Output; } technique Antialiased { pass PASS_AA_CREATEMASK { StencilEnable = False; ZWriteEnable = False; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; ZEnable = False; SrcBlend = One; DestBlend = One; VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 TrapezoidVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 TrapezoidPS(); } pass PASS_AA_DRAW { StencilEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; ZWriteEnable = False; ZEnable = True; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 ViewProjectionVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 MaskPS(); } pass PASS_AA_DRAW_DIRECT { StencilEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = False; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 ViewProjectionVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 DirectMaskPS(); } } technique Aliased { pass PASS_STENCIL_ODDEVEN { TwoSidedStencilMode = False; StencilEnable = True; StencilPass = Invert; StencilFunc = Always; ColorWriteEnable = 0; ZEnable = False; ZWriteEnable = False; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 NoTxAliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 DirectSimplePS(); } pass PASS_STENCIL_WINDING { TwoSidedStencilMode = True; StencilEnable = True; StencilRef = 0; StencilMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; CCW_StencilPass = Incr; CCW_StencilFunc = Always; StencilPass = Decr; StencilFunc = Always; ColorWriteEnable = 0; ZEnable = False; ZWriteEnable = False; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 NoTxAliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 DirectSimplePS(); } pass PASS_STENCIL_DRAW { TwoSidedStencilMode = False; StencilEnable = True; StencilFunc = NotEqual; StencilMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; StencilRef = 0; StencilPass = Zero; StencilFail = Zero; StencilZFail = Zero; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 AliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 SimplePS(); } pass PASS_STENCIL_DRAW_DIRECT { TwoSidedStencilMode = False; StencilEnable = True; StencilFunc = NotEqual; StencilMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; StencilRef = 0; StencilPass = Zero; StencilFail = Zero; StencilZFail = Zero; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 AliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 DirectSimplePS(); } pass PASS_STENCIL_CLIP { TwoSidedStencilMode = False; StencilEnable = True; StencilFunc = NotEqual; StencilMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; StencilRef = 0; StencilPass = Zero; StencilFail = Zero; StencilZFail = Zero; ColorWriteEnable = 0; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = True; ZFunc = Always; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 NoTxAliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 DirectSimplePS(); } pass PASS_STENCIL_NOSTENCILCHECK { StencilEnable = False; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; SrcBlend = SrcAlpha; DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 AliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 SimplePS(); } pass PASS_STENCIL_NOSTENCILCHECK_DIRECT { StencilEnable = False; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; SrcBlend = SrcAlpha; DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 AliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 DirectSimplePS(); } pass PASS_TEXT { StencilEnable = False; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; SrcBlend = SrcAlpha; DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 AliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 TextPS(); } pass PASS_CLEARTYPE_TEXT { StencilEnable = False; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; // SrcBlend = SrcAlpha; // DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha; // SrcBlend = DestColor; // DestBlend = Zero; SrcBlend = BlendFactor; DestBlend = InvSrcColor; // SrcBlend = Zero; // DestBlend = SrcColor; // SrcBlend = One; // DestBlend = Zero; VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 AliasedVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ClearTypePS(); } pass PASS_ALIASED_LINES { TwoSidedStencilMode = False; StencilEnable = True; StencilPass = Invert; StencilFunc = Always; ColorWriteEnable = 0; ZEnable = False; ZWriteEnable = False; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 AliasedLinesVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 DirectSimplePS(); } pass PASS_ALIASED_LINES_DIRECT { StencilEnable = False; ZEnable = True; ZWriteEnable = False; ZFunc = Greater; ColorWriteEnable = 0x0f; SrcBlend = SrcAlpha; DestBlend = InvSrcAlpha; VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 AliasedLinesVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 DirectSimplePS(); } }