TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += console qt_no_compat_warning win32-msvc*:CONFIG += no_batch # otherwise the wrong main.cpp may be picked up CONFIG -= app_bundle contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG += hide_symbols build_all:!build_pass { CONFIG -= build_all CONFIG += release } QT += xml qt3support DESTDIR = ../../../bin include(../uic/uic.pri) include(../uic/cpp/cpp.pri) INCLUDEPATH += . HEADERS += ui3reader.h \ parser.h \ domtool.h \ widgetinfo.h \ qt3to4.h \ uic.h SOURCES += main.cpp \ ui3reader.cpp \ parser.cpp \ domtool.cpp \ object.cpp \ subclassing.cpp \ form.cpp \ converter.cpp \ widgetinfo.cpp \ embed.cpp \ qt3to4.cpp \ deps.cpp \ uic.cpp DEFINES -= QT_COMPAT_WARNINGS DEFINES += QT_COMPAT QT_UIC3 target.path=$$[QT_INSTALL_BINS] INSTALLS += target