Form 0 0 400 300 Form *{} #tabWidget QTabBar::close-button { background: blue; border: 2px dotted red; subcontrol-position: top; } #tabWidget_2 QTabBar::close-button { image: url(images/checkbox_checked.png); subcontrol-position: left; } #tabWidget_2 QTabBar::close-button:hover { image: url(images/checkbox_unchecked_hover.png); } #tabWidget_3 QTabBar::close-button { border-image: url(images/pushbutton.png) 3px; border-width:3px; } true Tab 1 Test the close button in the tabbar true Tab 2 QTabWidget::East 0 true Tab 1 Tab 2 QTabWidget::South 0 true Tab 1 Tab 2