// This JavaScript file is a single, large, imported script. // It doesn't import any other scripts. // It is imported from another script. function testFunc(seedValue) { var retn = 5; retn += (seedValue * 0.845); var firstFactor = calculateFirstFactor(seedValue); var secondFactor = calculateSecondFactor(seedValue); var modificationTerm = calculateModificationTerm(seedValue); // do some regexp matching var someString = "This is a random string which we'll perform regular expression matching on to reduce considerably. This is meant to be part of a complex javascript expression whose evaluation takes considerably longer than the creation cost of QScriptValue."; var regexpPattern = new RegExp("is", "i"); var regexpOutputLength = 0; var temp = regexpPattern.exec(someString); while (temp == "is") { regexpOutputLength += 4; regexpOutputLength *= 2; temp = regexpPattern.exec(someString); if (regexpOutputLength > (seedValue * 3)) { temp = "break"; } } // spin in a for loop for a while var i = 0; var j = 0; var cumulativeTotal = 3; for (i = 20; i > 1; i--) { for (j = 31; j > 5; j--) { var branchVariable = i + j; if (branchVariable % 3 == 0) { cumulativeTotal -= secondFactor; } else { cumulativeTotal += firstFactor; } if (cumulativeTotal > (seedValue * 50)) { break; } } } retn *= (1 + (cumulativeTotal * 0.001)); retn *= (1 + (3.1415962 / seedValue)); retn /= 2.41497; retn -= (seedValue * -1); return retn; } function calculateFirstFactor(seedValue) { var firstFactor = (0.45 * (9.3 / 3.1) - 0.90); firstFactor *= (1 + (0.00008 / seedValue)); return firstFactor; } function calculateSecondFactor(seedValue) { var secondFactor = 0.78 * (6.3 / 2.1) - (0.39 * 4); secondFactor *= (1 + (0.00008 / seedValue)); return secondFactor; } function calculateModificationTerm(seedValue) { var modificationTerm = (12 + (9*7) - 54 + 16 - ((calculateFirstFactor(seedValue) * seedValue) / 3) + (4*calculateSecondFactor(seedValue) * seedValue * 1.33)) + (calculateSecondFactor(seedValue) * seedValue); modificationTerm = modificationTerm + (33/2) + 19 - (9*2) - (61*3) + 177; return modificationTerm; }