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authorAurélien Brooke <>2024-01-13 09:48:58 +0100
committerQt Cherry-pick Bot <>2024-01-13 17:17:28 +0000
commit6ce9c481af68c57a931eac18de98ed63226cacd0 (patch)
parent46cebd024cd73fe22948a1ac5f98e28d7459f2aa (diff)
RHI: fix the PerVertexColorMaterial shader
The Light struct was not conformant to the std140 layout. Use the existing code fragment to fix this and reduce code duplication at the same time. Fixes: QTBUG-115025 Fixes: QTBUG-115565 Change-Id: I70840a53fe48cab67200b09e17072ccc6a142a6a Reviewed-by: Mike Krus <> (cherry picked from commit 4b0bb2f95da3c14aa20b610f36d9f04f6c82c8f3) Reviewed-by: Qt Cherry-pick Bot <>
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/src/extras/shaders/rhi/pervertexcolor.frag b/src/extras/shaders/rhi/pervertexcolor.frag
index 156c595fd..4959e6f8f 100644
--- a/src/extras/shaders/rhi/pervertexcolor.frag
+++ b/src/extras/shaders/rhi/pervertexcolor.frag
@@ -6,144 +6,7 @@ layout(location = 2) in vec4 color;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
-layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform qt3d_render_view_uniforms {
- mat4 viewMatrix;
- mat4 projectionMatrix;
- mat4 uncorrectedProjectionMatrix;
- mat4 clipCorrectionMatrix;
- mat4 viewProjectionMatrix;
- mat4 inverseViewMatrix;
- mat4 inverseProjectionMatrix;
- mat4 inverseViewProjectionMatrix;
- mat4 viewportMatrix;
- mat4 inverseViewportMatrix;
- vec4 textureTransformMatrix;
- vec3 eyePosition;
- float aspectRatio;
- float gamma;
- float exposure;
- float time;
-layout(std140, binding = 1) uniform qt3d_command_uniforms {
- mat4 modelMatrix;
- mat4 inverseModelMatrix;
- mat4 modelViewMatrix;
- mat3 modelNormalMatrix;
- mat4 inverseModelViewMatrix;
- mat4 mvp;
- mat4 inverseModelViewProjectionMatrix;
-const int MAX_LIGHTS = 8;
-const int TYPE_POINT = 0;
-const int TYPE_DIRECTIONAL = 1;
-const int TYPE_SPOT = 2;
-struct Light {
- int type;
- vec3 position;
- vec3 color;
- float intensity;
- vec3 direction;
- float constantAttenuation;
- float linearAttenuation;
- float quadraticAttenuation;
- float cutOffAngle;
-layout(std140, binding = 2) uniform qt3d_light_uniforms {
- uniform Light lights[MAX_LIGHTS];
- uniform int lightCount;
- uniform int envLightCount;
-void adsModel(const in vec3 worldPos,
- const in vec3 worldNormal,
- const in vec3 worldView,
- const in float shininess,
- out vec3 diffuseColor,
- out vec3 specularColor)
- diffuseColor = vec3(0.0);
- specularColor = vec3(0.0);
- // We perform all work in world space
- vec3 n = normalize(worldNormal);
- vec3 s = vec3(0.0);
- for (int i = 0; i < lightCount; ++i) {
- float att = 1.0;
- float sDotN = 0.0;
- if (lights[i].type != TYPE_DIRECTIONAL) {
- // Point and Spot lights
- // Light position is already in world space
- vec3 sUnnormalized = lights[i].position - worldPos;
- s = normalize(sUnnormalized); // Light direction
- // Calculate the attenuation factor
- sDotN = dot(s, n);
- if (sDotN > 0.0) {
- if (lights[i].constantAttenuation != 0.0
- || lights[i].linearAttenuation != 0.0
- || lights[i].quadraticAttenuation != 0.0) {
- float dist = length(sUnnormalized);
- att = 1.0 / (lights[i].constantAttenuation +
- lights[i].linearAttenuation * dist +
- lights[i].quadraticAttenuation * dist * dist);
- }
- // The light direction is in world space already
- if (lights[i].type == TYPE_SPOT) {
- // Check if fragment is inside or outside of the spot light cone
- if (degrees(acos(dot(-s, lights[i].direction))) > lights[i].cutOffAngle)
- sDotN = 0.0;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Directional lights
- // The light direction is in world space already
- s = normalize(-lights[i].direction);
- sDotN = dot(s, n);
- }
- // Calculate the diffuse factor
- float diffuse = max(sDotN, 0.0);
- // Calculate the specular factor
- float specular = 0.0;
- if (diffuse > 0.0 && shininess > 0.0) {
- float normFactor = (shininess + 2.0) / 2.0;
- vec3 r = reflect(-s, n); // Reflection direction in world space
- specular = normFactor * pow(max(dot(r, worldView), 0.0), shininess);
- }
- // Accumulate the diffuse and specular contributions
- diffuseColor += att * lights[i].intensity * diffuse * lights[i].color;
- specularColor += att * lights[i].intensity * specular * lights[i].color;
- }
-vec4 phongFunction(const in vec4 ambient,
- const in vec4 diffuse,
- const in vec4 specular,
- const in float shininess,
- const in vec3 worldPosition,
- const in vec3 worldView,
- const in vec3 worldNormal)
- // Calculate the lighting model, keeping the specular component separate
- vec3 diffuseColor, specularColor;
- adsModel(worldPosition, worldNormal, worldView, shininess, diffuseColor, specularColor);
- // Combine spec with ambient+diffuse for final fragment color
- vec3 color = (ambient.rgb + diffuseColor) * diffuse.rgb
- + specularColor * specular.rgb;
- return vec4(color, diffuse.a);
+#pragma include
void main()