path: root/src/3rdparty/assimp/code/glTFAsset.inl
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authorSean Harmer <>2017-05-24 12:09:44 +0100
committerSean Harmer <>2017-05-24 12:10:02 +0100
commit77d294db076dac19e8b549b445ffede9f7260c84 (patch)
tree828ee7a6862ec5c0bd24f97cb540625a2c647376 /src/3rdparty/assimp/code/glTFAsset.inl
parent59f8fec8a41606b3185fe3a4e276978e3e1ed5ef (diff)
parent939b9b4b7591e8a421cf048a0a84ed3e75d81d21 (diff)
Merge branch 'dev' into wip/animationwip/animation
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/assimp/code/glTFAsset.inl')
1 files changed, 1269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/assimp/code/glTFAsset.inl b/src/3rdparty/assimp/code/glTFAsset.inl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d52c825c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/assimp/code/glTFAsset.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,1269 @@
+Open Asset Import Library (assimp)
+Copyright (c) 2006-2016, assimp team
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
+with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
+following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
+following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
+following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
+materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+derived from this software without specific prior
+written permission of the assimp team.
+#include "StringUtils.h"
+namespace glTF {
+namespace {
+ //
+ // JSON Value reading helpers
+ //
+ template<class T>
+ struct ReadHelper { static bool Read(Value& val, T& out) {
+ return val.IsInt() ? out = static_cast<T>(val.GetInt()), true : false;
+ }};
+ template<> struct ReadHelper<bool> { static bool Read(Value& val, bool& out) {
+ return val.IsBool() ? out = val.GetBool(), true : false;
+ }};
+ template<> struct ReadHelper<float> { static bool Read(Value& val, float& out) {
+ return val.IsNumber() ? out = static_cast<float>(val.GetDouble()), true : false;
+ }};
+ template<unsigned int N> struct ReadHelper<float[N]> { static bool Read(Value& val, float (&out)[N]) {
+ if (!val.IsArray() || val.Size() != N) return false;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ if (val[i].IsNumber())
+ out[i] = static_cast<float>(val[i].GetDouble());
+ }
+ return true;
+ }};
+ template<> struct ReadHelper<const char*> { static bool Read(Value& val, const char*& out) {
+ return val.IsString() ? (out = val.GetString(), true) : false;
+ }};
+ template<> struct ReadHelper<std::string> { static bool Read(Value& val, std::string& out) {
+ return val.IsString() ? (out = std::string(val.GetString(), val.GetStringLength()), true) : false;
+ }};
+ template<class T> struct ReadHelper< Nullable<T> > { static bool Read(Value& val, Nullable<T>& out) {
+ return out.isPresent = ReadHelper<T>::Read(val, out.value);
+ }};
+ template<class T>
+ inline static bool ReadValue(Value& val, T& out)
+ {
+ return ReadHelper<T>::Read(val, out);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline static bool ReadMember(Value& obj, const char* id, T& out)
+ {
+ Value::MemberIterator it = obj.FindMember(id);
+ if (it != obj.MemberEnd()) {
+ return ReadHelper<T>::Read(it->value, out);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ inline static T MemberOrDefault(Value& obj, const char* id, T defaultValue)
+ {
+ T out;
+ return ReadMember(obj, id, out) ? out : defaultValue;
+ }
+ inline Value* FindMember(Value& val, const char* id)
+ {
+ Value::MemberIterator it = val.FindMember(id);
+ return (it != val.MemberEnd()) ? &it->value : 0;
+ }
+ inline Value* FindString(Value& val, const char* id)
+ {
+ Value::MemberIterator it = val.FindMember(id);
+ return (it != val.MemberEnd() && it->value.IsString()) ? &it->value : 0;
+ }
+ inline Value* FindArray(Value& val, const char* id)
+ {
+ Value::MemberIterator it = val.FindMember(id);
+ return (it != val.MemberEnd() && it->value.IsArray()) ? &it->value : 0;
+ }
+ inline Value* FindObject(Value& val, const char* id)
+ {
+ Value::MemberIterator it = val.FindMember(id);
+ return (it != val.MemberEnd() && it->value.IsObject()) ? &it->value : 0;
+ }
+// LazyDict methods
+template<class T>
+inline LazyDict<T>::LazyDict(Asset& asset, const char* dictId, const char* extId)
+ : mDictId(dictId), mExtId(extId), mDict(0), mAsset(asset)
+ asset.mDicts.push_back(this); // register to the list of dictionaries
+template<class T>
+inline LazyDict<T>::~LazyDict()
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mObjs.size(); ++i) {
+ delete mObjs[i];
+ }
+template<class T>
+inline void LazyDict<T>::AttachToDocument(Document& doc)
+ Value* container = 0;
+ if (mExtId) {
+ if (Value* exts = FindObject(doc, "extensions")) {
+ container = FindObject(*exts, mExtId);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ container = &doc;
+ }
+ if (container) {
+ mDict = FindObject(*container, mDictId);
+ }
+template<class T>
+inline void LazyDict<T>::DetachFromDocument()
+ mDict = 0;
+template<class T>
+Ref<T> LazyDict<T>::Get(unsigned int i)
+ return Ref<T>(mObjs, i);
+template<class T>
+Ref<T> LazyDict<T>::Get(const char* id)
+ id = T::TranslateId(mAsset, id);
+ typename Dict::iterator it = mObjsById.find(id);
+ if (it != mObjsById.end()) { // already created?
+ return Ref<T>(mObjs, it->second);
+ }
+ // read it from the JSON object
+ if (!mDict) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Missing section \"" + std::string(mDictId) + "\"");
+ }
+ Value::MemberIterator obj = mDict->FindMember(id);
+ if (obj == mDict->MemberEnd()) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Missing object with id \"" + std::string(id) + "\" in \"" + mDictId + "\"");
+ }
+ if (!obj->value.IsObject()) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Object with id \"" + std::string(id) + "\" is not a JSON object");
+ }
+ // create an instance of the given type
+ T* inst = new T();
+ inst->id = id;
+ ReadMember(obj->value, "name", inst->name);
+ inst->Read(obj->value, mAsset);
+ return Add(inst);
+template<class T>
+Ref<T> LazyDict<T>::Add(T* obj)
+ unsigned int idx = unsigned(mObjs.size());
+ mObjs.push_back(obj);
+ mObjsById[obj->id] = idx;
+ mAsset.mUsedIds[obj->id] = true;
+ return Ref<T>(mObjs, idx);
+template<class T>
+Ref<T> LazyDict<T>::Create(const char* id)
+ Asset::IdMap::iterator it = mAsset.mUsedIds.find(id);
+ if (it != mAsset.mUsedIds.end()) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: two objects with the same ID exist");
+ }
+ T* inst = new T();
+ inst->id = id;
+ return Add(inst);
+// glTF dictionary objects methods
+inline Buffer::Buffer()
+: byteLength(0), type(Type_arraybuffer), mIsSpecial(false)
+{ }
+inline const char* Buffer::TranslateId(Asset& r, const char* id)
+ // Compatibility with old spec
+ if (r.extensionsUsed.KHR_binary_glTF && strcmp(id, "KHR_binary_glTF") == 0) {
+ return "binary_glTF";
+ }
+ return id;
+inline void Buffer::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ size_t statedLength = MemberOrDefault<size_t>(obj, "byteLength", 0);
+ byteLength = statedLength;
+ Value* it = FindString(obj, "uri");
+ if (!it) {
+ if (statedLength > 0) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: buffer with non-zero length missing the \"uri\" attribute");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const char* uri = it->GetString();
+ Util::DataURI dataURI;
+ if (ParseDataURI(uri, it->GetStringLength(), dataURI)) {
+ if (dataURI.base64) {
+ uint8_t* data = 0;
+ this->byteLength = Util::DecodeBase64(, dataURI.dataLength, data);
+ this->mData.reset(data);
+ if (statedLength > 0 && this->byteLength != statedLength) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: buffer \"" + id + "\", expected " + std::to_string(statedLength) +
+ " bytes, but found " + std::to_string(dataURI.dataLength));
+ }
+ }
+ else { // assume raw data
+ if (statedLength != dataURI.dataLength) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: buffer \"" + id + "\", expected " + std::to_string(statedLength) +
+ " bytes, but found " + std::to_string(dataURI.dataLength));
+ }
+ this->mData.reset(new uint8_t[dataURI.dataLength]);
+ memcpy( this->mData.get(),, dataURI.dataLength );
+ }
+ }
+ else { // Local file
+ if (byteLength > 0) {
+ IOStream* file = r.OpenFile(uri, "rb");
+ if (file) {
+ bool ok = LoadFromStream(*file, byteLength);
+ delete file;
+ if (!ok)
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: error while reading referenced file \"" + std::string(uri) + "\"" );
+ }
+ else {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: could not open referenced file \"" + std::string(uri) + "\"");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline bool Buffer::LoadFromStream(IOStream& stream, size_t length, size_t baseOffset)
+ byteLength = length ? length : stream.FileSize();
+ if (baseOffset) {
+ stream.Seek(baseOffset, aiOrigin_SET);
+ }
+ mData.reset(new uint8_t[byteLength]);
+ if (stream.Read(mData.get(), byteLength, 1) != 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+inline size_t Buffer::AppendData(uint8_t* data, size_t length)
+ size_t offset = this->byteLength;
+ Grow(length);
+ memcpy(mData.get() + offset, data, length);
+ return offset;
+inline void Buffer::Grow(size_t amount)
+ if (amount <= 0) return;
+ uint8_t* b = new uint8_t[byteLength + amount];
+ if (mData) memcpy(b, mData.get(), byteLength);
+ mData.reset(b);
+ byteLength += amount;
+inline void BufferView::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ const char* bufferId = MemberOrDefault<const char*>(obj, "buffer", 0);
+ if (bufferId) {
+ buffer = r.buffers.Get(bufferId);
+ }
+ byteOffset = MemberOrDefault(obj, "byteOffset", 0u);
+ byteLength = MemberOrDefault(obj, "byteLength", 0u);
+inline void Accessor::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ const char* bufferViewId = MemberOrDefault<const char*>(obj, "bufferView", 0);
+ if (bufferViewId) {
+ bufferView = r.bufferViews.Get(bufferViewId);
+ }
+ byteOffset = MemberOrDefault(obj, "byteOffset", 0u);
+ byteStride = MemberOrDefault(obj, "byteStride", 0u);
+ componentType = MemberOrDefault(obj, "componentType", ComponentType_BYTE);
+ count = MemberOrDefault(obj, "count", 0u);
+ const char* typestr;
+ type = ReadMember(obj, "type", typestr) ? AttribType::FromString(typestr) : AttribType::SCALAR;
+inline unsigned int Accessor::GetNumComponents()
+ return AttribType::GetNumComponents(type);
+inline unsigned int Accessor::GetBytesPerComponent()
+ return int(ComponentTypeSize(componentType));
+inline unsigned int Accessor::GetElementSize()
+ return GetNumComponents() * GetBytesPerComponent();
+inline uint8_t* Accessor::GetPointer()
+ if (!bufferView || !bufferView->buffer) return 0;
+ uint8_t* basePtr = bufferView->buffer->GetPointer();
+ if (!basePtr) return 0;
+ size_t offset = byteOffset + bufferView->byteOffset;
+ return basePtr + offset;
+namespace {
+ inline void CopyData(size_t count,
+ const uint8_t* src, size_t src_stride,
+ uint8_t* dst, size_t dst_stride)
+ {
+ if (src_stride == dst_stride) {
+ memcpy(dst, src, count * src_stride);
+ }
+ else {
+ size_t sz = std::min(src_stride, dst_stride);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ memcpy(dst, src, sz);
+ if (sz < dst_stride) {
+ memset(dst + sz, 0, dst_stride - sz);
+ }
+ src += src_stride;
+ dst += dst_stride;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template<class T>
+bool Accessor::ExtractData(T*& outData)
+ uint8_t* data = GetPointer();
+ if (!data) return false;
+ const size_t elemSize = GetElementSize();
+ const size_t totalSize = elemSize * count;
+ const size_t stride = byteStride ? byteStride : elemSize;
+ const size_t targetElemSize = sizeof(T);
+ ai_assert(elemSize <= targetElemSize);
+ ai_assert(count*stride <= bufferView->byteLength);
+ outData = new T[count];
+ if (stride == elemSize && targetElemSize == elemSize) {
+ memcpy(outData, data, totalSize);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ memcpy(outData + i, data + i*stride, elemSize);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+inline void Accessor::WriteData(size_t count, const void* src_buffer, size_t src_stride)
+ uint8_t* buffer_ptr = bufferView->buffer->GetPointer();
+ size_t offset = byteOffset + bufferView->byteOffset;
+ size_t dst_stride = GetNumComponents() * GetBytesPerComponent();
+ const uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src_buffer);
+ uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast< uint8_t*>(buffer_ptr + offset);
+ ai_assert(dst + count*dst_stride <= buffer_ptr + bufferView->buffer->byteLength);
+ CopyData(count, src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride);
+inline Accessor::Indexer::Indexer(Accessor& acc)
+ : accessor(acc)
+ , data(acc.GetPointer())
+ , elemSize(acc.GetElementSize())
+ , stride(acc.byteStride ? acc.byteStride : elemSize)
+//! Accesses the i-th value as defined by the accessor
+template<class T>
+T Accessor::Indexer::GetValue(int i)
+ ai_assert(data);
+ ai_assert(i*stride < accessor.bufferView->byteLength);
+ T value = T();
+ memcpy(&value, data + i*stride, elemSize);
+ //value >>= 8 * (sizeof(T) - elemSize);
+ return value;
+inline Image::Image()
+ : width(0)
+ , height(0)
+ , mData(0)
+ , mDataLength(0)
+inline void Image::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ // Check for extensions first (to detect binary embedded data)
+ if (Value* extensions = FindObject(obj, "extensions")) {
+ if (r.extensionsUsed.KHR_binary_glTF) {
+ if (Value* ext = FindObject(*extensions, "KHR_binary_glTF")) {
+ width = MemberOrDefault(*ext, "width", 0);
+ height = MemberOrDefault(*ext, "height", 0);
+ ReadMember(*ext, "mimeType", mimeType);
+ const char* bufferViewId;
+ if (ReadMember(*ext, "bufferView", bufferViewId)) {
+ Ref<BufferView> bv = r.bufferViews.Get(bufferViewId);
+ if (bv) {
+ mDataLength = bv->byteLength;
+ mData = new uint8_t[mDataLength];
+ memcpy(mData, bv->buffer->GetPointer() + bv->byteOffset, mDataLength);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mDataLength) {
+ if (Value* uri = FindString(obj, "uri")) {
+ const char* uristr = uri->GetString();
+ Util::DataURI dataURI;
+ if (ParseDataURI(uristr, uri->GetStringLength(), dataURI)) {
+ mimeType = dataURI.mediaType;
+ if (dataURI.base64) {
+ mDataLength = Util::DecodeBase64(, dataURI.dataLength, mData);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this->uri = uristr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline uint8_t* Image::StealData()
+ uint8_t* data = mData;
+ mDataLength = 0;
+ mData = 0;
+ return data;
+inline void Image::SetData(uint8_t* data, size_t length, Asset& r)
+ Ref<Buffer> b = r.GetBodyBuffer();
+ if (b) { // binary file: append to body
+ std::string bvId = r.FindUniqueID(this->id, "imgdata");
+ bufferView = r.bufferViews.Create(bvId);
+ bufferView->buffer = b;
+ bufferView->byteLength = length;
+ bufferView->byteOffset = b->AppendData(data, length);
+ }
+ else { // text file: will be stored as a data uri
+ this->mData = data;
+ this->mDataLength = length;
+ }
+inline void Texture::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ const char* sourcestr;
+ if (ReadMember(obj, "source", sourcestr)) {
+ source = r.images.Get(sourcestr);
+ }
+namespace {
+ inline void ReadMaterialProperty(Asset& r, Value& vals, const char* propName, TexProperty& out)
+ {
+ if (Value* prop = FindMember(vals, propName)) {
+ if (prop->IsString()) {
+ out.texture = r.textures.Get(prop->GetString());
+ }
+ else {
+ ReadValue(*prop, out.color);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline void Material::Read(Value& material, Asset& r)
+ SetDefaults();
+ if (Value* values = FindObject(material, "values")) {
+ ReadMaterialProperty(r, *values, "ambient", this->ambient);
+ ReadMaterialProperty(r, *values, "diffuse", this->diffuse);
+ ReadMaterialProperty(r, *values, "specular", this->specular);
+ ReadMember(*values, "shininess", shininess);
+ }
+ if (Value* extensions = FindObject(material, "extensions")) {
+ if (r.extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_common) {
+ if (Value* ext = FindObject(*extensions, "KHR_materials_common")) {
+ if (Value* tnq = FindString(*ext, "technique")) {
+ const char* t = tnq->GetString();
+ if (strcmp(t, "BLINN") == 0) technique = Technique_BLINN;
+ else if (strcmp(t, "PHONG") == 0) technique = Technique_PHONG;
+ else if (strcmp(t, "LAMBERT") == 0) technique = Technique_LAMBERT;
+ else if (strcmp(t, "CONSTANT") == 0) technique = Technique_CONSTANT;
+ }
+ if (Value* values = FindObject(*ext, "values")) {
+ ReadMaterialProperty(r, *values, "ambient", this->ambient);
+ ReadMaterialProperty(r, *values, "diffuse", this->diffuse);
+ ReadMaterialProperty(r, *values, "specular", this->specular);
+ ReadMember(*values, "doubleSided", doubleSided);
+ ReadMember(*values, "transparent", transparent);
+ ReadMember(*values, "transparency", transparency);
+ ReadMember(*values, "shininess", shininess);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+namespace {
+ void SetVector(vec4& v, float x, float y, float z, float w)
+ { v[0] = x; v[1] = y; v[2] = z; v[3] = w; }
+inline void Material::SetDefaults()
+ SetVector(ambient.color, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ SetVector(diffuse.color, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ SetVector(specular.color, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ SetVector(emission.color, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ doubleSided = false;
+ transparent = false;
+ transparency = 1.0;
+ shininess = 0.0;
+ technique = Technique_undefined;
+namespace {
+ template<int N>
+ inline int Compare(const char* attr, const char (&str)[N]) {
+ return (strncmp(attr, str, N - 1) == 0) ? N - 1 : 0;
+ }
+ inline bool GetAttribVector(Mesh::Primitive& p, const char* attr, Mesh::AccessorList*& v, int& pos)
+ {
+ if ((pos = Compare(attr, "POSITION"))) {
+ v = &(p.attributes.position);
+ }
+ else if ((pos = Compare(attr, "NORMAL"))) {
+ v = &(p.attributes.normal);
+ }
+ else if ((pos = Compare(attr, "TEXCOORD"))) {
+ v = &(p.attributes.texcoord);
+ }
+ else if ((pos = Compare(attr, "COLOR"))) {
+ v = &(p.attributes.color);
+ }
+ else if ((pos = Compare(attr, "JOINT"))) {
+ v = &(p.attributes.joint);
+ }
+ else if ((pos = Compare(attr, "JOINTMATRIX"))) {
+ v = &(p.attributes.jointmatrix);
+ }
+ else if ((pos = Compare(attr, "WEIGHT"))) {
+ v = &(p.attributes.weight);
+ }
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+inline void Mesh::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ if (Value* primitives = FindArray(obj, "primitives")) {
+ this->primitives.resize(primitives->Size());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < primitives->Size(); ++i) {
+ Value& primitive = (*primitives)[i];
+ Primitive& prim = this->primitives[i];
+ prim.mode = MemberOrDefault(primitive, "mode", PrimitiveMode_TRIANGLES);
+ if (Value* attrs = FindObject(primitive, "attributes")) {
+ for (Value::MemberIterator it = attrs->MemberBegin(); it != attrs->MemberEnd(); ++it) {
+ if (!it->value.IsString()) continue;
+ const char* attr = it->name.GetString();
+ // Valid attribute semantics include POSITION, NORMAL, TEXCOORD, COLOR, JOINT, JOINTMATRIX,
+ // and WEIGHT.Attribute semantics can be of the form[semantic]_[set_index], e.g., TEXCOORD_0, TEXCOORD_1, etc.
+ int undPos = 0;
+ Mesh::AccessorList* vec = 0;
+ if (GetAttribVector(prim, attr, vec, undPos)) {
+ size_t idx = (attr[undPos] == '_') ? atoi(attr + undPos + 1) : 0;
+ if ((*vec).size() <= idx) (*vec).resize(idx + 1);
+ (*vec)[idx] = r.accessors.Get(it->value.GetString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (Value* indices = FindString(primitive, "indices")) {
+ prim.indices = r.accessors.Get(indices->GetString());
+ }
+ if (Value* material = FindString(primitive, "material")) {
+ prim.material = r.materials.Get(material->GetString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline void Camera::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ type = MemberOrDefault(obj, "type", Camera::Perspective);
+ const char* subobjId = (type == Camera::Orthographic) ? "ortographic" : "perspective";
+ Value* it = FindObject(obj, subobjId);
+ if (!it) throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Camera missing its parameters");
+ if (type == Camera::Perspective) {
+ perspective.aspectRatio = MemberOrDefault(*it, "aspectRatio", 0.f);
+ perspective.yfov = MemberOrDefault(*it, "yfov", 3.1415f/2.f);
+ perspective.zfar = MemberOrDefault(*it, "zfar", 100.f);
+ perspective.znear = MemberOrDefault(*it, "znear", 0.01f);
+ }
+ else {
+ ortographic.xmag = MemberOrDefault(obj, "xmag", 1.f);
+ ortographic.ymag = MemberOrDefault(obj, "ymag", 1.f);
+ ortographic.zfar = MemberOrDefault(obj, "zfar", 100.f);
+ ortographic.znear = MemberOrDefault(obj, "znear", 0.01f);
+ }
+inline void Light::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ SetDefaults();
+ if (Value* type = FindString(obj, "type")) {
+ const char* t = type->GetString();
+ if (strcmp(t, "ambient") == 0) this->type = Type_ambient;
+ else if (strcmp(t, "directional") == 0) this->type = Type_directional;
+ else if (strcmp(t, "point") == 0) this->type = Type_point;
+ else if (strcmp(t, "spot") == 0) this->type = Type_spot;
+ if (this->type != Type_undefined) {
+ if (Value* vals = FindString(obj, t)) {
+ ReadMember(*vals, "color", color);
+ ReadMember(*vals, "constantAttenuation", constantAttenuation);
+ ReadMember(*vals, "linearAttenuation", linearAttenuation);
+ ReadMember(*vals, "quadraticAttenuation", quadraticAttenuation);
+ ReadMember(*vals, "distance", distance);
+ ReadMember(*vals, "falloffAngle", falloffAngle);
+ ReadMember(*vals, "falloffExponent", falloffExponent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline void Light::SetDefaults()
+ #ifndef M_PI
+ const float M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846f;
+ #endif
+ type = Type_undefined;
+ SetVector(color, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+ constantAttenuation = 0.f;
+ linearAttenuation = 1.f;
+ quadraticAttenuation = 1.f;
+ distance = 0.f;
+ falloffAngle = static_cast<float>(M_PI / 2.f);
+ falloffExponent = 0.f;
+inline void Node::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ if (Value* children = FindArray(obj, "children")) {
+ this->children.reserve(children->Size());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < children->Size(); ++i) {
+ Value& child = (*children)[i];
+ if (child.IsString()) {
+ // get/create the child node
+ Ref<Node> chn = r.nodes.Get(child.GetString());
+ if (chn) this->children.push_back(chn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (Value* matrix = FindArray(obj, "matrix")) {
+ ReadValue(*matrix, this->matrix);
+ }
+ else {
+ ReadMember(obj, "translation", translation);
+ ReadMember(obj, "scale", scale);
+ ReadMember(obj, "rotation", rotation);
+ }
+ if (Value* meshes = FindArray(obj, "meshes")) {
+ unsigned numMeshes = (unsigned)meshes->Size();
+ std::vector<unsigned int> meshList;
+ this->meshes.reserve(numMeshes);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < numMeshes; ++i) {
+ if ((*meshes)[i].IsString()) {
+ Ref<Mesh> mesh = r.meshes.Get((*meshes)[i].GetString());
+ if (mesh) this->meshes.push_back(mesh);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (Value* camera = FindString(obj, "camera")) {
+ this->camera = r.cameras.Get(camera->GetString());
+ if (this->camera)
+ this->camera->id = this->id;
+ }
+ // TODO load "skeletons", "skin", "jointName"
+ if (Value* extensions = FindObject(obj, "extensions")) {
+ if (r.extensionsUsed.KHR_materials_common) {
+ if (Value* ext = FindObject(*extensions, "KHR_materials_common")) {
+ if (Value* light = FindString(*ext, "light")) {
+ this->light = r.lights.Get(light->GetString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline void Scene::Read(Value& obj, Asset& r)
+ if (Value* array = FindArray(obj, "nodes")) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array->Size(); ++i) {
+ if (!(*array)[i].IsString()) continue;
+ Ref<Node> node = r.nodes.Get((*array)[i].GetString());
+ if (node)
+ this->nodes.push_back(node);
+ }
+ }
+inline void AssetMetadata::Read(Document& doc)
+ // read the version, etc.
+ int statedVersion = 0;
+ if (Value* obj = FindObject(doc, "asset")) {
+ ReadMember(*obj, "copyright", copyright);
+ ReadMember(*obj, "generator", generator);
+ premultipliedAlpha = MemberOrDefault(*obj, "premultipliedAlpha", false);
+ statedVersion = MemberOrDefault(*obj, "version", 0);
+ if (Value* profile = FindObject(*obj, "profile")) {
+ ReadMember(*profile, "api", this->profile.api);
+ ReadMember(*profile, "version", this->profile.version);
+ }
+ }
+ version = std::max(statedVersion, version);
+ if (version == 0) {
+ // if missing version, we'll assume version 1...
+ version = 1;
+ }
+ if (version != 1) {
+ char msg[128];
+ ai_snprintf(msg, 128, "GLTF: Unsupported glTF version: %d", version);
+ throw DeadlyImportError(msg);
+ }
+// Asset methods implementation
+inline void Asset::ReadBinaryHeader(IOStream& stream)
+ GLB_Header header;
+ if (stream.Read(&header, sizeof(header), 1) != 1) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Unable to read the file header");
+ }
+ if (strncmp((char*)header.magic, AI_GLB_MAGIC_NUMBER, sizeof(header.magic)) != 0) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Invalid binary glTF file");
+ }
+ AI_SWAP4(header.version);
+ asset.version = header.version;
+ if (header.version != 1) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Unsupported binary glTF version");
+ }
+ AI_SWAP4(header.sceneFormat);
+ if (header.sceneFormat != SceneFormat_JSON) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Unsupported binary glTF scene format");
+ }
+ AI_SWAP4(header.length);
+ AI_SWAP4(header.sceneLength);
+ mSceneLength = static_cast<size_t>(header.sceneLength);
+ mBodyOffset = sizeof(header)+mSceneLength;
+ mBodyOffset = (mBodyOffset + 3) & ~3; // Round up to next multiple of 4
+ mBodyLength = header.length - mBodyOffset;
+inline void Asset::Load(const std::string& pFile, bool isBinary)
+ mCurrentAssetDir.clear();
+ int pos = std::max(int(pFile.rfind('/')), int(pFile.rfind('\\')));
+ if (pos != int(std::string::npos)) mCurrentAssetDir = pFile.substr(0, pos + 1);
+ shared_ptr<IOStream> stream(OpenFile(pFile.c_str(), "rb", true));
+ if (!stream) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Could not open file for reading");
+ }
+ // is binary? then read the header
+ if (isBinary) {
+ SetAsBinary(); // also creates the body buffer
+ ReadBinaryHeader(*stream);
+ }
+ else {
+ mSceneLength = stream->FileSize();
+ mBodyLength = 0;
+ }
+ // read the scene data
+ std::vector<char> sceneData(mSceneLength + 1);
+ sceneData[mSceneLength] = '\0';
+ if (stream->Read(&sceneData[0], 1, mSceneLength) != mSceneLength) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Could not read the file contents");
+ }
+ // parse the JSON document
+ Document doc;
+ doc.ParseInsitu(&sceneData[0]);
+ if (doc.HasParseError()) {
+ char buffer[32];
+ ai_snprintf(buffer, 32, "%d", static_cast<int>(doc.GetErrorOffset()));
+ throw DeadlyImportError(std::string("GLTF: JSON parse error, offset ") + buffer + ": "
+ + GetParseError_En(doc.GetParseError()));
+ }
+ if (!doc.IsObject()) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: JSON document root must be a JSON object");
+ }
+ // Fill the buffer instance for the current file embedded contents
+ if (mBodyLength > 0) {
+ if (!mBodyBuffer->LoadFromStream(*stream, mBodyLength, mBodyOffset)) {
+ throw DeadlyImportError("GLTF: Unable to read gltf file");
+ }
+ }
+ // Load the metadata
+ asset.Read(doc);
+ ReadExtensionsUsed(doc);
+ // Prepare the dictionaries
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mDicts.size(); ++i) {
+ mDicts[i]->AttachToDocument(doc);
+ }
+ // Read the "scene" property, which specifies which scene to load
+ // and recursively load everything referenced by it
+ if (Value* scene = FindString(doc, "scene")) {
+ this->scene = scenes.Get(scene->GetString());
+ }
+ // Clean up
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mDicts.size(); ++i) {
+ mDicts[i]->DetachFromDocument();
+ }
+inline void Asset::SetAsBinary()
+ if (!extensionsUsed.KHR_binary_glTF) {
+ extensionsUsed.KHR_binary_glTF = true;
+ mBodyBuffer = buffers.Create("binary_glTF");
+ mBodyBuffer->MarkAsSpecial();
+ }
+inline void Asset::ReadExtensionsUsed(Document& doc)
+ Value* extsUsed = FindArray(doc, "extensionsUsed");
+ if (!extsUsed) return;
+ std::gltf_unordered_map<std::string, bool> exts;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < extsUsed->Size(); ++i) {
+ if ((*extsUsed)[i].IsString()) {
+ exts[(*extsUsed)[i].GetString()] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ #define CHECK_EXT(EXT) \
+ if (exts.find(#EXT) != exts.end()) extensionsUsed.EXT = true;
+ CHECK_EXT(KHR_binary_glTF);
+ CHECK_EXT(KHR_materials_common);
+ #undef CHECK_EXT
+inline IOStream* Asset::OpenFile(std::string path, const char* mode, bool absolute)
+ #ifdef ASSIMP_API
+ return mIOSystem->Open(path, mode);
+ #else
+ if (path.size() < 2) return 0;
+ if (!absolute && path[1] != ':' && path[0] != '/') { // relative?
+ path = mCurrentAssetDir + path;
+ }
+ FILE* f = fopen(path.c_str(), mode);
+ return f ? new IOStream(f) : 0;
+ #endif
+inline std::string Asset::FindUniqueID(const std::string& str, const char* suffix)
+ std::string id = str;
+ if (!id.empty()) {
+ if (mUsedIds.find(id) == mUsedIds.end())
+ return id;
+ id += "_";
+ }
+ id += suffix;
+ Asset::IdMap::iterator it = mUsedIds.find(id);
+ if (it == mUsedIds.end())
+ return id;
+ char buffer[256];
+ int offset = ai_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s_", id.c_str());
+ for (int i = 0; it != mUsedIds.end(); ++i) {
+ ai_snprintf(buffer + offset, sizeof(buffer) - offset, "%d", i);
+ id = buffer;
+ it = mUsedIds.find(id);
+ }
+ return id;
+namespace Util {
+ inline
+ bool ParseDataURI(const char* const_uri, size_t uriLen, DataURI& out) {
+ if ( NULL == const_uri ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (const_uri[0] != 0x10) { // we already parsed this uri?
+ if (strncmp(const_uri, "data:", 5) != 0) // not a data uri?
+ return false;
+ }
+ // set defaults
+ out.mediaType = "text/plain";
+ out.charset = "US-ASCII";
+ out.base64 = false;
+ char* uri = const_cast<char*>(const_uri);
+ if (uri[0] != 0x10) {
+ uri[0] = 0x10;
+ uri[1] = uri[2] = uri[3] = uri[4] = 0;
+ size_t i = 5, j;
+ if (uri[i] != ';' && uri[i] != ',') { // has media type?
+ uri[1] = char(i);
+ for (; uri[i] != ';' && uri[i] != ',' && i < uriLen; ++i) {
+ // nothing to do!
+ }
+ }
+ while (uri[i] == ';' && i < uriLen) {
+ uri[i++] = '\0';
+ for (j = i; uri[i] != ';' && uri[i] != ',' && i < uriLen; ++i) {
+ // nothing to do!
+ }
+ if ( strncmp( uri + j, "charset=", 8 ) == 0 ) {
+ uri[2] = char(j + 8);
+ } else if ( strncmp( uri + j, "base64", 6 ) == 0 ) {
+ uri[3] = char(j);
+ }
+ }
+ if (i < uriLen) {
+ uri[i++] = '\0';
+ uri[4] = char(i);
+ } else {
+ uri[1] = uri[2] = uri[3] = 0;
+ uri[4] = 5;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( uri[ 1 ] != 0 ) {
+ out.mediaType = uri + uri[ 1 ];
+ }
+ if ( uri[ 2 ] != 0 ) {
+ out.charset = uri + uri[ 2 ];
+ }
+ if ( uri[ 3 ] != 0 ) {
+ out.base64 = true;
+ }
+ = uri + uri[4];
+ out.dataLength = (uri + uriLen) -;
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<bool B>
+ struct DATA
+ {
+ static const uint8_t tableDecodeBase64[128];
+ };
+ template<bool B>
+ const uint8_t DATA<B>::tableDecodeBase64[128] = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 0, 0, 63,
+ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 0, 0, 0, 64, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
+ 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
+ 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ };
+ inline char EncodeCharBase64(uint8_t b)
+ {
+ return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="[size_t(b)];
+ }
+ inline uint8_t DecodeCharBase64(char c)
+ {
+ return DATA<true>::tableDecodeBase64[size_t(c)]; // TODO faster with lookup table or ifs?
+ /*if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return c - 'A';
+ if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return c - 'a' + 26;
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0' + 52;
+ if (c == '+') return 62;
+ if (c == '/') return 63;
+ return 64; // '-' */
+ }
+ inline size_t DecodeBase64(const char* in, size_t inLength, uint8_t*& out)
+ {
+ ai_assert(inLength % 4 == 0);
+ if (inLength < 4) {
+ out = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int nEquals = int(in[inLength - 1] == '=') +
+ int(in[inLength - 2] == '=');
+ size_t outLength = (inLength * 3) / 4 - nEquals;
+ out = new uint8_t[outLength];
+ memset(out, 0, outLength);
+ size_t i, j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i + 4 < inLength; i += 4) {
+ uint8_t b0 = DecodeCharBase64(in[i]);
+ uint8_t b1 = DecodeCharBase64(in[i + 1]);
+ uint8_t b2 = DecodeCharBase64(in[i + 2]);
+ uint8_t b3 = DecodeCharBase64(in[i + 3]);
+ out[j++] = (uint8_t)((b0 << 2) | (b1 >> 4));
+ out[j++] = (uint8_t)((b1 << 4) | (b2 >> 2));
+ out[j++] = (uint8_t)((b2 << 6) | b3);
+ }
+ {
+ uint8_t b0 = DecodeCharBase64(in[i]);
+ uint8_t b1 = DecodeCharBase64(in[i + 1]);
+ uint8_t b2 = DecodeCharBase64(in[i + 2]);
+ uint8_t b3 = DecodeCharBase64(in[i + 3]);
+ out[j++] = (uint8_t)((b0 << 2) | (b1 >> 4));
+ if (b2 < 64) out[j++] = (uint8_t)((b1 << 4) | (b2 >> 2));
+ if (b3 < 64) out[j++] = (uint8_t)((b2 << 6) | b3);
+ }
+ return outLength;
+ }
+ inline void EncodeBase64(
+ const uint8_t* in, size_t inLength,
+ std::string& out)
+ {
+ size_t outLength = ((inLength + 2) / 3) * 4;
+ size_t j = out.size();
+ out.resize(j + outLength);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < inLength; i += 3) {
+ uint8_t b = (in[i] & 0xFC) >> 2;
+ out[j++] = EncodeCharBase64(b);
+ b = (in[i] & 0x03) << 4;
+ if (i + 1 < inLength) {
+ b |= (in[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ out[j++] = EncodeCharBase64(b);
+ b = (in[i + 1] & 0x0F) << 2;
+ if (i + 2 < inLength) {
+ b |= (in[i + 2] & 0xC0) >> 6;
+ out[j++] = EncodeCharBase64(b);
+ b = in[i + 2] & 0x3F;
+ out[j++] = EncodeCharBase64(b);
+ }
+ else {
+ out[j++] = EncodeCharBase64(b);
+ out[j++] = '=';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ out[j++] = EncodeCharBase64(b);
+ out[j++] = '=';
+ out[j++] = '=';
+ }
+ }
+ }