path: root/src/3rdparty/assimp/code/XFileParser.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/assimp/code/XFileParser.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1471 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/assimp/code/XFileParser.cpp b/src/3rdparty/assimp/code/XFileParser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a89b12d95..000000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/assimp/code/XFileParser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1471 +0,0 @@
-Open Asset Import Library (assimp)
-Copyright (c) 2006-2012, assimp team
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
-with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
-conditions are met:
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
- materials provided with the distribution.
-* Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its
- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior
- written permission of the assimp team.
-/** @file Implementation of the XFile parser helper class */
-#include "AssimpPCH.h"
-#include "XFileParser.h"
-#include "XFileHelper.h"
-#include "fast_atof.h"
-using namespace Assimp;
-using namespace Assimp::XFile;
-# include <zlib.h>
-# else
-# include "../contrib/zlib/zlib.h"
-# endif
-// Magic identifier for MSZIP compressed data
-#define MSZIP_MAGIC 0x4B43
-#define MSZIP_BLOCK 32786
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Dummy memory wrappers for use with zlib
-static void* dummy_alloc (void* /*opaque*/, unsigned int items, unsigned int size) {
- return ::operator new(items*size);
-static void dummy_free (void* /*opaque*/, void* address) {
- return ::operator delete(address);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor. Creates a data structure out of the XFile given in the memory block.
-XFileParser::XFileParser( const std::vector<char>& pBuffer)
- mMajorVersion = mMinorVersion = 0;
- mIsBinaryFormat = false;
- mBinaryNumCount = 0;
- P = End = NULL;
- mLineNumber = 0;
- mScene = NULL;
- // vector to store uncompressed file for INFLATE'd X files
- std::vector<char> uncompressed;
- // set up memory pointers
- P = &pBuffer.front();
- End = P + pBuffer.size() - 1;
- // check header
- if( strncmp( P, "xof ", 4) != 0)
- throw DeadlyImportError( "Header mismatch, file is not an XFile.");
- // read version. It comes in a four byte format such as "0302"
- mMajorVersion = (unsigned int)(P[4] - 48) * 10 + (unsigned int)(P[5] - 48);
- mMinorVersion = (unsigned int)(P[6] - 48) * 10 + (unsigned int)(P[7] - 48);
- bool compressed = false;
- // txt - pure ASCII text format
- if( strncmp( P + 8, "txt ", 4) == 0)
- mIsBinaryFormat = false;
- // bin - Binary format
- else if( strncmp( P + 8, "bin ", 4) == 0)
- mIsBinaryFormat = true;
- // tzip - Inflate compressed text format
- else if( strncmp( P + 8, "tzip", 4) == 0)
- {
- mIsBinaryFormat = false;
- compressed = true;
- }
- // bzip - Inflate compressed binary format
- else if( strncmp( P + 8, "bzip", 4) == 0)
- {
- mIsBinaryFormat = true;
- compressed = true;
- }
- else ThrowException( boost::str(boost::format("Unsupported xfile format '%c%c%c%c'")
- % P[8] % P[9] % P[10] % P[11]));
- // float size
- mBinaryFloatSize = (unsigned int)(P[12] - 48) * 1000
- + (unsigned int)(P[13] - 48) * 100
- + (unsigned int)(P[14] - 48) * 10
- + (unsigned int)(P[15] - 48);
- if( mBinaryFloatSize != 32 && mBinaryFloatSize != 64)
- ThrowException( boost::str( boost::format( "Unknown float size %1% specified in xfile header.")
- % mBinaryFloatSize));
- // The x format specifies size in bits, but we work in bytes
- mBinaryFloatSize /= 8;
- P += 16;
- // If this is a compressed X file, apply the inflate algorithm to it
- if (compressed)
- {
- throw DeadlyImportError("Assimp was built without compressed X support");
- /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * [xhead]
- * 2 major
- * 2 minor
- * 4 type // bzip,tzip
- * [mszip_master_head]
- * 4 unkn // checksum?
- * 2 unkn // flags? (seems to be constant)
- * [mszip_head]
- * 2 ofs // offset to next section
- * 2 magic // 'CK'
- * ... ofs bytes of data
- * ... next mszip_head
- *
- * has been very helpful.
- * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- */
- // build a zlib stream
- z_stream stream;
- stream.opaque = NULL;
- stream.zalloc = &dummy_alloc;
- stream.zfree = &dummy_free;
- stream.data_type = (mIsBinaryFormat ? Z_BINARY : Z_ASCII);
- // initialize the inflation algorithm
- ::inflateInit2(&stream, -MAX_WBITS);
- // skip unknown data (checksum, flags?)
- P += 6;
- // First find out how much storage we'll need. Count sections.
- const char* P1 = P;
- unsigned int est_out = 0;
- while (P1 + 3 < End)
- {
- // read next offset
- uint16_t ofs = *((uint16_t*)P1);
- AI_SWAP2(ofs); P1 += 2;
- if (ofs >= MSZIP_BLOCK)
- throw DeadlyImportError("X: Invalid offset to next MSZIP compressed block");
- // check magic word
- uint16_t magic = *((uint16_t*)P1);
- AI_SWAP2(magic); P1 += 2;
- if (magic != MSZIP_MAGIC)
- throw DeadlyImportError("X: Unsupported compressed format, expected MSZIP header");
- // and advance to the next offset
- P1 += ofs;
- est_out += MSZIP_BLOCK; // one decompressed block is 32786 in size
- }
- // Allocate storage and terminating zero and do the actual uncompressing
- uncompressed.resize(est_out + 1);
- char* out = &uncompressed.front();
- while (P + 3 < End)
- {
- uint16_t ofs = *((uint16_t*)P);
- AI_SWAP2(ofs);
- P += 4;
- // push data to the stream
- stream.next_in = (Bytef*)P;
- stream.avail_in = ofs;
- stream.next_out = (Bytef*)out;
- stream.avail_out = MSZIP_BLOCK;
- // and decompress the data ....
- int ret = ::inflate( &stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );
- if (ret != Z_OK && ret != Z_STREAM_END)
- throw DeadlyImportError("X: Failed to decompress MSZIP-compressed data");
- ::inflateReset( &stream );
- ::inflateSetDictionary( &stream, (const Bytef*)out , MSZIP_BLOCK - stream.avail_out );
- // and advance to the next offset
- out += MSZIP_BLOCK - stream.avail_out;
- P += ofs;
- }
- // terminate zlib
- ::inflateEnd(&stream);
- // ok, update pointers to point to the uncompressed file data
- P = &uncompressed[0];
- End = out;
- // FIXME: we don't need the compressed data anymore, could release
- // it already for better memory usage. Consider breaking const-co.
- DefaultLogger::get()->info("Successfully decompressed MSZIP-compressed file");
- }
- else
- {
- // start reading here
- ReadUntilEndOfLine();
- }
- mScene = new Scene;
- ParseFile();
- // filter the imported hierarchy for some degenerated cases
- if( mScene->mRootNode) {
- FilterHierarchy( mScene->mRootNode);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor. Destroys all imported data along with it
- // kill everything we created
- delete mScene;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseFile()
- bool running = true;
- while( running )
- {
- // read name of next object
- std::string objectName = GetNextToken();
- if (objectName.length() == 0)
- break;
- // parse specific object
- if( objectName == "template")
- ParseDataObjectTemplate();
- else
- if( objectName == "Frame")
- ParseDataObjectFrame( NULL);
- else
- if( objectName == "Mesh")
- {
- // some meshes have no frames at all
- Mesh* mesh = new Mesh;
- ParseDataObjectMesh( mesh);
- mScene->mGlobalMeshes.push_back( mesh);
- } else
- if( objectName == "AnimTicksPerSecond")
- ParseDataObjectAnimTicksPerSecond();
- else
- if( objectName == "AnimationSet")
- ParseDataObjectAnimationSet();
- else
- if( objectName == "Material")
- {
- // Material outside of a mesh or node
- Material material;
- ParseDataObjectMaterial( &material);
- mScene->mGlobalMaterials.push_back( material);
- } else
- if( objectName == "}")
- {
- // whatever?
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("} found in dataObject");
- } else
- {
- // unknown format
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Unknown data object in animation of .x file");
- ParseUnknownDataObject();
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectTemplate()
- // parse a template data object. Currently not stored.
- std::string name;
- readHeadOfDataObject( &name);
- // read GUID
- std::string guid = GetNextToken();
- // read and ignore data members
- bool running = true;
- while ( running )
- {
- std::string s = GetNextToken();
- if( s == "}")
- break;
- if( s.length() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file reached while parsing template definition");
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectFrame( Node* pParent)
- // A coordinate frame, or "frame of reference." The Frame template
- // is open and can contain any object. The Direct3D extensions (D3DX)
- // mesh-loading functions recognize Mesh, FrameTransformMatrix, and
- // Frame template instances as child objects when loading a Frame
- // instance.
- std::string name;
- readHeadOfDataObject(&name);
- // create a named node and place it at its parent, if given
- Node* node = new Node( pParent);
- node->mName = name;
- if( pParent)
- {
- pParent->mChildren.push_back( node);
- } else
- {
- // there might be multiple root nodes
- if( mScene->mRootNode != NULL)
- {
- // place a dummy root if not there
- if( mScene->mRootNode->mName != "$dummy_root")
- {
- Node* exroot = mScene->mRootNode;
- mScene->mRootNode = new Node( NULL);
- mScene->mRootNode->mName = "$dummy_root";
- mScene->mRootNode->mChildren.push_back( exroot);
- exroot->mParent = mScene->mRootNode;
- }
- // put the new node as its child instead
- mScene->mRootNode->mChildren.push_back( node);
- node->mParent = mScene->mRootNode;
- } else
- {
- // it's the first node imported. place it as root
- mScene->mRootNode = node;
- }
- }
- // Now inside a frame.
- // read tokens until closing brace is reached.
- bool running = true;
- while ( running )
- {
- std::string objectName = GetNextToken();
- if (objectName.size() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file reached while parsing frame");
- if( objectName == "}")
- break; // frame finished
- else
- if( objectName == "Frame")
- ParseDataObjectFrame( node); // child frame
- else
- if( objectName == "FrameTransformMatrix")
- ParseDataObjectTransformationMatrix( node->mTrafoMatrix);
- else
- if( objectName == "Mesh")
- {
- Mesh* mesh = new Mesh;
- node->mMeshes.push_back( mesh);
- ParseDataObjectMesh( mesh);
- } else
- {
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Unknown data object in frame in x file");
- ParseUnknownDataObject();
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectTransformationMatrix( aiMatrix4x4& pMatrix)
- // read header, we're not interested if it has a name
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- // read its components
- pMatrix.a1 = ReadFloat(); pMatrix.b1 = ReadFloat();
- pMatrix.c1 = ReadFloat(); pMatrix.d1 = ReadFloat();
- pMatrix.a2 = ReadFloat(); pMatrix.b2 = ReadFloat();
- pMatrix.c2 = ReadFloat(); pMatrix.d2 = ReadFloat();
- pMatrix.a3 = ReadFloat(); pMatrix.b3 = ReadFloat();
- pMatrix.c3 = ReadFloat(); pMatrix.d3 = ReadFloat();
- pMatrix.a4 = ReadFloat(); pMatrix.b4 = ReadFloat();
- pMatrix.c4 = ReadFloat(); pMatrix.d4 = ReadFloat();
- // trailing symbols
- CheckForSemicolon();
- CheckForClosingBrace();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectMesh( Mesh* pMesh)
- std::string name;
- readHeadOfDataObject( &name);
- // read vertex count
- unsigned int numVertices = ReadInt();
- pMesh->mPositions.resize( numVertices);
- // read vertices
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numVertices; a++)
- pMesh->mPositions[a] = ReadVector3();
- // read position faces
- unsigned int numPosFaces = ReadInt();
- pMesh->mPosFaces.resize( numPosFaces);
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numPosFaces; a++)
- {
- unsigned int numIndices = ReadInt();
- if( numIndices < 3)
- ThrowException( boost::str( boost::format( "Invalid index count %1% for face %2%.") % numIndices % a));
- // read indices
- Face& face = pMesh->mPosFaces[a];
- for( unsigned int b = 0; b < numIndices; b++)
- face.mIndices.push_back( ReadInt());
- TestForSeparator();
- }
- // here, other data objects may follow
- bool running = true;
- while ( running )
- {
- std::string objectName = GetNextToken();
- if( objectName.size() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing mesh structure");
- else
- if( objectName == "}")
- break; // mesh finished
- else
- if( objectName == "MeshNormals")
- ParseDataObjectMeshNormals( pMesh);
- else
- if( objectName == "MeshTextureCoords")
- ParseDataObjectMeshTextureCoords( pMesh);
- else
- if( objectName == "MeshVertexColors")
- ParseDataObjectMeshVertexColors( pMesh);
- else
- if( objectName == "MeshMaterialList")
- ParseDataObjectMeshMaterialList( pMesh);
- else
- if( objectName == "VertexDuplicationIndices")
- ParseUnknownDataObject(); // we'll ignore vertex duplication indices
- else
- if( objectName == "XSkinMeshHeader")
- ParseDataObjectSkinMeshHeader( pMesh);
- else
- if( objectName == "SkinWeights")
- ParseDataObjectSkinWeights( pMesh);
- else
- {
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Unknown data object in mesh in x file");
- ParseUnknownDataObject();
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectSkinWeights( Mesh *pMesh)
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- std::string transformNodeName;
- GetNextTokenAsString( transformNodeName);
- pMesh->mBones.push_back( Bone());
- Bone& bone = pMesh->mBones.back();
- bone.mName = transformNodeName;
- // read vertex weights
- unsigned int numWeights = ReadInt();
- bone.mWeights.reserve( numWeights);
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numWeights; a++)
- {
- BoneWeight weight;
- weight.mVertex = ReadInt();
- bone.mWeights.push_back( weight);
- }
- // read vertex weights
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numWeights; a++)
- bone.mWeights[a].mWeight = ReadFloat();
- // read matrix offset
- bone.mOffsetMatrix.a1 = ReadFloat(); bone.mOffsetMatrix.b1 = ReadFloat();
- bone.mOffsetMatrix.c1 = ReadFloat(); bone.mOffsetMatrix.d1 = ReadFloat();
- bone.mOffsetMatrix.a2 = ReadFloat(); bone.mOffsetMatrix.b2 = ReadFloat();
- bone.mOffsetMatrix.c2 = ReadFloat(); bone.mOffsetMatrix.d2 = ReadFloat();
- bone.mOffsetMatrix.a3 = ReadFloat(); bone.mOffsetMatrix.b3 = ReadFloat();
- bone.mOffsetMatrix.c3 = ReadFloat(); bone.mOffsetMatrix.d3 = ReadFloat();
- bone.mOffsetMatrix.a4 = ReadFloat(); bone.mOffsetMatrix.b4 = ReadFloat();
- bone.mOffsetMatrix.c4 = ReadFloat(); bone.mOffsetMatrix.d4 = ReadFloat();
- CheckForSemicolon();
- CheckForClosingBrace();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectSkinMeshHeader( Mesh* /*pMesh*/ )
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- /*unsigned int maxSkinWeightsPerVertex =*/ ReadInt();
- /*unsigned int maxSkinWeightsPerFace =*/ ReadInt();
- /*unsigned int numBonesInMesh = */ReadInt();
- CheckForClosingBrace();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectMeshNormals( Mesh* pMesh)
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- // read count
- unsigned int numNormals = ReadInt();
- pMesh->mNormals.resize( numNormals);
- // read normal vectors
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numNormals; a++)
- pMesh->mNormals[a] = ReadVector3();
- // read normal indices
- unsigned int numFaces = ReadInt();
- if( numFaces != pMesh->mPosFaces.size())
- ThrowException( "Normal face count does not match vertex face count.");
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numFaces; a++)
- {
- unsigned int numIndices = ReadInt();
- pMesh->mNormFaces.push_back( Face());
- Face& face = pMesh->mNormFaces.back();
- for( unsigned int b = 0; b < numIndices; b++)
- face.mIndices.push_back( ReadInt());
- TestForSeparator();
- }
- CheckForClosingBrace();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectMeshTextureCoords( Mesh* pMesh)
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- if( pMesh->mNumTextures + 1 > AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS)
- ThrowException( "Too many sets of texture coordinates");
- std::vector<aiVector2D>& coords = pMesh->mTexCoords[pMesh->mNumTextures++];
- unsigned int numCoords = ReadInt();
- if( numCoords != pMesh->mPositions.size())
- ThrowException( "Texture coord count does not match vertex count");
- coords.resize( numCoords);
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numCoords; a++)
- coords[a] = ReadVector2();
- CheckForClosingBrace();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectMeshVertexColors( Mesh* pMesh)
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- if( pMesh->mNumColorSets + 1 > AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_SETS)
- ThrowException( "Too many colorsets");
- std::vector<aiColor4D>& colors = pMesh->mColors[pMesh->mNumColorSets++];
- unsigned int numColors = ReadInt();
- if( numColors != pMesh->mPositions.size())
- ThrowException( "Vertex color count does not match vertex count");
- colors.resize( numColors, aiColor4D( 0, 0, 0, 1));
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numColors; a++)
- {
- unsigned int index = ReadInt();
- if( index >= pMesh->mPositions.size())
- ThrowException( "Vertex color index out of bounds");
- colors[index] = ReadRGBA();
- // HACK: (thom) Maxon Cinema XPort plugin puts a third separator here, kwxPort puts a comma.
- // Ignore gracefully.
- if( !mIsBinaryFormat)
- {
- FindNextNoneWhiteSpace();
- if( *P == ';' || *P == ',')
- P++;
- }
- }
- CheckForClosingBrace();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectMeshMaterialList( Mesh* pMesh)
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- // read material count
- /*unsigned int numMaterials =*/ ReadInt();
- // read non triangulated face material index count
- unsigned int numMatIndices = ReadInt();
- // some models have a material index count of 1... to be able to read them we
- // replicate this single material index on every face
- if( numMatIndices != pMesh->mPosFaces.size() && numMatIndices != 1)
- ThrowException( "Per-Face material index count does not match face count.");
- // read per-face material indices
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numMatIndices; a++)
- pMesh->mFaceMaterials.push_back( ReadInt());
- // in version 03.02, the face indices end with two semicolons.
- // commented out version check, as version 03.03 exported from blender also has 2 semicolons
- if( !mIsBinaryFormat) // && MajorVersion == 3 && MinorVersion <= 2)
- {
- if(P < End && *P == ';')
- ++P;
- }
- // if there was only a single material index, replicate it on all faces
- while( pMesh->mFaceMaterials.size() < pMesh->mPosFaces.size())
- pMesh->mFaceMaterials.push_back( pMesh->mFaceMaterials.front());
- // read following data objects
- bool running = true;
- while ( running )
- {
- std::string objectName = GetNextToken();
- if( objectName.size() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing mesh material list.");
- else
- if( objectName == "}")
- break; // material list finished
- else
- if( objectName == "{")
- {
- // template materials
- std::string matName = GetNextToken();
- Material material;
- material.mIsReference = true;
- material.mName = matName;
- pMesh->mMaterials.push_back( material);
- CheckForClosingBrace(); // skip }
- } else
- if( objectName == "Material")
- {
- pMesh->mMaterials.push_back( Material());
- ParseDataObjectMaterial( &pMesh->mMaterials.back());
- } else
- if( objectName == ";")
- {
- // ignore
- } else
- {
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Unknown data object in material list in x file");
- ParseUnknownDataObject();
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectMaterial( Material* pMaterial)
- std::string matName;
- readHeadOfDataObject( &matName);
- if( matName.empty())
- matName = std::string( "material") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( mLineNumber);
- pMaterial->mName = matName;
- pMaterial->mIsReference = false;
- // read material values
- pMaterial->mDiffuse = ReadRGBA();
- pMaterial->mSpecularExponent = ReadFloat();
- pMaterial->mSpecular = ReadRGB();
- pMaterial->mEmissive = ReadRGB();
- // read other data objects
- bool running = true;
- while ( running )
- {
- std::string objectName = GetNextToken();
- if( objectName.size() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing mesh material");
- else
- if( objectName == "}")
- break; // material finished
- else
- if( objectName == "TextureFilename" || objectName == "TextureFileName")
- {
- // some exporters write "TextureFileName" instead.
- std::string texname;
- ParseDataObjectTextureFilename( texname);
- pMaterial->mTextures.push_back( TexEntry( texname));
- } else
- if( objectName == "NormalmapFilename" || objectName == "NormalmapFileName")
- {
- // one exporter writes out the normal map in a separate filename tag
- std::string texname;
- ParseDataObjectTextureFilename( texname);
- pMaterial->mTextures.push_back( TexEntry( texname, true));
- } else
- {
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Unknown data object in material in x file");
- ParseUnknownDataObject();
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectAnimTicksPerSecond()
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- mScene->mAnimTicksPerSecond = ReadInt();
- CheckForClosingBrace();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectAnimationSet()
- std::string animName;
- readHeadOfDataObject( &animName);
- Animation* anim = new Animation;
- mScene->mAnims.push_back( anim);
- anim->mName = animName;
- bool running = true;
- while ( running )
- {
- std::string objectName = GetNextToken();
- if( objectName.length() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing animation set.");
- else
- if( objectName == "}")
- break; // animation set finished
- else
- if( objectName == "Animation")
- ParseDataObjectAnimation( anim);
- else
- {
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Unknown data object in animation set in x file");
- ParseUnknownDataObject();
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectAnimation( Animation* pAnim)
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- AnimBone* banim = new AnimBone;
- pAnim->mAnims.push_back( banim);
- bool running = true;
- while( running )
- {
- std::string objectName = GetNextToken();
- if( objectName.length() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing animation.");
- else
- if( objectName == "}")
- break; // animation finished
- else
- if( objectName == "AnimationKey")
- ParseDataObjectAnimationKey( banim);
- else
- if( objectName == "AnimationOptions")
- ParseUnknownDataObject(); // not interested
- else
- if( objectName == "{")
- {
- // read frame name
- banim->mBoneName = GetNextToken();
- CheckForClosingBrace();
- } else
- {
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Unknown data object in animation in x file");
- ParseUnknownDataObject();
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectAnimationKey( AnimBone* pAnimBone)
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- // read key type
- unsigned int keyType = ReadInt();
- // read number of keys
- unsigned int numKeys = ReadInt();
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < numKeys; a++)
- {
- // read time
- unsigned int time = ReadInt();
- // read keys
- switch( keyType)
- {
- case 0: // rotation quaternion
- {
- // read count
- if( ReadInt() != 4)
- ThrowException( "Invalid number of arguments for quaternion key in animation");
- aiQuatKey key;
- key.mTime = double( time);
- key.mValue.w = ReadFloat();
- key.mValue.x = ReadFloat();
- key.mValue.y = ReadFloat();
- key.mValue.z = ReadFloat();
- pAnimBone->mRotKeys.push_back( key);
- CheckForSemicolon();
- break;
- }
- case 1: // scale vector
- case 2: // position vector
- {
- // read count
- if( ReadInt() != 3)
- ThrowException( "Invalid number of arguments for vector key in animation");
- aiVectorKey key;
- key.mTime = double( time);
- key.mValue = ReadVector3();
- if( keyType == 2)
- pAnimBone->mPosKeys.push_back( key);
- else
- pAnimBone->mScaleKeys.push_back( key);
- break;
- }
- case 3: // combined transformation matrix
- case 4: // denoted both as 3 or as 4
- {
- // read count
- if( ReadInt() != 16)
- ThrowException( "Invalid number of arguments for matrix key in animation");
- // read matrix
- MatrixKey key;
- key.mTime = double( time);
- key.mMatrix.a1 = ReadFloat(); key.mMatrix.b1 = ReadFloat();
- key.mMatrix.c1 = ReadFloat(); key.mMatrix.d1 = ReadFloat();
- key.mMatrix.a2 = ReadFloat(); key.mMatrix.b2 = ReadFloat();
- key.mMatrix.c2 = ReadFloat(); key.mMatrix.d2 = ReadFloat();
- key.mMatrix.a3 = ReadFloat(); key.mMatrix.b3 = ReadFloat();
- key.mMatrix.c3 = ReadFloat(); key.mMatrix.d3 = ReadFloat();
- key.mMatrix.a4 = ReadFloat(); key.mMatrix.b4 = ReadFloat();
- key.mMatrix.c4 = ReadFloat(); key.mMatrix.d4 = ReadFloat();
- pAnimBone->mTrafoKeys.push_back( key);
- CheckForSemicolon();
- break;
- }
- default:
- ThrowException( boost::str( boost::format( "Unknown key type %1% in animation.") % keyType));
- break;
- } // end switch
- // key separator
- CheckForSeparator();
- }
- CheckForClosingBrace();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseDataObjectTextureFilename( std::string& pName)
- readHeadOfDataObject();
- GetNextTokenAsString( pName);
- CheckForClosingBrace();
- // FIX: some files (e.g. AnimationTest.x) have "" as texture file name
- if (!pName.length())
- {
- DefaultLogger::get()->warn("Length of texture file name is zero. Skipping this texture.");
- }
- // some exporters write double backslash paths out. We simply replace them if we find them
- while( pName.find( "\\\\") != std::string::npos)
- pName.replace( pName.find( "\\\\"), 2, "\\");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ParseUnknownDataObject()
- // find opening delimiter
- bool running = true;
- while( running )
- {
- std::string t = GetNextToken();
- if( t.length() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing unknown segment.");
- if( t == "{")
- break;
- }
- unsigned int counter = 1;
- // parse until closing delimiter
- while( counter > 0)
- {
- std::string t = GetNextToken();
- if( t.length() == 0)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing unknown segment.");
- if( t == "{")
- ++counter;
- else
- if( t == "}")
- --counter;
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//! checks for closing curly brace
-void XFileParser::CheckForClosingBrace()
- if( GetNextToken() != "}")
- ThrowException( "Closing brace expected.");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//! checks for one following semicolon
-void XFileParser::CheckForSemicolon()
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- return;
- if( GetNextToken() != ";")
- ThrowException( "Semicolon expected.");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//! checks for a separator char, either a ',' or a ';'
-void XFileParser::CheckForSeparator()
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- return;
- std::string token = GetNextToken();
- if( token != "," && token != ";")
- ThrowException( "Separator character (';' or ',') expected.");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// tests and possibly consumes a separator char, but does nothing if there was no separator
-void XFileParser::TestForSeparator()
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- return;
- FindNextNoneWhiteSpace();
- if( P >= End)
- return;
- // test and skip
- if( *P == ';' || *P == ',')
- P++;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::readHeadOfDataObject( std::string* poName)
- std::string nameOrBrace = GetNextToken();
- if( nameOrBrace != "{")
- {
- if( poName)
- *poName = nameOrBrace;
- if( GetNextToken() != "{")
- ThrowException( "Opening brace expected.");
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-std::string XFileParser::GetNextToken()
- std::string s;
- // process binary-formatted file
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- {
- // in binary mode it will only return NAME and STRING token
- // and (correctly) skip over other tokens.
- if( End - P < 2) return s;
- unsigned int tok = ReadBinWord();
- unsigned int len;
- // standalone tokens
- switch( tok)
- {
- case 1:
- // name token
- if( End - P < 4) return s;
- len = ReadBinDWord();
- if( End - P < int(len)) return s;
- s = std::string(P, len);
- P += len;
- return s;
- case 2:
- // string token
- if( End - P < 4) return s;
- len = ReadBinDWord();
- if( End - P < int(len)) return s;
- s = std::string(P, len);
- P += (len + 2);
- return s;
- case 3:
- // integer token
- P += 4;
- return "<integer>";
- case 5:
- // GUID token
- P += 16;
- return "<guid>";
- case 6:
- if( End - P < 4) return s;
- len = ReadBinDWord();
- P += (len * 4);
- return "<int_list>";
- case 7:
- if( End - P < 4) return s;
- len = ReadBinDWord();
- P += (len * mBinaryFloatSize);
- return "<flt_list>";
- case 0x0a:
- return "{";
- case 0x0b:
- return "}";
- case 0x0c:
- return "(";
- case 0x0d:
- return ")";
- case 0x0e:
- return "[";
- case 0x0f:
- return "]";
- case 0x10:
- return "<";
- case 0x11:
- return ">";
- case 0x12:
- return ".";
- case 0x13:
- return ",";
- case 0x14:
- return ";";
- case 0x1f:
- return "template";
- case 0x28:
- return "WORD";
- case 0x29:
- return "DWORD";
- case 0x2a:
- return "FLOAT";
- case 0x2b:
- return "DOUBLE";
- case 0x2c:
- return "CHAR";
- case 0x2d:
- return "UCHAR";
- case 0x2e:
- return "SWORD";
- case 0x2f:
- return "SDWORD";
- case 0x30:
- return "void";
- case 0x31:
- return "string";
- case 0x32:
- return "unicode";
- case 0x33:
- return "cstring";
- case 0x34:
- return "array";
- }
- }
- // process text-formatted file
- else
- {
- FindNextNoneWhiteSpace();
- if( P >= End)
- return s;
- while( (P < End) && !isspace( (unsigned char) *P))
- {
- // either keep token delimiters when already holding a token, or return if first valid char
- if( *P == ';' || *P == '}' || *P == '{' || *P == ',')
- {
- if( !s.size())
- s.append( P++, 1);
- break; // stop for delimiter
- }
- s.append( P++, 1);
- }
- }
- return s;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::FindNextNoneWhiteSpace()
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- return;
- bool running = true;
- while( running )
- {
- while( P < End && isspace( (unsigned char) *P))
- {
- if( *P == '\n')
- mLineNumber++;
- ++P;
- }
- if( P >= End)
- return;
- // check if this is a comment
- if( (P[0] == '/' && P[1] == '/') || P[0] == '#')
- ReadUntilEndOfLine();
- else
- break;
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::GetNextTokenAsString( std::string& poString)
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- {
- poString = GetNextToken();
- return;
- }
- FindNextNoneWhiteSpace();
- if( P >= End)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing string");
- if( *P != '"')
- ThrowException( "Expected quotation mark.");
- ++P;
- while( P < End && *P != '"')
- poString.append( P++, 1);
- if( P >= End-1)
- ThrowException( "Unexpected end of file while parsing string");
- if( P[1] != ';' || P[0] != '"')
- ThrowException( "Expected quotation mark and semicolon at the end of a string.");
- P+=2;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void XFileParser::ReadUntilEndOfLine()
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- return;
- while( P < End)
- {
- if( *P == '\n' || *P == '\r')
- {
- ++P; mLineNumber++;
- return;
- }
- ++P;
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned short XFileParser::ReadBinWord()
- ai_assert(End - P >= 2);
- const unsigned char* q = (const unsigned char*) P;
- unsigned short tmp = q[0] | (q[1] << 8);
- P += 2;
- return tmp;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int XFileParser::ReadBinDWord()
- ai_assert(End - P >= 4);
- const unsigned char* q = (const unsigned char*) P;
- unsigned int tmp = q[0] | (q[1] << 8) | (q[2] << 16) | (q[3] << 24);
- P += 4;
- return tmp;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-unsigned int XFileParser::ReadInt()
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- {
- if( mBinaryNumCount == 0 && End - P >= 2)
- {
- unsigned short tmp = ReadBinWord(); // 0x06 or 0x03
- if( tmp == 0x06 && End - P >= 4) // array of ints follows
- mBinaryNumCount = ReadBinDWord();
- else // single int follows
- mBinaryNumCount = 1;
- }
- --mBinaryNumCount;
- if ( End - P >= 4) {
- return ReadBinDWord();
- } else {
- P = End;
- return 0;
- }
- } else
- {
- FindNextNoneWhiteSpace();
- // TODO: consider using strtol10 instead???
- // check preceeding minus sign
- bool isNegative = false;
- if( *P == '-')
- {
- isNegative = true;
- P++;
- }
- // at least one digit expected
- if( !isdigit( *P))
- ThrowException( "Number expected.");
- // read digits
- unsigned int number = 0;
- while( P < End)
- {
- if( !isdigit( *P))
- break;
- number = number * 10 + (*P - 48);
- P++;
- }
- CheckForSeparator();
- return isNegative ? ((unsigned int) -int( number)) : number;
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-float XFileParser::ReadFloat()
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- {
- if( mBinaryNumCount == 0 && End - P >= 2)
- {
- unsigned short tmp = ReadBinWord(); // 0x07 or 0x42
- if( tmp == 0x07 && End - P >= 4) // array of floats following
- mBinaryNumCount = ReadBinDWord();
- else // single float following
- mBinaryNumCount = 1;
- }
- --mBinaryNumCount;
- if( mBinaryFloatSize == 8)
- {
- if( End - P >= 8) {
- float result = (float) (*(double*) P);
- P += 8;
- return result;
- } else {
- P = End;
- return 0;
- }
- } else
- {
- if( End - P >= 4) {
- float result = *(float*) P;
- P += 4;
- return result;
- } else {
- P = End;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // text version
- FindNextNoneWhiteSpace();
- // check for various special strings to allow reading files from faulty exporters
- // I mean you, Blender!
- // Reading is safe because of the terminating zero
- if( strncmp( P, "-1.#IND00", 9) == 0 || strncmp( P, "1.#IND00", 8) == 0)
- {
- P += 9;
- CheckForSeparator();
- return 0.0f;
- } else
- if( strncmp( P, "1.#QNAN0", 8) == 0)
- {
- P += 8;
- CheckForSeparator();
- return 0.0f;
- }
- float result = 0.0f;
- P = fast_atoreal_move<float>( P, result);
- CheckForSeparator();
- return result;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-aiVector2D XFileParser::ReadVector2()
- aiVector2D vector;
- vector.x = ReadFloat();
- vector.y = ReadFloat();
- TestForSeparator();
- return vector;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-aiVector3D XFileParser::ReadVector3()
- aiVector3D vector;
- vector.x = ReadFloat();
- vector.y = ReadFloat();
- vector.z = ReadFloat();
- TestForSeparator();
- return vector;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-aiColor4D XFileParser::ReadRGBA()
- aiColor4D color;
- color.r = ReadFloat();
- color.g = ReadFloat();
- color.b = ReadFloat();
- color.a = ReadFloat();
- TestForSeparator();
- return color;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-aiColor3D XFileParser::ReadRGB()
- aiColor3D color;
- color.r = ReadFloat();
- color.g = ReadFloat();
- color.b = ReadFloat();
- TestForSeparator();
- return color;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Throws an exception with a line number and the given text.
-void XFileParser::ThrowException( const std::string& pText)
- if( mIsBinaryFormat)
- throw DeadlyImportError( pText);
- else
- throw DeadlyImportError( boost::str( boost::format( "Line %d: %s") % mLineNumber % pText));
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Filters the imported hierarchy for some degenerated cases that some exporters produce.
-void XFileParser::FilterHierarchy( XFile::Node* pNode)
- // if the node has just a single unnamed child containing a mesh, remove
- // the anonymous node inbetween. The 3DSMax kwXport plugin seems to produce this
- // mess in some cases
- if( pNode->mChildren.size() == 1 && pNode->mMeshes.empty() )
- {
- XFile::Node* child = pNode->mChildren.front();
- if( child->mName.length() == 0 && child->mMeshes.size() > 0)
- {
- // transfer its meshes to us
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < child->mMeshes.size(); a++)
- pNode->mMeshes.push_back( child->mMeshes[a]);
- child->mMeshes.clear();
- // transfer the transform as well
- pNode->mTrafoMatrix = pNode->mTrafoMatrix * child->mTrafoMatrix;
- // then kill it
- delete child;
- pNode->mChildren.clear();
- }
- }
- // recurse
- for( unsigned int a = 0; a < pNode->mChildren.size(); a++)
- FilterHierarchy( pNode->mChildren[a]);