path: root/src/3rdparty/threadweaver/autotests/JobTests.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/threadweaver/autotests/JobTests.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1059 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/threadweaver/autotests/JobTests.cpp b/src/3rdparty/threadweaver/autotests/JobTests.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/src/3rdparty/threadweaver/autotests/JobTests.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-/* -*- C++ -*-
- This file contains a testsuite for job processing in ThreadWeaver.
- $ Author: Mirko Boehm $
- $ Copyright: (C) 2005-2013 Mirko Boehm $
- $ Contact:
- $
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-#include "JobTests.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <QtCore/QMutex>
-#include <QtTest/QtTest>
-#include <QSignalSpy>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/Queueing>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/QueueStream>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/Sequence>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/Lambda>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/ThreadWeaver>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/Thread>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/DebuggingAids>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/Collection>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/ResourceRestrictionPolicy>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/Dependency>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/DependencyPolicy>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/QObjectDecorator>
-#include <ThreadWeaver/Exception>
-#include "AppendCharacterJob.h"
-#include "AppendCharacterAndVerifyJob.h"
-QMutex s_GlobalMutex;
-using namespace ThreadWeaver;
-//Ensure that after the object is created, the weaver is idle and resumed.
-//Upon destruction, ensure the weaver is idle and suspended.
-class WaitForIdleAndFinished
- explicit WaitForIdleAndFinished(Queue *weaver)
- : weaver_(weaver)
- {
- Q_ASSERT(weaver);
- weaver_->finish();
- Q_ASSERT(weaver_->isIdle());
- weaver_->resume();
- }
- ~WaitForIdleAndFinished()
- {
- weaver_->resume();
- weaver_->dequeue();
- weaver_->finish();
- weaver_->suspend();
- Q_ASSERT(weaver_->isIdle());
- }
- Queue *weaver_;
-void JobTests::initTestCase()
- setDebugLevel(true, 1);
-// Call finish() before leaving a test or use a WaitForIdleAndFinished object to make sure the queue is empty
-// and in an idle state.
-void JobTests::WeaverLazyThreadCreationTest()
- Queue weaver;
- QString sequence;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(&weaver);
- Q_ASSERT(weaver.isIdle());
- QCOMPARE(weaver.currentNumberOfThreads(), 0);
- << new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence);
- weaver.finish();
- QCOMPARE(weaver.currentNumberOfThreads(), 1);
- Q_ASSERT(weaver.isIdle());
-void JobTests::SimpleJobTest()
- QString sequence;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- stream() << new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('1'), &sequence);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence, QString("1"));
-void JobTests::SimpleJobCollectionTest()
- QString sequence;
- Collection jobCollection;
- jobCollection << new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence)
- << new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence)
- << new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- stream() << jobCollection;
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QVERIFY(sequence.length() == 3);
- QVERIFY(sequence.count('a') == 1);
- QVERIFY(sequence.count('b') == 1);
- QVERIFY(sequence.count('c') == 1);
-void JobTests::EmptyJobCollectionTest()
- Collection collection;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Q_ASSERT(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
- stream() << collection;
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QVERIFY(collection.isFinished());
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
-void JobTests::CollectionQueueingTest()
- QString output;
- Collection jobCollection;
- jobCollection << new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &output)
- << new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &output)
- << new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &output);
- Queue weaver;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(&weaver);
- weaver.suspend();
- << jobCollection;
- QCOMPARE(weaver.queueLength(), 1); //collection queues itself, and it's elements upon execution of self
- weaver.resume();
- weaver.finish();
- QCOMPARE(output.length(), 3);
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
-using namespace ThreadWeaver;
-QString SequenceTemplate = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-class GeneratingCollection : public Collection
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
- std::for_each(SequenceTemplate.cbegin(), SequenceTemplate.cend(),
- [this](QChar it)
- {
- *this << new AppendCharacterJob(it, &sequence_);
- });
- }
- QString sequence_;
-class GeneratingSequence : public Sequence
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
- std::for_each(SequenceTemplate.cbegin(), SequenceTemplate.cend(),
- [this](QChar it)
- {
- *this << new AppendCharacterJob(it, &sequence_);
- });
- }
- QString sequence_;
-void JobTests::GeneratingCollectionTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- GeneratingCollection collection;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- stream() << make_job_raw(&collection);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(collection.sequence_.count(), SequenceTemplate.length());
-void JobTests::ShortJobSequenceTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence(new Sequence());
- jobSequence->addJob(jobA);
- jobSequence->addJob(jobB);
- jobSequence->addJob(jobC);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(jobSequence);
- // Job::DumpJobDependencies();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence, QLatin1String("abc"));
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
-void JobTests::EmptyJobSequenceTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- QObjectDecorator sequence(new Sequence());
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance()); Q_UNUSED(w);
- Q_ASSERT(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
- QSignalSpy doneSignalSpy(&sequence, SIGNAL(done(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)));
- QCOMPARE(doneSignalSpy.count(), 0);
- enqueue_raw(&sequence);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QVERIFY(sequence.isFinished());
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
- QCOMPARE(doneSignalSpy.count(), 1);
-void JobTests::GeneratingSequenceTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- GeneratingSequence sequence;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- stream() << make_job_raw(&sequence);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence.sequence_, SequenceTemplate);
-/** This test verifies that the done signal for a collection is only sent after all element of the collection have completed. */
-void JobTests::IncompleteCollectionTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- QString result;
- QObjectDecorator jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &result));
- AppendCharacterJob jobB(QChar('b'), &result); //jobB does not get added to the sequence and queued
- QObjectDecorator col(new Collection());
- *col.collection() << jobA;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- DependencyPolicy::instance().addDependency(Dependency(&jobA, &jobB));
- QSignalSpy collectionDoneSignalSpy(&col, SIGNAL(done(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)));
- QSignalSpy jobADoneSignalSpy(&jobA, SIGNAL(done(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)));
- QCOMPARE(collectionDoneSignalSpy.count(), 0);
- QCOMPARE(jobADoneSignalSpy.count(), 0);
- enqueue_raw(&col);
- Queue::instance()->resume();
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- QCOMPARE(collectionDoneSignalSpy.count(), 0);
- QCOMPARE(jobADoneSignalSpy.count(), 0);
- DependencyPolicy::instance().removeDependency(Dependency(&jobA, &jobB));
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- QVERIFY(col.collection()->isFinished());
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
- QCOMPARE(collectionDoneSignalSpy.count(), 1);
- QCOMPARE(jobADoneSignalSpy.count(), 1);
-/** This test verifies that started() is emitted for a collection at the time the first of any elements of the collection gets
- * executed. */
-void JobTests::EmitStartedOnFirstElementTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- QString result;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &result));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &result));
- QObjectDecorator collection(new Collection());
- Collection *decorated = dynamic_cast<Collection *>(collection.job());
- QVERIFY(decorated != 0);
- decorated->addJob(jobA);
- decorated->addJob(jobB);
- enqueue(make_job_raw(&collection));
- QSignalSpy collectionStartedSignalSpy(&collection, SIGNAL(started(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)));
- QSignalSpy collectionDoneSignalSpy(&collection, SIGNAL(done(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)));
- Queue::instance()->resume();
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QVERIFY(collection.isFinished());
- QCOMPARE(result.length(), 2);
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
- if (collectionStartedSignalSpy.count() != 0 && collectionDoneSignalSpy.count() != 0) {
- break;
- }
- QTest::qWait(1);
- debug(2, "JobTests::EmitStartedOnFirstElementTest: waiting (%i)\n", i);
- qApp->processEvents();
- }
- QCOMPARE(collectionStartedSignalSpy.count(), 1);
- QCOMPARE(collectionDoneSignalSpy.count(), 1);
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
-/* This test verifies that all elements of a collection are only executed after all dependencies for the collection
- * itself have been resolved.
- * Previous tests have already verified that collections without dependencies get executed right away. */
-void JobTests::CollectionDependenciesTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- QString result;
- // set up a collection that depends on jobC which does not get queued
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &result));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &result));
- QObjectDecorator col(new Collection());
- QSignalSpy collectionStartedSignalSpy(&col, SIGNAL(started(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)));
- col.collection()->addJob(jobA);
- col.collection()->addJob(jobB);
- QEventLoop loop;
- connect(&col, SIGNAL(started(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
- QSharedPointer<AppendCharacterJob> jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &result));
- DependencyPolicy::instance().addDependency(Dependency(&col, jobC));
- // queue collection, but not jobC, the collection should not be executed
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance()); Q_UNUSED(w);
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- enqueue_raw(&col);
- Queue::instance()->resume();
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- QTest::qWait(100);
- //FIXME verify: dfaure needed this here: QTRY_COMPARE(collectionStartedSignalSpy.count(), 0);
- QCOMPARE(collectionStartedSignalSpy.count(), 0);
- // enqueue jobC, first jobC then the collection should be executed
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(jobC);
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QVERIFY(col.isFinished());
- QVERIFY(result.startsWith(jobC->character()));
- //QSKIP("This test is too fragile"); // PENDING(Mirko): fix
- //QTRY_COMPARE(collectionStartedSignalSpy.count(), 1);
- loop.exec();
- qApp->processEvents();
- QCOMPARE(collectionStartedSignalSpy.count(), 1);
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
-void JobTests::QueueAndDequeueCollectionTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection(new Collection());
- collection->addJob(jobA);
- collection->addJob(jobB);
- collection->addJob(jobC);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(collection);
- Queue::instance()->dequeue(collection);
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
-void JobTests::QueueAndDequeueSequenceTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence(new Sequence());
- jobSequence->addJob(jobA);
- jobSequence->addJob(jobB);
- jobSequence->addJob(jobC);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(jobSequence);
- Queue::instance()->dequeue(jobSequence);
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
-void JobTests::BlockingExecuteTest()
- QString sequence;
- AppendCharacterJob job(QChar('a'), &sequence);
- job.blockingExecute();
- QCOMPARE(sequence, QString("a"));
-void JobTests::RecursiveSequenceTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobD(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('d'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobE(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('e'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobF(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('f'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobG(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('g'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobH(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('h'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobI(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('i'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobJ(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('j'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence1(new Sequence());
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobA);
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobB);
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobC);
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence2(new Sequence());
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobD);
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobE);
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobF);
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence3(new Sequence());
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobG);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobH);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobI);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobJ);
- // sequence 4 will contain sequences 1, 2, and 3, in that order:
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence4(new Sequence());
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence1);
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence2);
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence3);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(jobSequence4);
-// DependencyPolicy::instance().dumpJobDependencies();
- Queue::instance()->resume();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence, QLatin1String("abcdefghij"));
-void JobTests::RecursiveQueueAndDequeueCollectionTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobD(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('d'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobE(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('e'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobF(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('f'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobG(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('g'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobH(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('h'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobI(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('i'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobJ(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('j'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection1(new Collection());
- collection1->addJob(jobA);
- collection1->addJob(jobB);
- collection1->addJob(jobC);
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection2(new Collection());
- collection2->addJob(jobD);
- collection2->addJob(jobE);
- collection2->addJob(jobF);
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection3(new Collection());
- collection3->addJob(jobG);
- collection3->addJob(jobH);
- collection3->addJob(jobI);
- collection3->addJob(jobJ);
- // sequence 4 will contain sequences 1, 2, and 3, in that order:
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection4(new Collection());
- collection4->addJob(collection1);
- collection4->addJob(collection2);
- collection4->addJob(collection3);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(collection4);
- Queue::instance()->dequeue(collection4);
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
- Queue::instance()->resume();
-void JobTests::RecursiveQueueAndDequeueSequenceTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobD(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('d'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobE(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('e'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobF(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('f'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobG(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('g'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobH(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('h'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobI(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('i'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobJ(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('j'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence1(new Sequence());
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobA);
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobB);
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobC);
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence2(new Sequence());
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobD);
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobE);
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobF);
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence3(new Sequence());
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobG);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobH);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobI);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobJ);
- // sequence 4 will contain sequences 1, 2, and 3, in that order:
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence4(new Sequence());
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence1);
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence2);
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence3);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(jobSequence4);
- Queue::instance()->dequeue(jobSequence4);
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
- Queue::instance()->resume();
-void JobTests::QueueAndDequeueAllCollectionTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection(new Collection());
- collection->addJob(jobA);
- collection->addJob(jobB);
- collection->addJob(jobC);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(collection);
- //collection cannot have been started, so only one job is queued at the moment:
- QCOMPARE(Queue::instance()->queueLength(), 1);
- Queue::instance()->dequeue();
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
-void JobTests::QueueAndDequeueAllSequenceTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence(new Sequence());
- jobSequence->addJob(jobA);
- jobSequence->addJob(jobB);
- jobSequence->addJob(jobC);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(jobSequence);
- Queue::instance()->dequeue();
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
-void JobTests::RecursiveQueueAndDequeueAllCollectionTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobD(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('d'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobE(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('e'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobF(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('f'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobG(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('g'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobH(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('h'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobI(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('i'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobJ(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('j'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection1(new Collection());
- collection1->addJob(jobA);
- collection1->addJob(jobB);
- collection1->addJob(jobC);
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection2(new Collection());
- collection2->addJob(jobD);
- collection2->addJob(jobE);
- collection2->addJob(jobF);
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection3(new Collection());
- collection3->addJob(jobG);
- collection3->addJob(jobH);
- collection3->addJob(jobI);
- collection3->addJob(jobJ);
- // sequence 4 will contain sequences 1, 2, and 3, in that order:
- QSharedPointer<Collection> collection4(new Collection());
- collection4->addJob(collection1);
- collection4->addJob(collection2);
- collection4->addJob(collection3);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(collection4);
- Queue::instance()->dequeue();
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
- Queue::instance()->resume();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
-void JobTests::RecursiveQueueAndDequeueAllSequenceTest()
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer jobA(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('a'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobB(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('b'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobC(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('c'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobD(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('d'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobE(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('e'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobF(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('f'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobG(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('g'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobH(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('h'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobI(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('i'), &sequence));
- JobPointer jobJ(new AppendCharacterJob(QChar('j'), &sequence));
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence1(new Sequence());
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobA);
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobB);
- jobSequence1->addJob(jobC);
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence2(new Sequence());
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobD);
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobE);
- jobSequence2->addJob(jobF);
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence3(new Sequence());
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobG);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobH);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobI);
- jobSequence3->addJob(jobJ);
- // sequence 4 will contain sequences 1, 2, and 3, in that order:
- QSharedPointer<Sequence> jobSequence4(new Sequence());
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence1);
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence2);
- jobSequence4->addJob(jobSequence3);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(jobSequence4);
- Queue::instance()->dequeue();
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isEmpty());
- Queue::instance()->resume();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
-// This test is not the most efficient, as the mutex locking takes most of
-// the execution time. Anyway, it will fail if the jobs are not executed
-// in the right order, and the order is randomized.
-void JobTests::MassiveJobSequenceTest()
- const int NoOfChars = 1024;
- const char *Alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
- const int SizeOfAlphabet = strlen(Alphabet);
- AppendCharacterAndVerifyJob jobs[NoOfChars];
- Sequence jobSequence;
- QString sequence;
- QString in;
- srand(1);
- in.reserve(NoOfChars);
- sequence.reserve(NoOfChars);
- for (int i = 0; i < NoOfChars; ++i) {
- const int position = static_cast<int>(SizeOfAlphabet * ((1.0 * rand()) / RAND_MAX));
- Q_ASSERT(0 <= position && position < SizeOfAlphabet);
- QChar c(Alphabet[position]);
- in.append(c);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < NoOfChars; ++i) {
- jobs[i].setValues(, &sequence, in);
- jobSequence << jobs[i];
- }
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
- enqueue_raw(&jobSequence);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
- QCOMPARE(sequence, in);
-void JobTests::SimpleRecursiveSequencesTest()
- QString sequence;
- AppendCharacterJob jobB(QChar('b'), &sequence);
- Sequence jobSequence1;
- jobSequence1 << jobB;
- AppendCharacterJob jobC(QChar('c'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobA(QChar('a'), &sequence);
- Sequence jobSequence2;
- jobSequence2 << jobA;
- jobSequence2 << jobSequence1;
- jobSequence2 << jobC;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- enqueue_raw(&jobSequence2);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence, QString("abc"));
-void JobTests::SequenceOfSequencesTest()
- QString sequence;
- AppendCharacterJob jobA(QChar('a'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobB(QChar('b'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobC(QChar('c'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobD(QChar('d'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobE(QChar('e'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobF(QChar('f'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobG(QChar('g'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobH(QChar('h'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobI(QChar('i'), &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob jobJ(QChar('j'), &sequence);
- Sequence jobSequence1;
- jobSequence1 << jobA << jobB << jobC;
- Sequence jobSequence2;
- jobSequence2 << jobD << jobE << jobF;
- Sequence jobSequence3;
- jobSequence3 << jobG << jobH << jobI << jobJ;
- // sequence 4 will contain sequences 1, 2, and 3, in that order:
- Sequence jobSequence4;
- jobSequence4 << jobSequence1 << jobSequence2 << jobSequence3;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- stream() << jobSequence4;
- // Job::DumpJobDependencies();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence, QString("abcdefghij"));
-void JobTests::QueueAndStopTest()
- QString sequence;
- AppendCharacterJob a('a', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob b('b', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob c('c', &sequence);
- FailingAppendCharacterJob d('d', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob e('e', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob f('f', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob g('g', &sequence);
- Sequence jobSequence;
- jobSequence << a << b << c << d << e << f << g;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- stream() << jobSequence;
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence, QString("abcd"));
-void JobTests::ResourceRestrictionPolicyBasicsTest()
- // this test tests that with resource restrictions assigned, jobs
- // still get executed as expected
- QString sequence;
- ResourceRestrictionPolicy restriction(2);
- AppendCharacterJob a('a', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob b('b', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob c('c', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob d('d', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob e('e', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob f('f', &sequence);
- AppendCharacterJob g('g', &sequence);
- Collection collection;
- collection << a << b << c << d << e << f << g;
- a.assignQueuePolicy(&restriction);
- b.assignQueuePolicy(&restriction);
- c.assignQueuePolicy(&restriction);
- d.assignQueuePolicy(&restriction);
- e.assignQueuePolicy(&restriction);
- f.assignQueuePolicy(&restriction);
- g.assignQueuePolicy(&restriction);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- stream() << collection;
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QVERIFY(Queue::instance()->isIdle());
-void JobTests::jobStarted(JobPointer)
- // qDebug() << "jobStarted";
- QVERIFY(thread() == QThread::currentThread());
-void JobTests::jobDone(JobPointer)
- // qDebug() << "jobDone";
- QVERIFY(thread() == QThread::currentThread());
-void JobTests::JobSignalsAreEmittedAsynchronouslyTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- char bits[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g' };
- const int NumberOfBits = sizeof bits / sizeof bits[0];
- QString sequence;
- QObjectDecorator collection(new Collection, this);
- QVERIFY(connect(&collection, SIGNAL(started(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)), SLOT(jobStarted(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer))));
- QVERIFY(connect(&collection, SIGNAL(done(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)), SLOT(jobDone(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer))));
- for (int counter = 0; counter < NumberOfBits; ++counter) {
- QJobPointer job(new QObjectDecorator(new AppendCharacterJob(bits[counter], &sequence)));
- QVERIFY(connect(, SIGNAL(started(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)), SLOT(jobStarted(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer))));
- QVERIFY(connect(, SIGNAL(done(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)), SLOT(jobDone(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer))));
- collection.collection()->addJob(job);
- }
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- enqueue_raw(&collection);
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QVERIFY(sequence.length() == NumberOfBits);
-QAtomicInt deliveryTestCounter;
-void JobTests::deliveryTestJobDone(JobPointer)
- deliveryTestCounter.fetchAndAddRelease(-1);
-void noOp() {}
-void JobTests::JobSignalsDeliveryTest()
- //This test was added to investigate segmentation faults during signal delivery from jobs to the main thread.
- //Relies on processEvents() processing all pending events, as the specification says.
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- QCOMPARE(deliveryTestCounter.loadAcquire(), 0);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- for (int count = 0; count < 100; ++count) {
- QJobPointer job(new QObjectDecorator(new Lambda<void(*)()>(noOp)));
- QVERIFY(connect(, SIGNAL(done(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer)), SLOT(deliveryTestJobDone(ThreadWeaver::JobPointer))));
- deliveryTestCounter.fetchAndAddRelease(1);
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(job);
- }
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- QCOMPARE(deliveryTestCounter.loadAcquire(), 0);
-void decrementCounter()
- deliveryTestCounter.fetchAndAddRelease(-1);
-void JobTests::JobPointerExecutionTest()
- //This test was added to investigate segmentation faults during signal delivery from jobs to the main thread.
- //Relies on processEvents() processing all pending events, as the specification says.
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- QCOMPARE(deliveryTestCounter.loadAcquire(), 0);
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- for (int count = 0; count < 100; ++count) {
- JobPointer job(new Lambda<void(*)()>(decrementCounter));
- deliveryTestCounter.fetchAndAddRelease(1);
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(job);
- }
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- QCOMPARE(deliveryTestCounter.loadAcquire(), 0);
-void JobTests::DequeueSuspendedSequenceTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- Sequence sequence;
- Queue weaver;
- weaver.suspend();
- enqueue_raw(&weaver, &sequence);
- weaver.dequeue();
- // don't crash
-void JobTests::IdDecoratorDecoratesTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- QString sequence;
- JobPointer job(new IdDecorator(new AppendCharacterJob('a', &sequence)));
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(job);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence, QString::fromLatin1("a"));
-void JobTests::IdDecoratorAutoDeleteTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- IdDecorator id(0);
- QCOMPARE(id.autoDelete(), true); // autoDelete is on by default
- id.setAutoDelete(false);
- QCOMPARE(id.autoDelete(), false);
- id.setAutoDelete(true);
- QCOMPARE(id.autoDelete(), true);
- // now do not crash, even though id decorates a null pointer
-void JobTests::IdDecoratorSingleAllocationTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- struct DecoratedJob : public IdDecorator {
- QString sequence;
- AppendCharacterJob job;
- DecoratedJob() : IdDecorator(&job, false), job('a', &sequence) {}
- };
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance());
- DecoratedJob job;
- enqueue_raw(&job);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(job.sequence, QString::fromLatin1("a"));
-struct InstanceCountedJob : public Job {
- static QAtomicInt counter;
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *)
- {
- }
- InstanceCountedJob()
- {
- counter.fetchAndAddRelease(1);
- }
- ~InstanceCountedJob()
- {
- counter.fetchAndAddRelease(-1);
- }
-QAtomicInt InstanceCountedJob::counter;
-/** @brief Verify that neither the queue nor the thread keep a reference to the job after completing it.
- *
- * This is necessary because user-allocated objects like queue policies may be registered with the jobs. If the jobs stick around
- * until the thread or queue are deleted, the user-allocatd objects may have gone out of scope or been deleted already, causing
- * potential errors. From ThreadWeaver's point of view, a job seizes to exist once the processing thread asks for the next job. */
-void JobTests::JobsAreDestroyedAfterFinishTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance()); Q_UNUSED(w);
- Queue::instance()->suspend();
- JobPointer job(new InstanceCountedJob);
- Queue::instance()->enqueue(job);
- QCOMPARE(InstanceCountedJob::counter.loadAcquire(), 1);
- Queue::instance()->resume();
- QCOMPARE(InstanceCountedJob::counter.loadAcquire(), 1);
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(InstanceCountedJob::counter.loadAcquire(), 1);
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- QCOMPARE(InstanceCountedJob::counter.loadAcquire(), 1);
- job.clear();
- // if this succeeds, job is the only shared pointer pointing to the created InstanceCountedJob object:
- QCOMPARE(InstanceCountedJob::counter.loadAcquire(), 0);
-void JobTests::JobExitStatusByExceptionTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- struct FailingJob : public Job {
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
- throw JobFailed();
- }
- };
- FailingJob failing;
- failing.blockingExecute();
- QCOMPARE(failing.status(), Job::Status_Failed);
- struct AbortingJob : public Job {
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
- throw JobAborted();
- }
- };
- AbortingJob aborting;
- aborting.blockingExecute();
- QCOMPARE(aborting.status(), Job::Status_Aborted);
- struct SuccessfulJob : public Job {
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
- // do nothing
- }
- };
- SuccessfulJob successful;
- successful.blockingExecute();
- QCOMPARE(successful.status(), Job::Status_Success);
-void JobTests::JobManualExitStatusTest()
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- struct FailingJob : public Job {
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
- setStatus(Job::Status_Failed);
- }
- };
- FailingJob failing;
- failing.blockingExecute();
- QCOMPARE(failing.status(), Job::Status_Failed);
- struct AbortingJob : public Job {
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
- setStatus(Job::Status_Aborted);
- }
- };
- AbortingJob aborting;
- aborting.blockingExecute();
- QCOMPARE(aborting.status(), Job::Status_Aborted);
- struct SuccessfulJob : public Job {
- void run(JobPointer, Thread *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
- // do nothing
- }
- };
- SuccessfulJob successful;
- successful.blockingExecute();
- QCOMPARE(successful.status(), Job::Status_Success);
-void JobTests::QueueStreamLifecycletest()
- QString sequence;
- using namespace ThreadWeaver;
- WaitForIdleAndFinished w(Queue::instance()); Q_UNUSED(w);
- stream() << make_job(new AppendCharacterJob('a', &sequence)) // enqueues JobPointer
- << new AppendCharacterJob('b', &sequence) // enqueues JobInterface*
- << make_job(new AppendCharacterJob('c', &sequence));
- Queue::instance()->finish();
- QCOMPARE(sequence.count(), 3);