path: root/src/animation/backend/buildblendtreesjob.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/animation/backend/buildblendtreesjob.cpp')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/src/animation/backend/buildblendtreesjob.cpp b/src/animation/backend/buildblendtreesjob.cpp
index a8e969a39..fe56099a2 100644
--- a/src/animation/backend/buildblendtreesjob.cpp
+++ b/src/animation/backend/buildblendtreesjob.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@
#include <Qt3DAnimation/private/managers_p.h>
#include <Qt3DAnimation/private/clipblendnodevisitor_p.h>
#include <Qt3DAnimation/private/clipblendnode_p.h>
-#include <Qt3DAnimation/private/lerpblend_p.h>
+#include <Qt3DAnimation/private/clipblendvalue_p.h>
+#include <Qt3DAnimation/private/lerpclipblend_p.h>
+#include <Qt3DAnimation/private/job_common_p.h>
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ namespace Animation {
: Qt3DCore::QAspectJob()
- // TO DO: Add Profiler ID
+ SET_JOB_RUN_STAT_TYPE(this, JobTypes::BuildBlendTree, 0);
void BuildBlendTreesJob::setBlendedClipAnimators(const QVector<HBlendedClipAnimator> &blendedClipAnimatorHandles)
@@ -57,84 +59,68 @@ void BuildBlendTreesJob::setBlendedClipAnimators(const QVector<HBlendedClipAnima
m_blendedClipAnimatorHandles = blendedClipAnimatorHandles;
+// Note this job is run once for all stopped blended animators that have been marked dirty
+// We assume that the structure of blend node tree does not change once a BlendClipAnimator has been set to running
void BuildBlendTreesJob::run()
- for (const HBlendedClipAnimator blendedClipAnimatorHandle : m_blendedClipAnimatorHandles) {
- // Retrive BlendTree node
+ for (const HBlendedClipAnimator blendedClipAnimatorHandle : qAsConst(m_blendedClipAnimatorHandles)) {
+ // Retrieve BlendTree node
BlendedClipAnimator *blendClipAnimator = m_handler->blendedClipAnimatorManager()->data(blendedClipAnimatorHandle);
- // TO DO: Add support for tree of blend nodes
- // For now assumes only one
const bool canRun = blendClipAnimator->canRun();
m_handler->setBlendedClipAnimatorRunning(blendedClipAnimatorHandle, canRun);
- // Check if blend clip can run and if so build blend tree
- if (canRun) {
- const ChannelMapper *mapper = m_handler->channelMapperManager()->lookupResource(blendClipAnimator->mapperId());
- Q_ASSERT(mapper);
- ClipBlendNode *node = m_handler->clipBlendNodeManager()->lookupNode(blendClipAnimator->blendTreeRootId());
- const Qt3DCore::QNodeIdVector clipIds = node->clipIds();
- // There must be 2 clips
- if (clipIds.size() != 2) {
- qWarning() << "A Blend Tree requires exactly 2 clips";
- return;
- }
- // Retrieve Animation clips
- const AnimationClip *clip1 = m_handler->animationClipManager()->lookupResource(clipIds.first());
- const AnimationClip *clip2 = m_handler->animationClipManager()->lookupResource(clipIds.last());
- // Build mappings for the 2 clips
- const QVector<AnimationUtils::MappingData> mappingDataClip1 = AnimationUtils::buildPropertyMappings(m_handler, clip1, mapper);
- const QVector<AnimationUtils::MappingData> mappingDataClip2 = AnimationUtils::buildPropertyMappings(m_handler, clip2, mapper);
- // We can only blend channels that are in both clips
- // If a channel is present in one clip and not the other, we use 100% of its value (no blending)
- QVector<AnimationUtils::BlendingMappingData> blendingMappingData;
- const int mappingInClip1Size = mappingDataClip1.size();
- blendingMappingData.reserve(mappingInClip1Size);
- // Find mappings that are in both vectors and build mappingData out of that
- for (const AnimationUtils::MappingData &mappingDataInClip1 : mappingDataClip1) {
- AnimationUtils::BlendingMappingData mappingData;
- mappingData.channelIndicesClip1 = mappingDataInClip1.channelIndices;
- mappingData.propertyName = mappingDataInClip1.propertyName;
- mappingData.targetId = mappingDataInClip1.targetId;
- mappingData.type = mappingDataInClip1.type;
- mappingData.blendAction = AnimationUtils::BlendingMappingData::NoBlending;
- blendingMappingData.push_back(mappingData);
- }
- for (const AnimationUtils::MappingData &mappingDataInClip2 : mappingDataClip2) {
- bool sharedChannel = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < mappingInClip1Size; ++i) {
- AnimationUtils::BlendingMappingData &mappingDataInClip1 = blendingMappingData[i];
- if ((strcmp(mappingDataInClip1.propertyName, mappingDataInClip2.propertyName) == 0) &&
- mappingDataInClip1.targetId == mappingDataInClip2.targetId &&
- mappingDataInClip1.type == mappingDataInClip2.type) {
- // We have a channel shared in both clips
- mappingDataInClip1.channelIndicesClip2 = mappingDataInClip2.channelIndices;
- mappingDataInClip1.blendAction = AnimationUtils::BlendingMappingData::ClipBlending;
- sharedChannel = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!sharedChannel) { // We have a channel defined in only one of the clips
- AnimationUtils::BlendingMappingData mappingData;
- mappingData.channelIndicesClip2 = mappingDataInClip2.channelIndices;
- mappingData.propertyName = mappingDataInClip2.propertyName;
- mappingData.targetId = mappingDataInClip2.targetId;
- mappingData.type = mappingDataInClip2.type;
- mappingData.blendAction = AnimationUtils::BlendingMappingData::NoBlending;
- blendingMappingData.push_back(mappingData);
- }
- }
+ if (!canRun)
+ continue;
+ // Build the format for clip results that should be used by nodes in the blend
+ // tree when used with this animator
+ const ChannelMapper *mapper = m_handler->channelMapperManager()->lookupResource(blendClipAnimator->mapperId());
+ Q_ASSERT(mapper);
+ QVector<ChannelNameAndType> channelNamesAndTypes
+ = buildRequiredChannelsAndTypes(m_handler, mapper);
+ QVector<ComponentIndices> channelComponentIndices
+ = assignChannelComponentIndices(channelNamesAndTypes);
+ // Find the leaf value nodes of the blend tree and for each of them
+ // create a set of format indices that can later be used to map the
+ // raw ClipResults resulting from evaluating an animation clip to the
+ // layout used by the blend tree for this animator
+ const QVector<Qt3DCore::QNodeId> valueNodeIds
+ = gatherValueNodesToEvaluate(m_handler, blendClipAnimator->blendTreeRootId());
+ for (const auto valueNodeId : valueNodeIds) {
+ ClipBlendValue *valueNode
+ = static_cast<ClipBlendValue *>(m_handler->clipBlendNodeManager()->lookupNode(valueNodeId));
+ Q_ASSERT(valueNode);
+ const Qt3DCore::QNodeId clipId = valueNode->clipId();
+ const AnimationClip *clip = m_handler->animationClipLoaderManager()->lookupResource(clipId);
+ Q_ASSERT(clip);
+ const ComponentIndices formatIndices
+ = generateClipFormatIndices(channelNamesAndTypes,
+ channelComponentIndices,
+ clip);
+ valueNode->setFormatIndices(blendClipAnimator->peerId(), formatIndices);
+ }
- blendClipAnimator->setMappingData(blendingMappingData);
+ // Finally, build the mapping data vector for this blended clip animator. This
+ // gets used during the final stage of evaluation when sending the property changes
+ // out to the targets of the animation. We do the costly work once up front.
+ const QVector<Qt3DCore::QNodeId> channelMappingIds = mapper->mappingIds();
+ QVector<ChannelMapping *> channelMappings;
+ channelMappings.reserve(channelMappingIds.size());
+ for (const auto mappingId : channelMappingIds) {
+ ChannelMapping *mapping = m_handler->channelMappingManager()->lookupResource(mappingId);
+ Q_ASSERT(mapping);
+ channelMappings.push_back(mapping);
+ const QVector<MappingData> mappingDataVec
+ = buildPropertyMappings(channelMappings,
+ channelNamesAndTypes,
+ channelComponentIndices);
+ blendClipAnimator->setMappingData(mappingDataVec);