path: root/src/render/geometry/qspheremesh.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/render/geometry/qspheremesh.cpp')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/src/render/geometry/qspheremesh.cpp b/src/render/geometry/qspheremesh.cpp
index 6e5b6ce4f..bd93c0ab6 100644
--- a/src/render/geometry/qspheremesh.cpp
+++ b/src/render/geometry/qspheremesh.cpp
@@ -35,368 +35,21 @@
-# define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // For MSVC
#include "qspheremesh.h"
-#include <Qt3DRenderer/private/renderlogging_p.h>
-#include <Qt3DRenderer/qbufferfunctor.h>
-#include <Qt3DRenderer/qbuffer.h>
-#include <Qt3DRenderer/qattribute.h>
-#include <qmath.h>
+#include "qspheregeometry.h"
namespace Qt3DRender {
-namespace {
-QByteArray createSphereMeshVertexData(float radius, int rings, int slices)
- QByteArray bufferBytes;
- // vec3 pos, vec2 texCoord, vec3 normal, vec4 tangent
- const quint32 elementSize = 3 + 2 + 3 + 4;
- const quint32 stride = elementSize * sizeof(float);
- const int nVerts = (slices + 1) * (rings + 1);
- bufferBytes.resize(stride * nVerts);
- float* fptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(;
- const float dTheta = (M_PI * 2) / static_cast<float>( slices );
- const float dPhi = M_PI / static_cast<float>( rings );
- const float du = 1.0f / static_cast<float>( slices );
- const float dv = 1.0f / static_cast<float>( rings );
- // Iterate over latitudes (rings)
- for ( int lat = 0; lat < rings + 1; ++lat )
- {
- const float phi = M_PI_2 - static_cast<float>( lat ) * dPhi;
- const float cosPhi = qCos( phi );
- const float sinPhi = qSin( phi );
- const float v = 1.0f - static_cast<float>( lat ) * dv;
- // Iterate over longitudes (slices)
- for ( int lon = 0; lon < slices + 1; ++lon )
- {
- const float theta = static_cast<float>( lon ) * dTheta;
- const float cosTheta = qCos( theta );
- const float sinTheta = qSin( theta );
- const float u = static_cast<float>( lon ) * du;
- *fptr++ = radius * cosTheta * cosPhi;
- *fptr++ = radius * sinPhi;
- *fptr++ = radius * sinTheta * cosPhi;
- *fptr++ = u;
- *fptr++ = v;
- *fptr++ = cosTheta * cosPhi;
- *fptr++ = sinPhi;
- *fptr++ = sinTheta * cosPhi;
- *fptr++ = sinTheta;
- *fptr++ = 0.0;
- *fptr++ = -cosTheta;
- *fptr++ = 1.0;
- }
- }
- return bufferBytes;
-QByteArray createSphereMeshIndexData(int rings, int slices)
- int faces = (slices * 2) * (rings - 2); // two tris per slice, for all middle rings
- faces += 2 * slices; // tri per slice for both top and bottom
- QByteArray indexBytes;
- const int indices = faces * 3;
- Q_ASSERT(indices < 65536);
- indexBytes.resize(indices * sizeof(quint16));
- quint16 *indexPtr = reinterpret_cast<quint16*>(;
- // top cap
- {
- const int nextRingStartIndex = slices + 1;
- for ( int j = 0; j < slices; ++j )
- {
- *indexPtr++ = nextRingStartIndex + j;
- *indexPtr++ = 0;
- *indexPtr++ = nextRingStartIndex + j + 1;
- }
- }
- for ( int i = 1; i < (rings - 1); ++i )
- {
- const int ringStartIndex = i * ( slices + 1 );
- const int nextRingStartIndex = ( i + 1 ) * ( slices + 1 );
- for ( int j = 0; j < slices; ++j )
- {
- // Split the quad into two triangles
- *indexPtr++ = ringStartIndex + j;
- *indexPtr++ = ringStartIndex + j + 1;
- *indexPtr++ = nextRingStartIndex + j;
- *indexPtr++ = nextRingStartIndex + j;
- *indexPtr++ = ringStartIndex + j + 1;
- *indexPtr++ = nextRingStartIndex + j + 1;
- }
- }
- // bottom cap
- {
- const int ringStartIndex = (rings - 1) * ( slices + 1);
- const int nextRingStartIndex = (rings) * ( slices + 1);
- for ( int j = 0; j < slices; ++j )
- {
- *indexPtr++ = ringStartIndex + j + 1;
- *indexPtr++ = nextRingStartIndex;
- *indexPtr++ = ringStartIndex + j;
- }
- }
- return indexBytes;
-} // anonymous
-class SphereVertexDataFunctor : public QBufferFunctor
- SphereVertexDataFunctor(int rings, int slices, float radius)
- : m_rings(rings)
- , m_slices(slices)
- , m_radius(radius)
- {
- }
- QByteArray operator ()() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
- {
- return createSphereMeshVertexData(m_radius, m_rings, m_slices);
- }
- bool operator ==(const QBufferFunctor &other) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
- {
- const SphereVertexDataFunctor *otherFunctor = functor_cast<SphereVertexDataFunctor>(&other);
- if (otherFunctor != Q_NULLPTR)
- return (otherFunctor->m_rings == m_rings &&
- otherFunctor->m_slices == m_slices &&
- otherFunctor->m_radius == m_radius);
- return false;
- }
- QT3D_FUNCTOR(SphereVertexDataFunctor)
- int m_rings;
- int m_slices;
- float m_radius;
-class SphereIndexDataFunctor : public QBufferFunctor
- SphereIndexDataFunctor(int rings, int slices)
- : m_rings(rings)
- , m_slices(slices)
- {
- }
- QByteArray operator ()() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
- {
- return createSphereMeshIndexData(m_rings, m_slices);
- }
- bool operator ==(const QBufferFunctor &other) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
- {
- const SphereIndexDataFunctor *otherFunctor = functor_cast<SphereIndexDataFunctor>(&other);
- if (otherFunctor != Q_NULLPTR)
- return (otherFunctor->m_rings == m_rings &&
- otherFunctor->m_slices == m_slices);
- return false;
- }
- QT3D_FUNCTOR(SphereIndexDataFunctor)
- int m_rings;
- int m_slices;
-class SphereGeometry : public QGeometry
- explicit SphereGeometry(QNode *parent = 0)
- : QGeometry(parent)
- , m_generateTangents(false)
- , m_rings(16)
- , m_slices(16)
- , m_radius(1.0f)
- , m_positionAttribute(new QAttribute(this))
- , m_normalAttribute(new QAttribute(this))
- , m_texCoordAttribute(new QAttribute(this))
- , m_tangentAttribute(new QAttribute(this))
- , m_indexAttribute(new QAttribute(this))
- , m_vertexBuffer(new QBuffer(QBuffer::VertexBuffer, this))
- , m_indexBuffer(new QBuffer(QBuffer::IndexBuffer, this))
- {
- // vec3 pos, vec2 tex, vec3 normal, vec4 tangent
- const quint32 elementSize = 3 + 2 + 3 + 4;
- const quint32 stride = elementSize * sizeof(float);
- const int nVerts = (m_slices + 1) * (m_rings + 1);
- const int faces = (m_slices * 2) * (m_rings - 2) + (2 * m_slices);
- m_positionAttribute->setName(QAttribute::defaultPositionAttributeName());
- m_positionAttribute->setDataType(QAttribute::Float);
- m_positionAttribute->setDataSize(3);
- m_positionAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::VertexAttribute);
- m_positionAttribute->setBuffer(m_vertexBuffer);
- m_positionAttribute->setByteStride(stride);
- m_positionAttribute->setCount(nVerts);
- m_texCoordAttribute->setName(QAttribute::defaultTextureCoordinateAttributeName());
- m_texCoordAttribute->setDataType(QAttribute::Float);
- m_texCoordAttribute->setDataSize(2);
- m_texCoordAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::VertexAttribute);
- m_texCoordAttribute->setBuffer(m_vertexBuffer);
- m_texCoordAttribute->setByteStride(stride);
- m_texCoordAttribute->setByteOffset(3 * sizeof(float));
- m_texCoordAttribute->setCount(nVerts);
- m_normalAttribute->setName(QAttribute::defaultNormalAttributeName());
- m_normalAttribute->setDataType(QAttribute::Float);
- m_normalAttribute->setDataSize(3);
- m_normalAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::VertexAttribute);
- m_normalAttribute->setBuffer(m_vertexBuffer);
- m_normalAttribute->setByteStride(stride);
- m_normalAttribute->setByteOffset(5 * sizeof(float));
- m_normalAttribute->setCount(nVerts);
- m_tangentAttribute->setName(QAttribute::defaultTangentAttributeName());
- m_tangentAttribute->setDataType(QAttribute::Float);
- m_tangentAttribute->setDataSize(4);
- m_tangentAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::VertexAttribute);
- m_tangentAttribute->setBuffer(m_vertexBuffer);
- m_tangentAttribute->setByteStride(stride);
- m_tangentAttribute->setByteOffset(8 * sizeof(float));
- m_tangentAttribute->setCount(nVerts);
- m_indexAttribute->setAttributeType(QAttribute::IndexAttribute);
- m_indexAttribute->setDataType(QAttribute::UnsignedShort);
- m_indexAttribute->setBuffer(m_indexBuffer);
- m_indexAttribute->setCount(faces * 3);
- m_vertexBuffer->setBufferFunctor(QBufferFunctorPtr(new SphereVertexDataFunctor(m_rings, m_slices, m_radius)));
- m_indexBuffer->setBufferFunctor(QBufferFunctorPtr(new SphereIndexDataFunctor(m_rings, m_slices)));
- addAttribute(m_positionAttribute);
- addAttribute(m_texCoordAttribute);
- addAttribute(m_normalAttribute);
- if (m_generateTangents)
- addAttribute(m_tangentAttribute);
- addAttribute(m_indexAttribute);
- }
- ~SphereGeometry()
- {
- QGeometry::cleanup();
- }
- void updateVertices()
- {
- const int nVerts = (m_slices + 1) * (m_rings + 1);
- m_positionAttribute->setCount(nVerts);
- m_texCoordAttribute->setCount(nVerts);
- m_normalAttribute->setCount(nVerts);
- m_tangentAttribute->setCount(nVerts);
- m_vertexBuffer->setBufferFunctor(QBufferFunctorPtr(new SphereVertexDataFunctor(m_rings, m_slices, m_radius)));
- }
- void updateIndices()
- {
- const int faces = (m_slices * 2) * (m_rings - 2) + (2 * m_slices);
- m_indexAttribute->setCount(faces * 3);
- m_indexBuffer->setBufferFunctor(QBufferFunctorPtr(new SphereIndexDataFunctor(m_rings, m_slices)));
- }
- void setRings(int rings)
- {
- if (rings != m_rings) {
- m_rings = rings;
- updateVertices();
- updateIndices();
- emit ringsChanged();
- }
- }
- void setSlices(int slices)
- {
- if (slices != m_slices) {
- m_slices = slices;
- updateVertices();
- updateIndices();
- emit slicesChanged();
- }
- }
- void setRadius(float radius)
- {
- if (radius != m_radius) {
- m_radius = radius;
- updateVertices();
- emit radiusChanged();
- }
- }
- void setGenerateTangents(bool gen)
- {
- if (m_generateTangents != gen) {
- if (m_generateTangents)
- removeAttribute(m_tangentAttribute);
- m_generateTangents = gen;
- if (m_generateTangents)
- addAttribute(m_tangentAttribute);
- emit generateTangentsChanged();
- }
- }
- bool generateTangents() const { return m_generateTangents; }
- int rings() const { return m_rings; }
- int slices() const { return m_slices; }
- float radius() const { return m_radius; }
- void radiusChanged();
- void ringsChanged();
- void slicesChanged();
- void generateTangentsChanged();
- bool m_generateTangents;
- int m_rings;
- int m_slices;
- float m_radius;
- QAttribute *m_positionAttribute;
- QAttribute *m_normalAttribute;
- QAttribute *m_texCoordAttribute;
- QAttribute *m_tangentAttribute;
- QAttribute *m_indexAttribute;
- QBuffer *m_vertexBuffer;
- QBuffer *m_indexBuffer;
QSphereMesh::QSphereMesh(QNode *parent)
: QGeometryRenderer(parent)
- SphereGeometry *geometry = new SphereGeometry(this);
- QObject::connect(geometry, &SphereGeometry::radiusChanged, this, &QSphereMesh::radiusChanged);
- QObject::connect(geometry, &SphereGeometry::ringsChanged, this, &QSphereMesh::ringsChanged);
- QObject::connect(geometry, &SphereGeometry::slicesChanged, this, &QSphereMesh::slicesChanged);
- QObject::connect(geometry, &SphereGeometry::generateTangentsChanged, this, &QSphereMesh::generateTangentsChanged);
+ QSphereGeometry *geometry = new QSphereGeometry(this);
+ QObject::connect(geometry, &QSphereGeometry::radiusChanged, this, &QSphereMesh::radiusChanged);
+ QObject::connect(geometry, &QSphereGeometry::ringsChanged, this, &QSphereMesh::ringsChanged);
+ QObject::connect(geometry, &QSphereGeometry::slicesChanged, this, &QSphereMesh::slicesChanged);
+ QObject::connect(geometry, &QSphereGeometry::generateTangentsChanged, this, &QSphereMesh::generateTangentsChanged);
@@ -407,46 +60,44 @@ QSphereMesh::~QSphereMesh()
void QSphereMesh::setRings(int rings)
- static_cast<SphereGeometry *>(geometry())->setRings(rings);
+ static_cast<QSphereGeometry *>(geometry())->setRings(rings);
void QSphereMesh::setSlices(int slices)
- static_cast<SphereGeometry *>(geometry())->setSlices(slices);
+ static_cast<QSphereGeometry *>(geometry())->setSlices(slices);
void QSphereMesh::setRadius(float radius)
- static_cast<SphereGeometry *>(geometry())->setRadius(radius);
+ static_cast<QSphereGeometry *>(geometry())->setRadius(radius);
void QSphereMesh::setGenerateTangents(bool gen)
- static_cast<SphereGeometry *>(geometry())->setGenerateTangents(gen);
+ static_cast<QSphereGeometry *>(geometry())->setGenerateTangents(gen);
bool QSphereMesh::generateTangents() const
- return static_cast<SphereGeometry *>(geometry())->generateTangents();
+ return static_cast<QSphereGeometry *>(geometry())->generateTangents();
int QSphereMesh::rings() const
- return static_cast<SphereGeometry *>(geometry())->rings();
+ return static_cast<QSphereGeometry *>(geometry())->rings();
int QSphereMesh::slices() const
- return static_cast<SphereGeometry *>(geometry())->slices();
+ return static_cast<QSphereGeometry *>(geometry())->slices();
float QSphereMesh::radius() const
- return static_cast<SphereGeometry *>(geometry())->radius();
+ return static_cast<QSphereGeometry *>(geometry())->radius();
} //Qt3D
-#include "qspheremesh.moc"