Open Asset Import Library (Assimp) Readme ----------------------------------------- Here you can find information regarding Open Asset Import Library: 1. Overview 1.1 Supported file formats 1.2 File structure 2. Build the Asset Import Library 3. Help 4. License 1. Overview 1.1 Supported file formats The Asset Import Library provides a lot of model formats: - 3DS - ASE - DXF - HMP - MD2 - MD3 - MD5 - MDC - MDL - NFF - PLY - STL - X - LWO - OBJ - SMD - Collada - LWO - Ogre XML - partly LWS - .. + many more, see for a full list. 1.2 Repository structure Open Asset Import Library is implemented in C++ and provides a C-interface. The directory structure is: /bin Binaries of the Asset Import Library. /code Code of the Asset Import Library. /contrib Third-party-libraries used by the Asset Import Library. /doc Documentation (doxygen generated and data structure as a xml file) /include Public headers. /lib Static library location for Windows. /obj Object file location for Windows. /port Ports to other languages. /test Unit- and regression tests, model test suite. /tools Tools (viewer, command line `assimp`). /workspaces Build enviroments for vc,xcode,... 2. Build the Asset Import Library Take a look into the INSTALL file. 3. Help For more help go to (or, for germans, Or take a look into the doc-folder, which contains the doxygen-generated documentation in HTMl format (CHMs for Windows are as well contained in some distributions and located right here in the root folder). 4. License The license of the Asset Import Library is based on the BSD-License. It is contained in the LICENSE file.