Qt 5.10 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes over the 5.9.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.10 series is binary compatible with the 5.9.x series. Applications compiled for 5.9 will continue to run with 5.10. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Qt 5.10.0 Changes * **************************************************************************** Qt3DAnimation ------------- - Added a tech preview of the skeletal animation system. Use the QSkeletonMapping type to map animation clip channels onto joints of a skeleton. - Bugfix: * The backend node (`Qt3DAnimation::Animation::Clock`) had an incorrect return type specified (`int` instead of `float`) which was narrowing the actual value during the evaluation of associated animation clips. - General: * Introduce the QClock frontend and backend nodes to control animator playbackspeed. Qt3DCore -------- - General: * Added support for SIMD instructions to accelerate matrix and vector operations within Qt 3D. At present, SSE2 and AVX2 are supported. By default, SSE2 instructions are enabled. To additionally enable the use of AVX2 instructions, configure with the -qt3d-simd avx2 option. Passing -no-sse2 disables SSE2 use in QtCore, QtGui and Qt3D. Configuring with -no-qt3d-simd disables SIMD in Qt 3D only. * Added support for loading skeletons from glTF 2 files. Qt3DRender ---------- - New additions: * Added a framebuffer blit frame graph node * Added a promity filter frame graph node * Added support for sprite sheets * Added QCamera::viewAll() * Introduced shader graphs: dynamically generate fragment shaders from graph based description. * Added Scene2D: embed Qt Quick content into Qt 3D and interact with it. * Added support for rendering skinned meshes via the new QArmature component. Can be animated with the animation aspect and the QSkeletonMapping type. * Added support for loading mesh data from glTF 2 files. - General: * Improved QLayerFilter Qt3DInput --------- - Added support for point and line picking Qt3DExtras ---------- - Added Qt3DExtras::QAbstractCameraController abstract base class to make implementing new camera controllers easier.