// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // Copyright (C) 2017 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB). // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause #import #import #include "iosdeviceorientation.h" #import "iosdeviceorientation_p.h" #include @interface QIOSMotionManager : NSObject { } + (CMMotionManager *)sharedManager; @end @interface iOSDeviceOrientationP() { BOOL active; iOSDeviceOrientation* handler; } @property (strong) CMMotionManager *motionManager; @end @implementation iOSDeviceOrientationP #define kUpdateFrequency 20.0 + (iOSDeviceOrientationP*)instance { static iOSDeviceOrientationP* _myInstance = 0; if (0 == _myInstance) _myInstance = [[iOSDeviceOrientationP alloc] init]; return _myInstance; } - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.motionManager = [QIOSMotionManager sharedManager]; // [[CMMotionManager alloc] init]; self.motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 1. / kUpdateFrequency; active = FALSE; } return self; } - (void)setHandler:(iOSDeviceOrientation*)h { handler = h; } - (BOOL)isActive { return active; } - (void)start { // Motion updates [self.motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesUsingReferenceFrame:CMAttitudeReferenceFrameXArbitraryCorrectedZVertical toQueue:[NSOperationQueue currentQueue] withHandler: ^(CMDeviceMotion *motion, NSError *error) { //CMAttitude *attitude = motion.attitude; //NSLog(@"rotation rate = [%f, %f, %f]", attitude.pitch, attitude.roll, attitude.yaw); if (error) NSLog(@"%@", [error description]); else [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(handleDeviceMotion:) withObject:motion waitUntilDone:YES]; }]; active = TRUE; } - (void)stop { [_motionManager stopDeviceMotionUpdates]; active = FALSE; } - (void)handleDeviceMotion:(CMDeviceMotion*)motion { if (!active) return; if (motion.magneticField.accuracy == CMMagneticFieldCalibrationAccuracyUncalibrated) return; // X: A pitch is a rotation around a lateral axis that passes through the device from side to side. // Y: A roll is a rotation around a longitudinal axis that passes through the device from its top to bottom. // Z: A yaw is a rotation around an axis that runs vertically through the device. It is perpendicular to the // body of the device, with its origin at the center of gravity and directed toward the bottom of the device. CMAttitude *attitude = motion.attitude; handler->setRoll(90 - qRadiansToDegrees(attitude.roll)); handler->setPitch(qRadiansToDegrees(attitude.pitch)); handler->setYaw(qRadiansToDegrees(attitude.yaw)); } @end