TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS += \ playground-qml \ simple-qml \ simple-cpp \ gltf \ assimp \ cpp_example \ multiviewport \ torus-qml \ cylinder-qml \ cylinder-cpp \ bigmodel-qml \ wireframe \ tessellation-modes \ deferred-renderer-qml \ deferred-renderer-cpp \ shadow-map-qml \ bigscene-cpp \ materials \ keyboardinput-qml \ loader-qml \ wave \ materials-cpp \ dynamicscene-cpp \ scene3d \ enabled-qml \ skybox \ controls \ anaglyph-rendering \ simple-shaders-qml \ planets-qml \ plasma \ gooch-qml \ transparency-qml \ transparency-qml-scene3d \ scene3d-loader \ clip-planes-qml \ mouseinput-qml \ custom-mesh-cpp \ bigscene-instanced-qml \ custom-mesh-qml \ instanced-arrays-qml \ picking-qml \ transforms-qml \ qgltf \ lights # TODO Port the old examples to new APIs #SUBDIRS += qt3d qtHaveModule(widgets): SUBDIRS += assimp-cpp \ basicshapes-cpp