// Copyright (C) 2017 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB). // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import Qt3D.Core 2.15 import Qt3D.Render 2.15 import Qt3D.Extras 2.15 import Qt3D.Input 2.15 import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Scene2D 2.15 Entity { id: sceneRoot Camera { id: camera projectionType: CameraLens.PerspectiveProjection position: Qt.vector3d( 0.0, 0.0, 20 ) } components: [ RenderSettings { activeFrameGraph: ForwardRenderer { camera: camera clearColor: "white" } pickingSettings.pickMethod: PickingSettings.TrianglePicking }, InputSettings {} ] Entity { id: logoEntity Transform { id: logoTransform scale: 1 translation: Qt.vector3d( 0, 0, logoControls.logoCentreZ ) rotation: fromEulerAngles( logoControls.rotationX, logoControls.rotationY, logoControls.rotationZ ) } Mesh { id: logoMesh source: "Qt_logo.obj" } PhongMaterial { id: logoMaterial diffuse: Qt.rgba( logoControls.colorR/255, logoControls.colorG/255, logoControls.colorB/255, 1.0 ) ambient: Qt.rgba( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 ) shininess: logoControls.shininess } components: [ logoTransform, logoMesh, logoMaterial ] } Entity { id: cube components: [cubeTransform, cubeMaterial, cubeMesh, cubePicker] property real rotationAngle: 0 Behavior on rotationAngle { enabled: logoControls.enabled RotationAnimation { direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest duration: 450 } } RotationAnimation on rotationAngle { running: !logoControls.enabled loops: Animation.Infinite from: 0; to: 360 duration: 4000 onStopped: cube.rotationAngle = 0 } Transform { id: cubeTransform translation: Qt.vector3d(2, 0, 10) scale3D: Qt.vector3d(1, 4, 1) rotation: fromAxisAndAngle(Qt.vector3d(0,1,0), cube.rotationAngle) } CuboidMesh { id: cubeMesh } ObjectPicker { id: cubePicker hoverEnabled: true dragEnabled: true // Explicitly require a middle click to have the Scene2D grab the mouse // events from the picker onPressed: { if (pick.button === PickEvent.MiddleButton) { qmlTexture.mouseEnabled = !qmlTexture.mouseEnabled logoControls.enabled = !logoControls.enabled } } } TextureMaterial { id: cubeMaterial texture: offscreenTexture } Scene2D { id: qmlTexture output: RenderTargetOutput { attachmentPoint: RenderTargetOutput.Color0 texture: Texture2D { id: offscreenTexture width: 256 height: 1024 format: Texture.RGBA8_UNorm generateMipMaps: true magnificationFilter: Texture.Linear minificationFilter: Texture.LinearMipMapLinear wrapMode { x: WrapMode.ClampToEdge y: WrapMode.ClampToEdge } } } entities: [ cube ] mouseEnabled: false LogoControls { id: logoControls width: offscreenTexture.width height: offscreenTexture.height } } } }