TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS += src !gcov: SUBDIRS += util examples demos include(pkg.pri) !package: SUBDIRS += tutorials SUBDIRS += tests CONFIG += ordered include(doc/doc.pri) # We need opengl, minimum es2 or desktop !contains(QT_CONFIG, opengl) { error(Qt3D requires OpenGL!) } contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles1) { error(Qt3D does not support OpenGL ES 1!) } # We need qt declarative !contains(QT_CONFIG, declarative) { error(Qt3D requires Qt Declarative!) } # Install qt3d.prf into the Qt mkspecs so that "CONFIG += qt3d" # can be used in applications to build against Qt3D. package { distInstalls.files = features/qt3d.prf features/qt3dquick.prf distInstalls.path = $$QT3D_INSTALL_DATA/mkspecs/features !qtc_hmtn: INSTALLS += distInstalls } else { symbian|win32 { Qt3DFile=$$PWD\\features\\qt3d.prf Qt3DFile=$$replace(Qt3DFile,/,\\) featuresDir=$$QT3D_INSTALL_DATA\\mkspecs\\features featuresDir=$$replace(featuresDir,/,\\) system(copy "$$Qt3DFile $$featuresDir") Qt3DQuickFile=$$PWD\\features\\qt3dquick.prf Qt3DQuickFile=$$replace(Qt3DQuickFile,/,\\) system(copy "$$Qt3DQuickFile $$featuresDir") } else { Qt3DFile=$$PWD/features/qt3d.prf featuresDir=$$QT3D_INSTALL_DATA/mkspecs/features system(cp "$$Qt3DFile $$featuresDir") Qt3DQuickFile=$$PWD/features/qt3dquick.prf system(cp "$$Qt3DQuickFile $$featuresDir") } } symbian { # symbian needs to be at the end, because qt3d.pro does an ordered build, # and symbian depends on all the others. SUBDIRS += symbianinstall symbianinstall.subdir = devices/symbian symbianinstall.target = sub-symbianinstall symbianinstall.depends = $$SUBDIRS symbianinstall.depends -= symbianinstall } OTHER_FILES += \ qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/rules \ qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/README \ qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/copyright \ qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/control \ qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/compat \ qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/changelog