#### Inputs # input assimp set(INPUT_assimp "undefined" CACHE STRING "") set_property(CACHE INPUT_assimp PROPERTY STRINGS undefined qt system no) #### Libraries #### Tests #### Features qt_feature("qt3d_render" PUBLIC SECTION "Aspects" LABEL "Render aspect" PURPOSE "Use the 3D Render Aspect library" ) qt_feature("qt3d_input" PUBLIC SECTION "Aspects" LABEL "Input aspect" PURPOSE "Use the 3D Input Aspect library" ) qt_feature("qt3d_logic" PUBLIC SECTION "Aspects" LABEL "Logic aspect" PURPOSE "Use the 3D Logic Aspect library" ) qt_feature("qt3d_extras" PUBLIC SECTION "Aspects" LABEL "Extras aspect" PURPOSE "Use the 3D Extra library" CONDITION QT_FEATURE_qt3d_render AND QT_FEATURE_qt3d_input AND QT_FEATURE_qt3d_logic ) qt_feature("qt3d_animation" PUBLIC SECTION "Aspects" LABEL "Animation aspect" PURPOSE "Use the 3D Animation Aspect library" CONDITION QT_FEATURE_qt3d_render ) qt_feature("qt3d_simd_sse2" PRIVATE LABEL "Use SSE2 instructions" PURPOSE "Use SSE2 SIMD instructions to accelerate matrix operations" AUTODETECT QT_FEATURE_sse2 ENABLE INPUT_qt3d_simd STREQUAL 'sse2' OR INPUT_qt3d_simd STREQUAL 'avx2' DISABLE INPUT_qt3d_simd STREQUAL 'no' OR ( TEST_architecture_arch STREQUAL i386 ) ) qt_feature("qt3d_simd_avx2" PRIVATE LABEL "Use AVX2 instructions" PURPOSE "Use AVX2 SIMD instructions to accelerate matrix operations" AUTODETECT TEST_arch_${TEST_architecture_arch}_subarch_avx2 ENABLE INPUT_qt3d_simd STREQUAL 'avx2' DISABLE INPUT_qt3d_simd STREQUAL 'sse2' OR INPUT_qt3d_simd STREQUAL 'no' OR ( TEST_architecture_arch STREQUAL i386 ) ) qt_configure_add_summary_section(NAME "Qt3D Core") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "qt3d_simd_sse2") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "qt3d_simd_avx2") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "qt3d_animation") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "qt3d_extras") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "qt3d_input") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "qt3d_logic") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "qt3d_render") qt_configure_end_summary_section() # end of "Qt3D" section