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No "real" need to renormalize it, // as built by crossing two normal vectors. // To orient the binormal correctly, use the fourth coordinate of the tangent, // which is +1 for a right hand system, and -1 for a left hand system. vec3 wBinormal = cross(wNormal, wFixedTangent.xyz) * wTangent.w; // Construct matrix to transform from world space to tangent space // This is the transpose of the tangentToWorld transformation matrix mat3 tangentToWorldMatrix = mat3(wFixedTangent, wBinormal, wNormal); mat3 worldToTangentMatrix = transpose(tangentToWorldMatrix); return worldToTangentMatrix; } float alphaToMipLevel(float alpha) { float specPower = 2.0 / (alpha * alpha) - 2.0; // We use the mip level calculation from Lys' default power drop, which in // turn is a slight modification of that used in Marmoset Toolbag. See // https://docs.knaldtech.com/doku.php?id=specular_lys for details. // For now we assume a max specular power of 999999 which gives // maxGlossiness = 1. const float k0 = 0.00098; const float k1 = 0.9921; float glossiness = (pow(2.0, -10.0 / sqrt(specPower)) - k0) / k1; // TODO: Optimize by doing this on CPU and set as // uniform int envLight.specularMipLevels say (if present in shader). // Lookup the number of mips in the specular envmap int mipLevels = mipLevelCount(envLight.specular); // Offset of smallest miplevel we should use (corresponds to specular // power of 1). I.e. in the 32x32 sized mip. const float mipOffset = 5.0; // The final factor is really 1 - g / g_max but as mentioned above g_max // is 1 by definition here so we can avoid the division. If we make the // max specular power for the spec map configurable, this will need to // be handled properly. float mipLevel = (mipLevels - 1.0 - mipOffset) * (1.0 - glossiness); return mipLevel; } float normalDistribution(const in vec3 n, const in vec3 h, const in float alpha) { // Blinn-Phong approximation - see // http://graphicrants.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/specular-brdf-reference.html float specPower = 2.0 / (alpha * alpha) - 2.0; return (specPower + 2.0) / (2.0 * 3.14159) * pow(max(dot(n, h), 0.0), specPower); } vec3 fresnelFactor(const in vec3 color, const in float cosineFactor) { // Calculate the Fresnel effect value vec3 f = color; vec3 F = f + (1.0 - f) * pow(1.0 - cosineFactor, 5.0); return clamp(F, f, vec3(1.0)); } float geometricModel(const in float lDotN, const in float vDotN, const in vec3 h) { // Implicit geometric model (equal to denominator in specular model). // This currently assumes that there is no attenuation by geometric shadowing or // masking according to the microfacet theory. return lDotN * vDotN; } vec3 specularModel(const in vec3 F0, const in float sDotH, const in float sDotN, const in float vDotN, const in vec3 n, const in vec3 h) { // Clamp sDotN and vDotN to small positive value to prevent the // denominator in the reflection equation going to infinity. Balance this // by using the clamped values in the geometric factor function to // avoid ugly seams in the specular lighting. float sDotNPrime = max(sDotN, 0.001); float vDotNPrime = max(vDotN, 0.001); vec3 F = fresnelFactor(F0, sDotH); float G = geometricModel(sDotNPrime, vDotNPrime, h); vec3 cSpec = F * G / (4.0 * sDotNPrime * vDotNPrime); return clamp(cSpec, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0)); } vec3 pbrModel(const in int lightIndex, const in vec3 wPosition, const in vec3 wNormal, const in vec3 wView, const in vec3 baseColor, const in float metalness, const in float alpha) { // Calculate some useful quantities vec3 n = wNormal; vec3 s = vec3(0.0); vec3 v = wView; vec3 h = vec3(0.0); float vDotN = dot(v, n); float sDotN = 0.0; float sDotH = 0.0; float att = 1.0; if (lights[lightIndex].type != TYPE_DIRECTIONAL) { // Point and Spot lights vec3 sUnnormalized = vec3(lights[lightIndex].position) - wPosition; s = normalize(sUnnormalized); // Calculate the attenuation factor sDotN = dot(s, n); if (sDotN > 0.0) { if (lights[lightIndex].constantAttenuation != 0.0 || lights[lightIndex].linearAttenuation != 0.0 || lights[lightIndex].quadraticAttenuation != 0.0) { float dist = length(sUnnormalized); att = 1.0 / (lights[lightIndex].constantAttenuation + lights[lightIndex].linearAttenuation * dist + lights[lightIndex].quadraticAttenuation * dist * dist); } // The light direction is in world space already if (lights[lightIndex].type == TYPE_SPOT) { // Check if fragment is inside or outside of the spot light cone if (degrees(acos(dot(-s, lights[lightIndex].direction))) > lights[lightIndex].cutOffAngle) sDotN = 0.0; } } } else { // Directional lights // The light direction is in world space already s = normalize(-lights[lightIndex].direction); sDotN = dot(s, n); } h = normalize(s + v); sDotH = dot(s, h); // Calculate diffuse component vec3 diffuseColor = (1.0 - metalness) * baseColor * lights[lightIndex].color; vec3 diffuse = diffuseColor * max(sDotN, 0.0) / 3.14159; // Calculate specular component vec3 dielectricColor = vec3(0.04); vec3 F0 = mix(dielectricColor, baseColor, metalness); vec3 specularFactor = vec3(0.0); if (sDotN > 0.0) { specularFactor = specularModel(F0, sDotH, sDotN, vDotN, n, h); specularFactor *= normalDistribution(n, h, alpha); } vec3 specularColor = lights[lightIndex].color; vec3 specular = specularColor * specularFactor; // Blend between diffuse and specular to conserver energy return att * lights[lightIndex].intensity * (specular + diffuse * (vec3(1.0) - specular)); } vec3 pbrIblModel(const in vec3 wNormal, const in vec3 wView, const in vec3 baseColor, const in float metalness, const in float alpha) { // Calculate reflection direction of view vector about surface normal // vector in world space. This is used in the fragment shader to sample // from the environment textures for a light source. This is equivalent // to the l vector for punctual light sources. Armed with this, calculate // the usual factors needed vec3 n = wNormal; vec3 l = reflect(-wView, n); vec3 v = wView; vec3 h = normalize(l + v); float vDotN = dot(v, n); float lDotN = dot(l, n); float lDotH = dot(l, h); // Calculate diffuse component vec3 diffuseColor = (1.0 - metalness) * baseColor; vec3 diffuse = diffuseColor * texture(envLight.irradiance, l).rgb; // Calculate specular component vec3 dielectricColor = vec3(0.04); vec3 F0 = mix(dielectricColor, baseColor, metalness); vec3 specularFactor = specularModel(F0, lDotH, lDotN, vDotN, n, h); // As per page 14 of // http://www.frostbite.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr.pdf // we remap the roughness to give a more perceptually linear response // of "bluriness" as a function of the roughness specified by the user. // r = roughness^2 float lod = alphaToMipLevel(alpha); //#define DEBUG_SPECULAR_LODS #ifdef DEBUG_SPECULAR_LODS if (lod > 7.0) return vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); else if (lod > 6.0) return vec3(1.0, 0.333, 0.0); else if (lod > 5.0) return vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); else if (lod > 4.0) return vec3(0.666, 1.0, 0.0); else if (lod > 3.0) return vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.666); else if (lod > 2.0) return vec3(0.0, 0.666, 1.0); else if (lod > 1.0) return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); else if (lod > 0.0) return vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0); #endif vec3 specularSkyColor = textureLod(envLight.specular, l, lod).rgb; vec3 specular = specularSkyColor * specularFactor; // Blend between diffuse and specular to conserve energy return specular + diffuse * (vec3(1.0) - specularFactor); } vec3 toneMap(const in vec3 c) { return c / (c + vec3(1.0)); } vec3 gammaCorrect(const in vec3 color) { return pow(color, vec3(1.0 / gamma)); } void main() { vec3 cLinear = vec3(0.0); // Remap roughness for a perceptually more linear correspondence float alpha = remapRoughness(roughness); vec3 wNormal = normalize(worldNormal); vec3 worldView = normalize(eyePosition - worldPosition); for (int i = 0; i < envLightCount; ++i) { cLinear += pbrIblModel(wNormal, worldView, baseColor.rgb, metalness, alpha); } for (int i = 0; i < lightCount; ++i) { cLinear += pbrModel(i, worldPosition, wNormal, worldView, baseColor.rgb, metalness, alpha); } // Apply exposure correction cLinear *= pow(2.0, exposure); // Apply simple (Reinhard) tonemap transform to get into LDR range [0, 1] vec3 cToneMapped = toneMap(cLinear); // Apply gamma correction prior to display vec3 cGamma = gammaCorrect(cToneMapped); fragColor = vec4(cGamma, 1.0); }