CXX_MODULE = qml TARGET = quick3drenderplugin TARGETPATH = Qt3D/Render QT += core-private qml qml-private 3dcore 3drender 3dquick 3dquickrender-private HEADERS += \ qt3dquick3drenderplugin.h SOURCES += \ qt3dquick3drenderplugin.cpp OTHER_FILES += qmldir load(qml_plugin) include(./defaults/defaults.pri) OTHER_FILES += \ $$QML_FILES # Create a resource file for qml files that need to be registered by the plugin GENERATED_RESOURCE_FILE = $$OUT_PWD/defaults.qrc INCLUDED_RESOURCE_FILES = $$QML_FILES RESOURCE_CONTENT = \ "" \ "" for(resourcefile, INCLUDED_RESOURCE_FILES) { resourcefileabsolutepath = $$absolute_path($$resourcefile) relativepath_in = $$relative_path($$resourcefileabsolutepath, $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_) relativepath_out = $$relative_path($$resourcefileabsolutepath, $$OUT_PWD) RESOURCE_CONTENT += "$$relativepath_out" } RESOURCE_CONTENT += \ "" \ "" write_file($$GENERATED_RESOURCE_FILE, RESOURCE_CONTENT)|error("Aborting.") RESOURCES += $$GENERATED_RESOURCE_FILE