TARGET = Qt3DQuickExtras MODULE = 3dquickextras QT += core core-private qml qml-private 3dcore 3dinput 3dquick 3dquick-private 3drender 3drender-private 3dlogic 3dextras CONFIG -= precompile_header # Qt3D is free of Q_FOREACH - make sure it stays that way: DEFINES += QT_NO_FOREACH gcov { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage QMAKE_LFLAGS += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage } SOURCES += \ qt3dquickwindow.cpp \ qt3dquickwindowlogging.cpp HEADERS += \ qt3dquickextras_global.h \ qt3dquickextras_global_p.h \ qt3dquickwindow.h \ qt3dquickwindowlogging_p.h # otherwise mingw headers do not declare common functions like ::strcasecmp win32-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_CXX11 = -std=gnu++0x include(./items/items.pri) load(qt_module)