path: root/coin/provisioning/common/python.ps1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'coin/provisioning/common/python.ps1')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/coin/provisioning/common/python.ps1 b/coin/provisioning/common/python.ps1
index 32972830..3edbc412 100644
--- a/coin/provisioning/common/python.ps1
+++ b/coin/provisioning/common/python.ps1
@@ -30,39 +30,40 @@
. "$PSScriptRoot\helpers.ps1"
# This script installs Python $version.
# Python is required for building Qt 5 from source.
-$version = "2.7.10"
+$version = "2.7.13"
$package = "C:\Windows\temp\python-$version.msi"
# check bit version
-if ([System.Environment]::Is64BitProcess -eq $TRUE) {
+if ( $archVer -eq 64 ) {
+ echo "Running in 64 bit system"
$externalUrl = "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/$version/python-$version.amd64.msi"
$internalUrl = "http://ci-files01-hki.ci.local/input/windows/python-$version.amd64.msi"
- $sha1 = "f3a474f6ab191f9b43034c0fb5c98301553775d4"
+ $sha1 = "d9113142bae8829365c595735e1ad1f9f5e2894c"
else {
$externalUrl = "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/$version/python-$version.msi"
$internalUrl = "http://ci-files01-hki.ci.local/input/windows/python-$version.msi"
- $sha1 = "9e62f37407e6964ee0374b32869b7b4ab050d12a"
+ $sha1 = "7e3b54236dbdbea8fe2458db501176578a4d59c0"
echo "Fetching from URL..."
Download $externalUrl $internalUrl $package
Verify-Checksum $package $sha1
echo "Installing $package..."
-cmd /c "$package /q"
+cmd /c "msiexec /passive /i $package ALLUSERS=1"
# We need to change allowZip64 from 'False' to 'True' to be able to create ZIP files that use the ZIP64 extensions when the zipfile is larger than 2 GB
echo "Chancing allowZip64 value to 'True'..."
(Get-Content C:\Python27\lib\zipfile.py) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "allowZip64=False", "allowZip64=True" } | Set-Content C:\Python27\lib\zipfile.py
echo "Remove $package..."
del $package
-Add-Path $path
+[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
-& python -m ensurepip
+C:\Python27\python.exe -m ensurepip
# Install python virtual env
-pip.exe install virtualenv
+C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install virtualenv