path: root/coin/provisioning/common/windows/squishInstall.ps1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'coin/provisioning/common/windows/squishInstall.ps1')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/coin/provisioning/common/windows/squishInstall.ps1 b/coin/provisioning/common/windows/squishInstall.ps1
index f8d600d7..c615f9eb 100644
--- a/coin/provisioning/common/windows/squishInstall.ps1
+++ b/coin/provisioning/common/windows/squishInstall.ps1
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+## Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
## Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
## This file is part of the provisioning scripts of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -33,120 +33,50 @@
. "$PSScriptRoot\helpers.ps1"
-# This script will install squish package for Windows.
+# This script will pre-installed squish package for Windows.
# Squish is need by Release Test Automation (RTA)
-# NOTE! Make sure 64bit versions are always installed before 32bit,
-# because they use same folder name before a rename
-$version = "6.5"
-# Qt branch without dot (*.*)
-$qtBranch = "513x"
-# So far Squish built with Qt5.12 works also with 5.13, but we have to be prepared that on some point
-# the compatibility breaks, and we may need to have separate Squish packages for different Qt versions.
+$version = "6.6.1"
+$qtBranch = "515x"
$targetDir = "C:\Utils\squish"
-$squishUrl = "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\squish\coin"
-$squishBranchUrl = "$squishUrl\$qtBranch"
-$testSuite = "suite_test_squish"
-$testSuiteUrl = "$squishUrl\$testSuite.7z"
+$squishPackage = "C:\Utils\rta_squish"
+$squishUrl = "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\squish\jenkins_build\stable"
+$licenseUrl = "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\squish\coin"
# Squish license
$licensePackage = ".squish-3-license"
-$OSVersion = (get-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ProductName).ProductName
-Function DownloadAndInstallSquish {
- Param (
- [string]$version,
- [string]$bit,
- [string]$squishPackage
- )
- $SquishUrl = $squishBranchUrl + "\squish-nosignalhandler-" + $version + "-qt" + $qtBranch + "-" + $bit + "-" + $squishPackage + ".exe"
- $SquishInstaller = "$targetDir\$squishPackage.exe"
- $SquishParameters = "unattended=1 targetdir=$targetDir\$squishPackage"
+Write-Host "Installing Squish license to home directory"
+Copy-Item $licenseUrl\$licensePackage ~\$licensePackage
- Write-Host "Fetching from URL $squishUrl"
- Copy-Item "$SquishUrl" "$SquishInstaller"
- Write-Host "Installing Squish"
- $stdoutFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
- $stderrFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
- Start-Process -FilePath "$SquishInstaller" -Wait -ArgumentList $SquishParameters -PassThru -RedirectStandardOutput $stdoutFile -RedirectStandardError $stderrFile | Out-Null
- Remove-Item -Path $SquishInstaller
- if ("$bit" -eq "win64") {
- if ($squishPackage.StartsWith("mingw")) {
- $squishPackage64bit = "mingw_64"
- } else {
- $squishPackage64bit = "$squishPackage`_64"
- }
- Rename-Item $targetDir\$squishPackage $targetDir\$squishPackage64bit
- TestSquish $squishPackage64bit
- } else {
- if ($squishPackage.StartsWith("mingw")) {
- Rename-Item $targetDir\$squishPackage $targetDir\mingw
- TestSquish mingw
- } else {
- TestSquish $squishPackage
- }
- }
+if (Is64BitWinHost) {
+ $arch = "x64"
+} else {
+ $arch = "x86"
-Function DownloadSquishLicence {
- Param (
- [string]$squishUrl
- )
- Write-Host "Installing Squish license to home directory"
- Copy-Item $squishUrl\$licensePackage ~\$licensePackage
-Function TestSquish {
- Param (
- [string]$squishPackage
- )
- Write-Host "Verifying Squish Installation"
- if (cmd /c "$targetDir\$squishPackage\bin\squishrunner.exe --testsuite $targetDir\$testSuite" |Select-String -Pattern "Squish test run successfully") {
- Write-Host "Squish installation tested successfully!"
- } else {
- Write-Host "Squish test failed! $squishPackage wasn't installed correctly."
- [Environment]::Exit(1)
- }
-Write-Host "Creating $targetDir"
-New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path "$targetDir"
-Write-Host "Download and install Test Suite for squish"
-Copy-Item $testSuiteUrl $targetDir/$testSuite.7z
-Extract-7Zip $targetDir/$testSuite.7z $targetDir
-DownloadSquishLicence $squishUrl
+$OSVersion = (get-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ProductName).ProductName
if ($OSVersion -eq "Windows 10 Enterprise") {
+ $winVersion = "win10"
if (Is64BitWinHost) {
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win64 "msvc14"
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win64 "msvc141"
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win64 "mingw_gcc73_posix_seh"
+ $sha1 = "17b5bec83f448877e42e5effdc7daf723d157800"
} else {
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win32 "mingw_gcc53_posix_dwarf"
- }
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win32 "msvc141"
-} elseif ($OSVersion -eq "Windows 8.1 Enterprise") {
- if (Is64BitWinHost) {
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win64 "msvc14"
+ $sha1 = "9c0fc186605522ac0ac11066c10c3f3e8a95a705"
+ #Remove special handling when all packages are in same dir, exception now for win10 x86->the archive had to be rebuild
+ $squishUrl = "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\squish\jenkins_build\stable\6.6.1_rerun"
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win32 "msvc141"
} elseif ($OSVersion -eq "Windows 7 Enterprise") {
- if (Is64BitWinHost) {
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win64 "msvc14"
- } else {
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win32 "mingw_gcc53_posix_dwarf"
- }
- DownloadAndInstallSquish $version win32 "msvc141"
+ $winVersion = "win7"
+ $sha1 = "ec890c16bb671ae79b093ba81e6567d2780f85a2"
+$squishArchive = "prebuild-squish-$version-$qtBranch-$winVersion-$arch.zip"
+Copy-Item "$squishUrl\$squishArchive" "C:\Utils"
+Verify-Checksum "C:\Utils\$squishArchive" $sha1
+Extract-7Zip "C:\Utils\$squishArchive" "C:\Utils"
+Rename-Item "$squishPackage" "$targetDir"
+Write-Host "Verifying Squish Installation for following targets:"
+get-childitem "$targetDir" -Filter squishrunner.exe -Recurse | % { $_.FullName }
+get-childitem "$targetDir" -Filter squishrunner.exe -Recurse | % { if (cmd /c $_.FullName --testsuite "$targetDir\suite_test_squish" |Select-String -Pattern "Squish test run successfully") { Write-Host "Squish tested successfully"} else { [Environment]::Exit(1) } }