path: root/coin/provisioning
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'coin/provisioning')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/coin/provisioning/qtci-windows-10-x86_64/mysql.ps1 b/coin/provisioning/qtci-windows-10-x86_64/mysql.ps1
index 5e75f662..6f2c86a4 100644
--- a/coin/provisioning/qtci-windows-10-x86_64/mysql.ps1
+++ b/coin/provisioning/qtci-windows-10-x86_64/mysql.ps1
@@ -37,53 +37,51 @@
# Both x86 and x64 versions needed when x86 integrations are done on x64 machine
$version = "5.6.11"
-$packagex64 = "C:\Windows\temp\mysql-$version-win64.zip"
+$packagex64 = "C:\Windows\temp\mysql-$version-winx64.zip"
$packagex86 = "C:\Windows\temp\mysql-$version-win32.zip"
-function CheckAndRemovePreviousInstallation
- Param (
- [string]$InstallFolder
- )
- echo "Check for previous installation..."
- $FolderExists = Test-Path $ExistingInstallation
- If ($FolderExists -eq $True) {
- echo "Removing previous installation ($ExistingInstallation)"
- Remove-Item $ExistingInstallation -recurse
- }
function DownloadAndInstall
Param (
- [string]$arch,
- [string]$externalUrl,
- [string]$sha1,
- echo "Fetching from URL ..."
- Download $externalUrl $internalUrl $package
- Verify-Checksum $package $sha1
- Extract-Zip $package $installPath
+ echo "Fetching from URL ..."
+ Copy-Item $internalUrl $package
+ $shell = new-object -com shell.application
+ echo "Extracting contents"
+ foreach ($subDir in "lib", "include", "bin") {
+ $zipDir = $shell.Namespace($package + "\" + [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($package) + "\" + $subDir)
+ if ($zipDir) {
+ Write-Host "Extracting $subDir from zip archive"
+ } else {
+ Write-Host "$subDir is missing from zip archive - skipping"
+ continue
+ }
+ $destDir = $installPath + "\" + $subdir
+ New-Item $destDir -type directory
+ $destinationFolder = $shell.Namespace($destDir)
+ $destinationFolder.CopyHere($zipDir.Items(), 16)
+ }
+ Remove-Item $package
+# Remove any leftovers
+try {
+ Rename-Item -ErrorAction 'Stop' c:\utils\my_sql c:\utils\mysql_deleted
+} catch {}
# Install x64 bit version
$architecture = "x64"
-$installFolder = "C:\Utils\my_sql"
-$existingInstallation = "$installFolder\my_sql"
-$internalUrl = "http://ci-files01-hki.ci.local/input/windows/mysql-$version-winx64"
-$sha1 = "f4811512b5f3c8ad877ee4feba2062312a0acc38"
-echo "Check and remove previous installation ..."
-CheckAndRemovePreviousInstallation $existingInstallation
-DownloadAndInstall $architecture $internalUrl $internalUrl $packagex64 $sha1 $installFolder
-Rename-Item -path $installFolder\mysql-$version-winx64 -newName $installFolder\my_sql
+$installFolder = "C:\Utils\my_sql\my_sql"
+$internalUrl = "\\ci-files01-hki.ci.local\provisioning\windows\mysql-$version-winx64.zip"
-echo "Remove downloaded package ..."
-Remove-Item $packagex64
+DownloadAndInstall $internalUrl $packagex64 $installFolder
echo "Set environment variables ..."
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("MYSQL_INCLUDE_x64", "$installFolder\my_sql\include", "Machine")
@@ -91,18 +89,10 @@ echo "Set environment variables ..."
# Install x86 bit version
$architecture = "x86"
-$installFolder = "C:\Utils\my_sql$architecture"
-$existingInstallation = "$installFolder\my_sql"
-$internalUrl = "http://ci-files01-hki.ci.local/input/windows/mysql-$version-win32"
-$sha1 = "e0aa62d5c5d6c6ec28906a831752d04336562679"
-echo "Check and remove previous installation ..."
-CheckAndRemovePreviousInstallation $existingInstallation
-DownloadAndInstall $architecture $internalUrl $internalUrl $packagex86 $sha1 $installFolder
-Rename-Item -path $installFolder\mysql-$version-win32 -newName $installFolder\my_sql
-echo "Remove downloaded package ..."
-Remove-Item $packagex86
+$installFolder = "C:\Utils\my_sql\my_sql$architecture"
+$internalUrl = "\\ci-files01-hki.ci.local\provisioning\windows\mysql-$version-win32.zip"
+DownloadAndInstall $internalUrl $packagex86 $installFolder
echo "Set environment variables ..."
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("MYSQL_INCLUDE_x86", "$installFolder\my_sql\include", "Machine")