path: root/qtwebkit.pri
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qtwebkit.pri')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/qtwebkit.pri b/qtwebkit.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f69ff0f..00000000
--- a/qtwebkit.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Wrapper profile for QtWebkit.
-# This is needed because webkit builds via a script.
-# Technically this script is a .pro file, but we name it .pri to avoid clashing
-# with qt.pro.
-isEmpty(vcproj) {
- win32:CONFIG -= embed_manifest_exe
-} else {
- CONFIG += console
- phony_src.input = PHONY_DEPS
- phony_src.output = phony.c
- phony_src.variable_out = GENERATED_SOURCES
- phony_src.commands = echo int main() { return 0; } > phony.c
- phony_src.name = CREATE phony.c
- phony_src.CONFIG += combine
-contains(DS, /) {
- env_export = export
- OPTI=+
- SBC=$$quote($$QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS qtwebkit || mkdir qtwebkit &&)
-} else {
- env_export = set
- GNUTOOLS = $$quote("set \"PATH=$$PWD/gnuwin32/bin;%PATH%\" &&")
-# Any configuration making use of QMAKE_POST_LINK will not work for this project,
-# since the building is done by webkit's own build script and qmake at this level
-# does not know the real TARGET. Disable them here.
-CONFIG -= separate_debug_info
-exists($$PWD/qtwebkit/WebKitTools):qtwebkit_tools_dir = WebKitTools
-else:qtwebkit_tools_dir = Tools
-contains(CONFIG, release):!contains(CONFIG, debug_and_release): {QTWEBKIT_BUILD_CONFIG = --release}
-# WebKit2 is not yet supported on Windows, so avoid trying to build it
-# Disable WebKit2 until https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94914 is fixed.
-QTWEBKIT_BUILD_CONFIG += --no-webkit2
-# The '+' is to make parallel "make" work across the script boundary.
-module_qtwebkit.commands = $${OPTI}$${SBC}cd qtwebkit && \
- $$env_export \"WEBKITOUTPUTDIR=$$OUT_PWD/qtwebkit/WebKitBuild\" && $$GNUTOOLS \
- perl $$PWD$${DS}qtwebkit$${DS}$${qtwebkit_tools_dir}$${DS}Scripts$${DS}build-webkit \
- --qt \
- --qmake=$(QMAKE) \
- --install-libs=$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] \
- --qmakearg=CONFIG+=production_build \
-# "--makeargs=\"-$(MAKEFLAGS)\""
-# Trick to force dependency on this rule.
-#module_qtwebkit.commands += $$escape_expand(\\n)make_default: module-qtwebkit
-module_qtwebkit.target = module-qtwebkit
-# The '+' is to make parallel "make" work across the script boundary.
-module_qtwebkit_clean.commands = $${OPTI}$${SBC}cd qtwebkit && \
- $$env_export \"WEBKITOUTPUTDIR=$$OUT_PWD/qtwebkit/WebKitBuild\" && $$GNUTOOLS \
- perl $$PWD$${DS}qtwebkit$${DS}$${qtwebkit_tools_dir}$${DS}Scripts$${DS}build-webkit \
- --qt \
- --qmake=$(QMAKE) \
- --install-libs=$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] \
- "--makeargs=\"$(MAKEFLAGS)\"" \
- --clean
-# Trick to force dependency on this rule.
-module_qtwebkit_clean.commands += $$escape_expand(\\n)clean: module-qtwebkit-clean
-module_qtwebkit_clean.target = module-qtwebkit-clean
-module_qtwebkit_install.commands = $${OPTI}$${SBC}cd qtwebkit/WebKitBuild/Release && $(MAKE) install
-# Trick to force dependency on this rule.
-module_qtwebkit_install.commands+= $$escape_expand(\\n)install: module-qtwebkit-install
-module_qtwebkit_install.target = module-qtwebkit-install
-module_qtwebkit_uninstall.commands = $${OPTI}$${SBC}cd qtwebkit && \
- $$env_export \"WEBKITOUTPUTDIR=$$OUT_PWD/qtwebkit/WebKitBuild\" && $$GNUTOOLS \
- perl $$PWD$${DS}qtwebkit$${DS}$${qtwebkit_tools_dir}$${DS}Scripts$${DS}build-webkit \
- --qt \
- --qmake=$(QMAKE) \
- --install-libs=$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] \
- "--makeargs=\"uninstall\""
-# Trick to force dependency on this rule.
-module_qtwebkit_uninstall.commands+= $$escape_expand(\\n)uninstall: module-qtwebkit-uninstall
-module_qtwebkit_uninstall.target = module-qtwebkit-uninstall
-# WebKit needs a nonstandard target because the build has to be initiated by the bundled script.
-QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += module_qtwebkit module_qtwebkit_clean module_qtwebkit_install module_qtwebkit_uninstall
-PRE_TARGETDEPS += module-qtwebkit