cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15.0) project(Qt VERSION 6.0.0 DESCRIPTION "Qt Libraries" HOMEPAGE_URL "" LANGUAGES CXX C ASM ) # Required so we can call ctest from the root build directory enable_testing() set(qt_module_prop_prefix "__qt_prop_") function(extract_git_submodules out_module_list) set(current_module "") set(module_list "") file(STRINGS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.gitmodules" lines) foreach(line IN LISTS lines) # Skip empty lines. if(NOT line) continue() endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "^\\[submodule \"([^\"]+)\"\\]$" "\\1" module "${line}") if (NOT module STREQUAL line) set(current_module "${module}") list(APPEND module_list "${module}") else() string(REGEX REPLACE "^\t([^ =]+) *=.*$" "\\1" prop "${line}") if (NOT prop STREQUAL line) string(REGEX REPLACE "^[^=]+= *" "" value "${line}") string(REPLACE " " ";" value "${value}") set("${qt_module_prop_prefix}${current_module}_${prop}" "${value}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Malformed line ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.gitmodules: ${line}") endif() endif() endforeach() set(${out_module_list} ${module_list} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") if (NOT QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/qtbase/cmake") endif() include(ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory) include(TopologicalSort) # Use the CMake config files from the binary dir list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") # Also make sure the CMake config files do not recreate the already-existing targets if (NOT QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) set(QT_NO_CREATE_TARGETS TRUE) endif() set(QT_SUPERBUILD TRUE) # Get submodules list extract_git_submodules(git_module_list) foreach(module IN LISTS git_module_list) # Prepare a list of dependencies to be fed into topological sort set("${qt_module_prop_prefix}${module}_all_dependencies" ${${qt_module_prop_prefix}${module}_depends} ${${qt_module_prop_prefix}${module}_recommends} ${${qt_module_prop_prefix}${module}_serialize} ) endforeach() # Sort by dependencies topological_sort(git_module_list "${qt_module_prop_prefix}" "_all_dependencies") # Check for unknown modules foreach(module IN LISTS git_module_list) foreach(dep IN LISTS "${qt_module_prop_prefix}${module}_all_dependencies") if (NOT dep IN_LIST git_module_list) message(FATAL_ERROR "Module '${module}' depends on undeclared module '${dep}'") endif() endforeach() endforeach() # qtbase is always needed list(REMOVE_ITEM git_module_list qtbase) add_subdirectory(qtbase) if (NOT QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${QtBase_BINARY_DIR}") endif() foreach(module IN LISTS git_module_list) ecm_optional_add_subdirectory(${module}) endforeach() # Check for unmet dependencies foreach(module IN LISTS git_module_list) foreach(dep IN LISTS "${qt_module_prop_prefix}${module}_depends") if (dep STREQUAL qtbase) # Always available skip continue() endif() if (DEFINED BUILD_${module} AND BUILD_${module}) if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${dep}/CMakeLists.txt") message(FATAL_ERROR "Module '${module} depends on '${dep}', but ${deps}'s CMakeLists.txt couldn't be found.\n") endif() if(NOT BUILD_${dep}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Module '${module} depends on '${dep}', but ${deps} will not be built.\n") endif() endif() endforeach() endforeach() if(NOT QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) # Display a summary of everything include(QtBuildInformation) qt_print_feature_summary() qt_print_build_instructions() endif()