#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only # shellcheck source=./../unix/DownloadURL.sh source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../unix/DownloadURL.sh" # This script installs Xcode # Prerequisites: Have Xcode prefetched to local cache as xz compressed. # This can be achieved by fetching Xcode_8.xip from Apple Store. # Uncompress it with 'xar -xf Xcode_8.xip' # Then get https://gist.githubusercontent.com/pudquick/ff412bcb29c9c1fa4b8d/raw/24b25538ea8df8d0634a2a6189aa581ccc6a5b4b/parse_pbzx2.py # with which you can run 'python parse_pbzx2.py Content'. # This will give you a file called "Content.part00.cpio.xz" that # can be renamed to Xcode_8.xz for this script. function InstallXCode() { sourceFile=$1 version=$2 echo "Uncompressing and installing '$sourceFile'" if [[ $sourceFile =~ tar ]]; then cd /Applications/ && sudo tar -zxf "$sourceFile" elif [[ $sourceFile =~ "xip" ]]; then if [[ $sourceFile =~ "http" ]]; then Download "$sourceFile" "/Applications/Xcode_$version.xip" cd /Applications/ && xip -x "Xcode_$version.xip" else cd /Applications/ && xip -x "$sourceFile" fi else xzcat < "$sourceFile" | (cd /Applications/ && sudo cpio -dmi) fi echo "Versioning application bundle" majorVersion=$(echo "$version" | cut -d '.' -f 1) versionedAppBundle="/Applications/Xcode${majorVersion}.app" sudo mv /Applications/Xcode*.app "${versionedAppBundle}" echo "Selecting Xcode" sudo xcode-select --switch "${versionedAppBundle}" echo "Accept license" sudo xcodebuild -license accept echo "Install packages" # -runFirstLaunch is valid in 9.x sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch || true echo "Enabling developer mode, so that using lldb does not require interactive password entry" sudo /usr/sbin/DevToolsSecurity -enable echo "Xcode = $version" >> ~/versions.txt }