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"$PSScriptRoot\helpers.ps1" # This script installs Android sdk and ndk # It also runs update for SDK API level 21, latest SDK tools, latest platform-tools and build-tools version $sdkBuildToolsVersion # Android 16 is the minimum requirement for Qt 5.7 applications, but we need something more recent than that for building Qt itself. # E.g The Bluetooth features that require Android 21 will disable themselves dynamically when running on an Android 16 device. # That's why we need to use Andoid-21 API version in Qt 5.9. # NDK $ndkVersionLatest = "r25b" $ndkVersionDefault = "r23b" $ndkChecksumLatest = "b2e9b5ab2e1434a65ffd85780891878cf5c6fd92" $ndkChecksumDefault = "6e3fb50022c611a2b13d02f5de5c21cc7206a298" $ndkCachedUrlLatest = "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\android\android-ndk-$ndkVersionLatest-windows.zip" $ndkOfficialUrlLatest = "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-$ndkVersionLatest-windows.zip" $ndkCachedUrlDefault = "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\android\android-ndk-$ndkVersionDefault-windows.zip" $ndkOfficialUrlDefault = "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-$ndkVersionDefault-windows.zip" $ndkFolderLatest = "c:\Utils\Android\android-ndk-$ndkVersionLatest" $ndkFolderDefault = "c:\Utils\Android\android-ndk-$ndkVersionDefault" $ndkZip = "c:\Windows\Temp\android_ndk.zip" # SDK $toolsVersion = "2.1" $toolsFile = "commandlinetools-win-6609375_latest.zip" $sdkApi = "ANDROID_API_VERSION" $sdkApiLevel = "android-31" $sdkBuildToolsVersion = "31.0.0" $toolsCachedUrl= "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\android\$toolsFile" $toolsOfficialUrl = "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/$toolsFile" $toolsChecksum = "e2e19c2ff584efa87ef0cfdd1987f92881323208" $toolsFolder = "c:\Utils\Android\cmdline-tools" $sdkZip = "c:\Windows\Temp\$toolsFile" function Install($1, $2, $3, $4) { $cacheUrl = $1 $zip = $2 $checksum = $3 $offcialUrl = $4 Download $offcialUrl $cacheUrl $zip Verify-Checksum $zip "$checksum" Extract-7Zip $zip C:\Utils\Android Remove $zip } Write-Host "Installing Android NDK $ndkVersionDefault" Install $ndkCachedUrlDefault $ndkZip $ndkChecksumDefault $ndkOfficialUrlDefault Set-EnvironmentVariable "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT_DEFAULT" $ndkFolderDefault if (Test-Path -Path $ndkFolderLatest) { Write-Host "Android Latest version is the same than Default. NDK installation done." } else { Write-Host "Installing Android NDK $nkdVersionLatest" Install $ndkCachedUrlLatest $ndkZip $ndkChecksumLatest $ndkOfficialUrlLatest Set-EnvironmentVariable "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT_LATEST" $ndkFolderLatest } Install $toolsCachedUrl $sdkZip $toolsChecksum $sdkOfficialUrl New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $toolsFolder Move-Item -Path C:\Utils\Android\tools -Destination $toolsFolder\ Set-EnvironmentVariable "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" "C:\Utils\Android" Set-EnvironmentVariable "ANDROID_API_VERSION" $sdkApiLevel if (IsProxyEnabled) { $proxy = Get-Proxy Write-Host "Using proxy ($proxy) with sdkmanager" # Remove "http://" from the beginning $proxy = $proxy.Remove(0,7) $proxyhost,$proxyport = $proxy.split(':') $sdkmanager_args = "--no_https", "--proxy=http", "--proxy_host=`"$proxyhost`"", "--proxy_port=`"$proxyport`"" } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\Utils\Android\licenses $licenseString = "`nd56f5187479451eabf01fb78af6dfcb131a6481e" Out-File -FilePath C:\Utils\Android\licenses\android-sdk-license -Encoding utf8 -InputObject $licenseString # Get a PATH where Java's path is defined from previous provisioning [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "Machine"), "Process") # Attempt to catch all errors of sdkmanager.bat, even when hidden behind a pipeline. $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" cd $toolsFolder\tools\bin\ $sdkmanager_args += "platforms;$sdkApiLevel", "platform-tools", "build-tools;$sdkBuildToolsVersion", "--sdk_root=C:\Utils\Android" $command = 'for($i=0;$i -lt 6;$i++) { $response += "y`n"}; $response | .\sdkmanager.bat @sdkmanager_args | Out-Null' Invoke-Expression $command $command = 'for($i=0;$i -lt 6;$i++) { $response += "y`n"}; $response | .\sdkmanager.bat --licenses' iex $command cmd /c "dir C:\Utils\android" Write-Output "Android SDK tools= $toolsVersion" >> ~/versions.txt Write-Output "Android SDK Build Tools = $sdkBuildToolsVersion" >> ~/versions.txt Write-Output "Android SDK Api Level = $sdkApiLevel" >> ~/versions.txt Write-Output "Android NDK = $ndkVersionDefault" >> ~/versions.txt