# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only . "$PSScriptRoot\helpers.ps1" # Here we build gRPC libraries for MinGW and MSVC. # Since it's a c++ library we need both msvc and mingw because they mangle symbols differently. # For MSVC it builds with both debug and release configurations because of the visual c++ runtime. # For MinGW we only need one, so we only build with release. # The function below takes care of the common part of building - invoking cmake, # calling ninja and installing it to a directory which we set an environment variable to. # Because we have two compilers we also have two env. vars. and then each # config in CI has the gRPC_ROOT set to the appropriate one. function build-install-grpc { param( [string]$CC, [string]$CXX, [string]$BuildType, [string]$Postfix # Used for install-path and the environment variable name ) $installPrefix = "C:\Utils\grpc" $installPath = "${installPrefix}-$Postfix" $envVariableName = "Protobuf_ROOT_$Postfix" $protobufRoot = (Get-Item -Path "Env:$envVariableName").Value Write-Output "Configuring and building gRPC for $CXX" $oldCC = $env:CC $oldCXX = $env:CXX $env:CC = $CC $env:CXX = $CXX Remove build-grpc mkdir build-grpc Push-Location build-grpc $configureOptions = @( # add postfix for multi-config "-DCMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX=d" "-DCMAKE_RELWITHDEBINFO_POSTFIX=rd" # plugins "-DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_CSHARP_PLUGIN=OFF" "-DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_NODE_PLUGIN=OFF" "-DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_OBJECTIVE_C_PLUGIN=OFF" "-DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_PHP_PLUGIN=OFF" "-DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_PYTHON_PLUGIN=OFF" "-DgRPC_BUILD_GRPC_RUBY_PLUGIN=OFF" # extensions "-DgRPC_BUILD_CSHARP_EXT=OFF" # general "-DgRPC_BUILD_TESTS=OFF" "-DgRPC_PROTOBUF_PROVIDER=package" "-DgRPC_SSL_PROVIDER=package" # protobuf "-DProtobuf_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$protobufRoot" ) cmake .. -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES="$BuildType" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$installPath" $extraCMakeArgs $configureOptions $result = $LASTEXITCODE if ($result -eq 0) { # ninja install:all # This is broken and does not work foreach ($config in $BuildType.split(";")) { ninja -f "build-$config.ninja" install } $result = $LASTEXITCODE } $env:CC = $oldCC $env:CXX = $oldCXX Set-EnvironmentVariable "gRPC_ROOT_$Postfix" "$installPath" Pop-Location Remove build-grpc if ($result -ne 0) { throw "Build exited with $result" } } # Ensures a tool is in path or adds it to path if the $Path supplied to it # contains it. Will throw if it's not found at all function Find-Tool { param( [string]$Name, [string]$Path ) # Is tool missing from path? if (!(Get-Command $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Is tool in the $Path directory? if (Test-Path "$Path\$Name" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $env:Path += ";$Path" } else { throw "Cannot find $Name in path or $Name in $Path, something is configured wrong" } } } # This script is fairly late in provisioning so both of these should be present! Find-Tool -Name "cmake.exe" -Path "C:\CMake\bin" Find-Tool -Name "ninja.exe" -Path "C:\Utils\Ninja" $version="1.50.1" $sha1="be1b0c3dbfbc9714824921f50dffb7cf044da5ab" $internalUrl="http://ci-files01-hki.ci.qt.io/input/automotive_suite/grpc-all-$version.zip" $externalUrl="" $basedir = "$env:HOMEDRIVE\$env:HOMEPATH\grpc" mkdir $basedir $targetDir = "$basedir\grpc-$version" $targetFile = "$targetDir.zip" Download $externalUrl $internalUrl $targetFile Verify-Checksum $targetFile $sha1 Extract-7Zip $targetFile $basedir Remove $targetFile Push-Location $targetDir ### gRPC supports only MSVC compiler EnterVSDevShell # We pass along an extra argument to stop gRPC linking with the static runtime to match Protobuf config build-install-grpc -CC "cl" -CXX "cl" -BuildType "Release;RelWithDebInfo;Debug" -Postfix "msvc" -ExtraArguments @("-DgRPC_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME=OFF") Pop-Location Remove $basedir Write-Output "gRPC = $version" >> ~/versions.txt